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  • 3 weeks later...
So... (apart from abby,) which one is which?


Guessing (left to right):


Little Horus




Very cool. I especially like the armour colour.


Oh, and a second vote for a horus mini. That would be awesome. You've inspired me to make that luna wolves/sons of Horus army I've been thinkign about for soooooo long.



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when i look at these models i see a few things. first that the model second to the left looks like it was built from the Master of the Watch model from the masters of the chapter. i can tell from the keys hanging at his belt. and he has the look of holding the axe just instead was holding a sword.


now as for the guessing on who was who. I know abby is on the far left that is of course the most obivious. but for the sake of guessing, my run is like this


Abbadon far left


Little Horus Aximand second on the left. I geuss this as Little horus for from what i remember of the books by the end only Loken and Tarik had Bolt pistols and this one has a bolter.


Loken: middle right, I guess this one to be loken for i remember in the end from the book that Loken was working on trying to thrust his chainsword. though Abbadon but failed to do because of abbadons terminator armor. though the long hair makes me wonder as Loken was desc as having shorter hair greyer hair then the rest.


Tarik: and the last being Tarik the fun loving and joker who met the sad end of being beheaded. as i know that Tarik had no helment and in this model it is laying on the ground in front of him makes me think its him.


*bows in respect* thats all of it for me. peace!

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The Above guessers, if you dont mind looking at their kneepad, where their company's number is painted on...

so from left to right is:

Horus from the 1st company in TDA, mister X, Tarik from the 2nd Company, and little Horus from the 5th..



and that leaves Mister X to be Loken from the 10th


edit: fixed one retarded mistake

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Isn't Loken Captain of the tenth?

yeah that is right...I was thinking of Loken the New Moon, and then got distracted :D

Uhh... I don't understand what you're implying - you said Loken is captain of the ninth, and unless I've missed something, I'm pretty sure he wasn't changed to Cap'n of the ninth.

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