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Sternguard and Devastator Squads


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Hi Folks,

This is a full 10 man Devastator Squad that I recently completed along with several sternguard

Dev Squad


Squad members


More Squaddies


Sargeant and Missile carrier


Now for the Sternguard

The first one is a homemade Sternguard using bits from the Khorne Berzerkers, rhino storm bolter and ravenwing helmet.



C&C welcomed. Also, Some of you may notice some chipping on the third Sternguard bolter strap. Given the way these models are painted, what would you recommend to stop the chipping from happening?


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I like, the scheme is simple, yet effective, they look really imposing!! I wouldn't want to fight them!! Actually I tell a lie, I would love to fight them...or any army for that matter...just one game...one tiny little game...*weeps softley*


I'm not a fan of teh beret, but that's more my personal taste than any real criticism of your work. And thanks for pointing out that the KB sprue/legs have that 'band' round the thigh, I think you can consider that pikey'd!!


I would recomend drilling the barrels out though, it goes no end towards improving the look of your minis. And removing the mold lines too. Yes, doing so is long and arduous and by the end you'll want to turn the knife on your self rather than scrape another line of plastic off, but it is worth it in the end (if only to shut people like me up!!).


As for the chipping, well repair is easy, simply re-undercoat the chipped areas black and repaint as you did the whole strap. As for protecting them, may I recomend varnish. Purity Seal by GW can be good but there have been quiet a few cases of people having 'issues' with it, so you might want to look into stuff like Testors Dull Coat etc. though I think a satin varnish on the armour would look cool and make them 'pop' that little more.

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Thanks for the replies.


Indeed I need to drill out the bolters. As far as mold lines are concerned I try my best. I get the bad ones but you're right...


I've found that all but one of the khorne berzerker legs are actually very chaosy. I've used them for my vanguard and sternguard seeing as they are the closest thing to pimped up legs you can get.



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