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War Dogs


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I really wanted to get my Orks ready in time for an event at WHW in April but I need another hundred and forty quids worth of models in order to get them finished.

So rather than give up altogether I am speed painting basically every spare marine I have in order to get a force together in time for april and won't cost me a penny hopefully.


The War Dogs


This is a fairly simple army made mainly from AoBR models left over from various conversion projects. In total I should be able to manage 1500pts and have adopted a no thrills approach to getting the army together given the time frame of the project.

I'm going for an infantry heavy force initially with the chapter being successors of the Invaders.


I've have a couple of Dreadnoughts, Land Raider Crusader, a Vindicator, Predator Destructor, Predator Annihilator, two Rhinos and around seventy odd marines to draw my force from so hopefully I can concentrate on painting rather than draining my bank account.


Initially I'm looking at fifty marines with some heavy support thrown in like the Crusader or Vindicator. I'd like to get this Plasma Cannon dred in there somewhere as well that I made from an AoBR dreadnought and some Redeemer bits left over from the Crusader.




Here's the first model off the block, a WIP tactical squad combat squad leader. I've developed a pretty straight forward approach for the colour scheme which seems to be a bit washed out in these pictures.







I've drybrushed Mecharite Red over a black undercoat then gone over this with Scab Red. I've then gone over this with Devlin Mud wash and once dry gone over this with Red Gore. I then highlighted with a mix of orange and red gore, simple stuff but effective. Unfortuantely as you can see the camera makes them kind of pink in hue but in reality they are more of a rather nice deep burgandy colour.

The chapter symbol was a pain to come up with. I tried a number of different designs before settling on the Space Wolves Grey Hunter symbol because it's simple to mass paint which lead to the name War Dogs.

I botched the eyes on the symbol so I'll be going back over it to clean up the eyes as they are a little wonky at the moment.

I'm going to do them on desert bases to make them stand out a little better and because it's pretty quick to do.


It's nothing fancy but should allow me to get enough painted models together in time for the bash, I'll try and take some day light shots to see if I can improve the picture colour quality because they look quite nice in person.


Here's a shot of the first squad before painting started.




Depending on the final list this guy will be the War Dogs Chapter Master using the Pedro Cantor rules.



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They're just standard AoBR marines that come with the starter set so no work was required what-so-ever.


Aah, I hadnt looked that closely at the AoBR stuff. Hmm, don't think it would take too much work, might try something similar for a new marine army. Then again, I'm still not finished with the last 4 marine armies I've tried converting/painting so maybe I'd better stick to them first :huh:

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Thanks for the support mate! ;)


Probably right though...


Here's my WIP War Dog pattern Landraider Crusader.

I'm a big fan of the Landraider but wanted something with a bit more presence on the battle field and this is how I've always pictured the adamantium beast in my mind.

I've got the bulk of the model in place now but still have to add the doors which are currently being cleaned up and are just blu-taced in place for the time being.

I'm currently GSing the gaps and generally cleaning the model up. The Hurricane bolters had to be cut down slightly to fit the sponsons but I wanted a more gothic gritty feel to the model and had originally planned to build this as a truescale landraider but it fits well with the War Dogs.

The gunner will eventually become a Sergeant Kronos proxy to give it extra punch and so I'll be making a foot model to go with it.

Besides that why should all the guard players just get to play with really big tanks...










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Cheers guys! :)


paulson games: Yeah, I think that you may be right there mate, especially with eight man terminator models.



I'll try my best to explain how it was made as it was quite easy really. Hopefully this will make sense but I'm more than a little woozy at the moment from some rather strong painkillers so bare with me here. ;)


The model is basically split into three main components the Baneblade track sections and the hull of the landraider as you can see here:




The track sections are made just as you would make normally so you can follow the instructions pretty much out of the box. The hull itself is a little trickier to describe but I'll do my best.

Basically the landraider track section is split into two pieces, the inner section that attachs to the hull and the outer section that you stick the sponsons and doors on. You build the hull as you would normally but don't glue the h-shaped top section on just yet.

You need to remove all the detailing on the outer side of the inner track section. So this means cutting off all the pegs, the ridges, the big square bits between the doors and basically making the surface flat so that it'll fix directly to the tracks.

With a bit of work you probably could cut a section out of the inner side of the baneblade tracks to allow the access ramp to still work but I'm a bit pressed for time so just cut it all off.

It's best to do this first before constructing the Landraider hull.


Once you've got the hull compete you can now convert the h-section that goes on top. If you look at the picture above you can see that I've removed the track guard with the lights where it starts to bend down at a forty five degree angle. I've also removed the parts of the track guard at the rear.


Attach the hull to the tracks then add the h-shape top section afterwards. It's probably best if you do a dry fit first with blu-tac to see how it fits together.

On the rear of the baneblade track there is a small wall section that attachs the piece where the fuel drums attach to the baneblade hull via some hosing. You need to remove that piece of the hull so the that tracks are flush at the back.

I've begun filling the gaps with GS but you could probably do the same with plasticard.

Trick is when placing the hull to make sure that the ramp will clear the wheel axels on the front inner side of the tracks when it drops down otherwise you're going to have to do some serious explaining to the the Terminator Assault squad that's trapped inside. :ermm:


The sponson are made pretty much as standard as the Baneblade ones. The only difference being that I didn't include the rod in the center that the orignal heavy weapons are attached to to allow them to turn. I did, however have to make the holes that the guns stick out of in the gun section of the sponsons slightly longer to fit the weapons. The bolters themeselves are the standard plastic Crusader hurricane bolters with the bottom two cut off. the top two are then assembled as normal and then glued to the inside of the tube that they stick out of. You could probably get away with sticking cut down las-cannons in there if you wanted to make a regular 'Raider.


I hope that makes sense? :angry:

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Cheers guys! :)


Firenze: Cheers mate, it's going well at the moment as I've got the first tacical squad finished and am starting on the captain and chapter master. Tomorrow I'll be focusing soley on the Landraider though as it's the army center piece.


GearBoxClock: Bored? Perhaps he's tired of cleansing the galaxy of xenos scum?

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dog...u r a genius...can i say ive got a buddy GSing 22 chaos warrior legs...ive bitz ordered enuff stuff to outfit them all...am preparing to TS termis and have been lookin @ my baneblade and trying to figure out how to make it into a pre heresy LR...

did i say u r a genius???...yeah, i did

thx for your input 2 our hobby bro!!!

look 4ward to posting some pics of my doods in the next few weeks 4 your critique

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Another project you'll break my heart with ;)


The bane-raider is rad!


1.What I would do is use rhino side doors so that you can get the thing small enough to fit inbetween the wheels and tacks. Maybe use 2 on each side.

2.The MM is yelling for a turret mount. A Large Tank could allow for a small turret (pred turret perhaps) with the MM mounted on the front. Maybe beef the MM up a little.

3. Hope you used magnets for the sponson weapons. That way this baby can be a Godhammer or LRR -- or any FW models. This thing would make a perfect terminus pattern.


Great work as usual. At least finish the tank. The troops can be plastic until you decide to give this one up and do something else.

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Cheers guys! :P


lionofjudah: Glad I can be some inspiration to you mate. I'd love to see your marines when they're done. Make sure you let me know when you have a thread up and I'll drop in to take a look. If you get any problems with the Raider let me know and I'll see if I can give you some pointers. :o


Master Toddius: Ok, I personally give you my word that I will finish the tank. ;)

That's a really good idea with the MM turret. I've done something similar for the Vindicator I'm building at the moment except with a stormbolter using one of the spare small turrets that go on the Baneblade sponsons. I really wish I'd thought about using magnets now for the sponsons, that's a great idea! I think you can actually buy the sponson sprue from GW direct as well.

I agree this'd make an excellent Terminus Landraider.

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This definately got some gears going in my head and I'll have to try a variant of this. I think what I may try is actually widening it a bit and extending the center hull so it is longer. Basially widen it so that the full width of the landraider's tread guard fits inside the baneblade tread. Then cover the track part of the landraider with styrene sheeting to make it look like part of the standard hull. Move the center hull forward as far as it'll go without looking odd. By widening it and pushing the assault ramp forward a bit it may help with the cramped deployment zoneg. Then in order to extend the hull the full length of the body I'd make a cut about midway in the landraider body and create a body spacer with styrene. A predator turret with mulimelas would definately look cool and still fit within the standard landraider format.


I'm not sure how well those modifcations would work as I don't have a baneblade on hand to test fit parts with.



If you want to push it towards something of apoc level superheavy I'm sure it could be combined with one of the new blade variants for outright ugliness, like vulcan mega bolters.

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