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[Artwork] "The Mournival"

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Another excellent piece of art from you Aerion. :D My favorite of the bunch is 'Little Horus' Aximand, and the phases of the moon just complete it for me. A little off topic, but I'm sure you can understand. I know you're planning on continuing your drawings of the Primarchs, but do you plan on doing any pieces related to Watchmen? I just figured since the movie will be released soon (at least here in the US, not sure about worldwide) that you might do a sort of celebratory piece, inspired by such an awesome comic book. :)
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There is something very "comic-book" about your pieces that I love :) ! I think this style perfectly captures the 40K universe - after all, it is a universe in a fictional game. That is why I think your style works so well ;) . I have seen some Manga influenced 40K artwork, but they don't seem to have the edge that yours does and the manga style always seems to take certain artistic liberties.

Anyway, enough waffling from me. Love this piece (I might even "borrow" it as my desktop wallpaper - if thats ok with you) Keep up the excellent work!


I honetsly dislike manga a little bit, because I grew up in a completely different generation and was mostly fed european comics, which have such a wide range of styles and techniques that you end up being really open minded about them all. That's why I didn't hesitate (though I DID get scared to death) to illustrate the Dark Millenium, because I somehow felt I could merge my style and the universe of GW somehow and to a good result.

Borrow it, if it's only as a wallpaper, everything's good ;) and thank you very much!


That battle pic was BA!




Another excellent piece of art from you Aerion. :tu: My favorite of the bunch is 'Little Horus' Aximand, and the phases of the moon just complete it for me. A little off topic, but I'm sure you can understand. I know you're planning on continuing your drawings of the Primarchs, but do you plan on doing any pieces related to Watchmen? I just figured since the movie will be released soon (at least here in the US, not sure about worldwide) that you might do a sort of celebratory piece, inspired by such an awesome comic book. :)


Thank you very much, Darth! I really like Aximand as well; as a matter of fact I like him second to Loken. His expression came out really well, and he DOES look like the Horus I depicted in my Primarch renditions.

As for Watchmen related art, it's been a while now since I've wanted to pay the novel a good homage, but I still haven't found the scene that will make me take a stab at it. I've done several sketches, but they ended up as just that... I hope perhaps my love of the novel and the horror suscitated by the movie's plot changes will get my creative juices flowing! I'll keep you posted! ;)


Hey !

Very nice one. They share the glory so they have little less impact than individual portraits but the idea is awesome and you did so well !

Chris Borer is a man of taste and he's got quite a few from you now... Nevermind, he wont have Yellow ! NEVER 8)




Hey there, brother! It's been a long while, but I'm happy to see you're still lurking here and there, as usual... Chris is indeed a man of great tastes and I wouldn't know about that "Yellow" piece... he's ordered UTOPIA, so he'll fully understand her character and possibly like her so as to pay attention to that piece; unfortunately, it's saved for someone else ;)...


Until soon!



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Amazing piece of work, my good friend! It really captures the feel of optimism during the Great Crusade. Seeing the greatest heroes arrayed in their full splendor makes tears appear on one's cheeks whilst juxtaposing their futures. It only makes this drawing more dramatic and heartfelt.


By the way, is their any chance of putting up the image at a larger size? I would love to place it as my desktop background.

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I think the best compliment I could give that hasn't been mentioned yet is that when I saw the picture without looking too closely at the company numbers or the moon phases, I instantly identified all the characters even though I've never seen your other work and had no idea what to expect. You've captured their essences perfectly and subtly; Loken has a noble, stern but kind demeanor, while Torgaddon is tall and mischievous. Little Horus looks implacable, and Abaddon looks powerful and aggressive. They all look similar, but are so unique and distinct that it's instantly apparent who they're supposed to be.
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Amazing piece of work, my good friend! It really captures the feel of optimism during the Great Crusade. Seeing the greatest heroes arrayed in their full splendor makes tears appear on one's cheeks whilst juxtaposing their futures. It only makes this drawing more dramatic and heartfelt.

By the way, is their any chance of putting up the image at a larger size? I would love to place it as my desktop background.


Thank you so very much for such a heartfelt review, mate! It's a true reawrd for me to get comments like these from the people that love these characters as much as I do.

I agree that this image does have a whole double-meaning, showing us the bright future of a growing Imperium and its finest soldiers, but also reminding us of their fall.

I actually can't post a high resolution file, because this is the property of Chris Borer now and it would be a bit unethical if people had access to something he ordered himself. I hope you'll understand!


I think the best compliment I could give that hasn't been mentioned yet is that when I saw the picture without looking too closely at the company numbers or the moon phases, I instantly identified all the characters even though I've never seen your other work and had no idea what to expect. You've captured their essences perfectly and subtly; Loken has a noble, stern but kind demeanor, while Torgaddon is tall and mischievous. Little Horus looks implacable, and Abaddon looks powerful and aggressive. They all look similar, but are so unique and distinct that it's instantly apparent who they're supposed to be.


That is indeed one of the best complients an illustrator can get, mate! It's, after all, what we're supposed to do: to be able to translate as faithfully as we can what everyone pictures in thier minds when reading the books. I'm glad I was up to the standard with the Mournoval, because they're certainly some of the most beloved characters in the HH Books.


Great work as usual. It's interesting that you made me see a total new image of Torgaddon... I don't know why but I always pictured him as older looking, but your young rendition fits him like a glove.. after all he's got the jovial tone and sense of humor.


That's another great compliment to hear, Chaplain! It's also a good illustrator's job to enhance the reader's and fans visions and capture their attention showing them another side of those characters they loved so much; of course, it's a very fine line between creative licenses and interpretations and keeping faithful to the descriptions, but I'm glad I could do the balancing just right.


Thank you all again for the wonderful response to this image and I hope to have more soon!



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Wow! this topic inspired me to finally make an account to post, and stop being lazy and just guesting.

The artwork looks great. But where is Ezekyle's topknot?


Having said that, in my mind's eye, Garviel and Tarik aren't what I imagined them to be, especially Tarik.

Just my personal opinion, and don't let me discourage you!

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  • 2 months later...
Absolutely beautiful, not gonna lie. In particular I love how you stayed so true to the background of the Mournival, in particular the angular jawline of the "Sons of Horus" and the very different, "rustic" features of Loken (who as we all know was NOT a "Son of Horus"). Loken in particular really captures his stern yet thoughtful character, which I find could make him very well the most interesting Horus Heresy character to draw. I've been following your artwork closely since I've discovered it, though a thought brought up in a previous entry was that you would do "dueling" pics of the primarchs. Have you considered doing pics of Loken or Torgaddon in their own climactic duels? A humble suggestion from a big fan!
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