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[Artwork] "The Mournival"

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Salutations, brothers! It's been some time without an udate on my Libris Primaries thread, chronicling the process of my rendering all of the Emperor's Primarchs. And it will atill bit a little while longer before I update over there, so I thought I could post up this in turn, which is somewhat related; it certainly is a Pre-Heresy image after all!




This image is the property of painter extraordinaire Chris Borer, multi-Slayer Sword winner! <_< I've always enjoyed working with him a lot, because he has great ideas he pitches to me, and together we're able to bring the characters to life in a very unique way. He's also one of the few people I know that can nit-pick a work to death and always be right on the spot about the changes (the other is our very own colrouphobic, followed closely by Commissar Molotov...)


This time, he gave me the opportunity to tackle characters of legend I'd always wanted to illustrate: "Little Horus" Aximand, Abaddon, Loken and Torgaddon, the fabled Mournival brotherhood that the Warmaster Horus trusted to counsel him during the Great Crusade's last days, before the Heresy.

Ever since I read "Horus Rising" by Dan Abnett I've wanted to illustrate Loken and the rest of the characters; but Loken particularly. And, I think I've done quite a good job on him and the others.

There are a lot of details you'll hopefully recognise: the moon phases each Company Captain was associated with in the Luna Wolves's ranks; the similarity of the face of Aximand to my own rendition of Horus, as well as the hints of the eye of Horus, or the company numerals on their armours; or the Terra with Luna in the middle panel, a nod to the fluff hinting that Luna Wolves's recruits were organised and bio-enhanced into Space Marines in the Moon labs...

As far as colours go, this is also a piece that makes me proud: I've kept cool grays on the armours and went full warm on the backdrops, to make the characters stand out more; and the armour itself looks as if it was newly polished, which is also great, because it conveys that sense of hope and high honour of the Pre-Heresy days.

A couple of details worthy of notice are some creative license we've taken with Chris on Abaddon's armour: he's described as wearing a black Terminator armour in the books. But we felt going full black with him, whilst the other Captains had white on them would've put too much attention on him. It also would've (attached to his aggressive stance) made him look too Chaos-y, and this is a Pre-Heresy image.


So, I won't bore you to death with more and hope you enjoy this piece and let me know what you think as usual!



Until soon!


Aerion the Faithful

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Fantastic Rendition of the Mournival!

As always with your work, I look forward to more.


Thank you very much, mate! It's good to know that you expect more art... certainly encourages me to do more!


Wow - fantastic work (as always). I always had trouble getting an image for the Mournival characters in my mind, but your illustration really gives them a human face, and a diverse range of emotions that makes them look like a band of brothers.

Please, keep doing more!


That's a great compliment, Galen! The true job of any good illustrator is to bring to life what other simagine and doing it in such a way as to capture as much of the characters's essence as possible. So, my artwork having given you the image you lacked of the characters is a HUGE achievement. I will keep at it and you keep looking!



Aximand and Loken are my favourites! :)


Mine as well, my brother; you know how we have similar tastes ;)


Tarik has to be my favourite, but whenever I look at his I can't help compare him to the Obi-Wan from the cartoon series. This is better, of course ;)

EDIT: Wow, I just saw the moon phases. That is a stroke of genius! :)


Better than Obi-Wan? Heh, heh... that is excellent praise! MOre than I could ask. I love the designs in Clone Wars ;) And yes, the Moons were soething that Chris was very keen on having so I tried to make the best of them as a key element to the characters.


Thank you very much, mate!


Tarik is great, love the expression on his face.

Call me crazy, but Abaddon just looks like he needs to poop. Don't get me wrong, his mini looks the same.


Thank you, Jeff! Tarik is actually the one character I'm still uncertain about, but it's great to know even then I managed to do a good job on him.

Perhaps the whole 'turning to Chaos' thing from Abaddon was instigated by the promise of a toilet? :rolleyes:



Why is Abaddon wearing white?

I thought the Luna Wolves first compagny was all black.

But awesome work like always mate.


-Reply quickly tackled by Iron Man Molotov!-


Thank you for the kind words, mate!


Excellent render of the once so fierce 16th legion (my fav' is Torggadon)

Great work as usual Aerion !!

Cpt Stahl.


Long time no see, Cpt.! Glad to see there's Sharks about still ;) And liking my artwork as usual... I couldn't ask for more!


Keep those comments coming, if you've got them and very soon I'll have a new image coming up!



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Amazing as usual,Aerion!

I actually saw this a few days earlier on your DeviantART gallery and wondered when are you gonna put them on B&C and here they are! :lol:

I love how you stayed consistent with the stances of the characters just like with the primarchs (the loyalist facing to the left and traitors to the right)

...but what about Horus Aximand? He looks a little bit neutral ;) !

Anyway,can't wait for Fulgrim and the rest of the primarchs!



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"Abaddon possessed both a suit of power armour and suit of Terminator Armour, the former being painted in the standard colours of his Legion, while the latter was primarily black in colouration. This marked him out as a member of the 1st Company elite, all of whom wore black armour.1 Indeed, Abaddon's personal unit was the black-armoured Justaerin Terminator Squad [snip] Towards the end of the Great Crusade, Abaddon would only be seen in his black Terminator garb."


Both from Lexicanum. I know some people don't think it's a reliable source, but the above is all cited and referenced so as far as i care, it's canon. And I know it's cited from the BL HH books, but I take them as canon, because when it comes to the HH there is so little GW published fluff, we may as well take the BL as canon.


Oh, and great art BTW. I love the style. And all the little touches that you notice. Also liking the Primarch project as well.


My 1.37p



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Amazing as usual,Aerion!

I actually saw this a few days earlier on your DeviantART gallery and wondered when are you gonna put them on B&C and here they are!

I love how you stayed consistent with the stances of the characters just like with the primarchs (the loyalist facing to the left and traitors to the right)

...but what about Horus Aximand? He looks a little bit neutral!

Anyway,can't wait for Fulgrim and the rest of the primarchs!



It's always great to find that people are following my work over at other sites; and certainly dA is THE place to be if you want my latest news.

I'm glad you like the stances of the characters and that you picked up the small detail of the loyalists facing right and the traitors left. Aximand does look a bit neutral, but I guess that's just how he came out, and not something entirely on purpose. Sometimes things can get away from you like that in the rush of inspiration.

I'll have news of Fulgrim soon!

Thank you!


Just fantastic, my wife and I are loving your work



Thank you very much, mate! Cheers to you and your lady!


Truly awsome work mate :)

Cant wait to see more of the primarches either though love the fealin g you got of them all here and i must have skippt the part of abbadons black armour like the white of them and the essens you have captured of and in them..



Thank you very much for the support, mate! I believe further down (or up, depending on how you're reading this thread) there's a quote about Abaddon's armour ;)...


Very nice work.

Little Horus and Abaddon are great, brooding and hidden anger is definitely there!



Thank you, Corpus! It's certainly the mood I was going for with both of them.


"Abaddon possessed both a suit of power armour and suit of Terminator Armour, the former being painted in the standard colours of his Legion, while the latter was primarily black in colouration. This marked him out as a member of the 1st Company elite, all of whom wore black armour.1 Indeed, Abaddon's personal unit was the black-armoured Justaerin Terminator Squad [snip] Towards the end of the Great Crusade, Abaddon would only be seen in his black Terminator garb."


Both from Lexicanum. I know some people don't think it's a reliable source, but the above is all cited and referenced so as far as i care, it's canon. And I know it's cited from the BL HH books, but I take them as canon, because when it comes to the HH there is so little GW published fluff, we may as well take the BL as canon.


Oh, and great art BTW. I love the style. And all the little touches that you notice. Also liking the Primarch project as well.


My 1.37p




Thank you for teh quote, Meta! I always check Lexicanum, even though it's a bit wonky sometimes. But when it comes to the latest HH Books, they've been quite literally quoted so I tend to believe the information is correct. And I also take them as canon myself.


Too damn cool for words!

A truely great piece.




Great piece as usual. I love the idea of incorporating the moon phases with the individual characters.


Thank you very much for the constant support, mate!


I wanna told the same as DeviantART but... awesome! I'm in love with this picture


Great compliments indeed and all I needed to hear!


If this was an animated series I would buy it. I like you artwork, it is always awesome. It isn't dark like Karl Kopinski, who goes for the realism thing, but it still conveys the epic proportions of the Warhammer Universe. I always look forward to your threads!


That's an animated series I'd LOVE to work on, heh, heh... I know my work sort of deviates quite a lot from the usual GW standard, but it still fits, as you said, with the great epic scope of the Dark Millenium. Keep looking forward and I?ll keep bringing them threads!


Until soon!



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There is something very "comic-book" about your pieces that I love :D ! I think this style perfectly captures the 40K universe - after all, it is a universe in a fictional game. That is why I think your style works so well ;) . I have seen some Manga influenced 40K artwork, but they don't seem to have the edge that yours does and the manga style always seems to take certain artistic liberties.


Anyway, enough waffling from me. Love this piece (I might even "borrow" :lol: it as my desktop wallpaper - if thats ok with you) Keep up the excellent work! :D

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