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Imperial Fists 7th Company


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Hello, new to the forum and I just wanted someones opinion on


after a five year break from warhammer I decided to pick it up, and decided to use an Imperial Fists army, however I wanted to use a sort of rustic style, similar to the guide in this thread http://bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?s...painting+yellow (post ten). However I decided slightly different routine, starting if with a chaos black spray, a heavy drybrushing of iyanden darksun, followed by a brushing of golden yellow, finished with a liberial coating of gryphonne sepia, as they are seventh company i decided to use warlock purple for the lining.


Unfortunately my digital camera broke so im going to have to upload pictures from my mobile camera, however I was hoping for some critique of the finished model. I dont want to to be golden demon standard, but I would like to know if you'd consider them table top quality.












criticism required :ph34r:


EDIT: just realised I may of posted this in the wrong place, the models are still work in progress perse (requiring touchups) I just thought it would be better to get a critical appraisal before continueing. Sorry if this is in the wrong place.

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i was thinking nuclear desert/city rubble. Ive never attempted either before so it was going to depend on how easily i could find tutorials on them.


The camera's a gonna, I'm a kayaker and I keep it in a water proof pocket in my kag(form of over suite) for when i want to take snaps of were im kayaking however my pocket came undone and my camera fell out... and sunk.



so basically im gonna have to buy a new one, but this marine army is only at 580 points at the moment, so models are taking a higher priority!


thanks for the feed back people :P


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