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Imperial Fist log.


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Hello there thought I'd share some pics of my test Imperial Fist marine. I was thinking of maybe putting together a small combat patrol force of Imperial Fists but thought I should see if I could do yellow first. The marine is an old mini who has been cut up into many parts and had many things filed off so the finish isn't particularly smooth. But I'm interested to know what I can do to give the mini more depth. I've lined him with Gryphonne Sepia and then Devlan Mud in the deeper recesse but it still looks a bit...meh. Any help would be much appreciated.




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It's not inking, it's washing. ;)


Anyway, perhaps an extra layer of shading, and/or a layer of highlighting would make the armor "pop" a little more. Also, the grill of the helmet should be black, and the barrel drilled out on the bolt pistol.


Those small things would take this to a dramatic level.


Great work!

Cheers for the replies. Thanks 5nivF, I'll give that Ogryn Flesh a try, cheers for the tip. And about the head being quite high, two things conspire on this model to make it that way. Firstly the torso had an Iron warriors head on it which was attached with some sort of wonder glue, when it came off (eventually) it took some of the gorget with it. And secondly there is still some of that same wonder glue in the neck socket. But like I said he's only to see what the colours are like. I've been working with the gril a bit today as well, I added another layer of Badab Black wash to it to make it stand out and I've built up some of the washes on the helmet. Originally he would have had a skull on his chest but it was so full of gunk and a slip of the modeling knife that I decided to get rid of it all together. Perhaps he's a penitent or something :D. Any ways cheers for the advice I'll try and get some pics up soon.

Right so I did a bit more work on him today, I drill out the bolt pistol when I get a drill, which could be a while. Any way I've added more badab black to the grill and some washes of devlan mud to the helmet to try and give it more depth. Also lined the inside of the trims a bit more.




I'm thinking if I do a small force of these that they ar all gonna have sculpted shoulder pads cos those transfers annoy me. :mellow:

Well I've more or less finished that mini now (even got round to basing him :D ). I also finished another on who still needs basing but I've begun work on a Heavy Flamer marine for a sternguard unit. So without further ado;




I'm aware of the hideous mold line on his head, but noticed to late.

C&C appreciated.

I like the heavy flamer. I'm working on two for my sternguard (just waiting for bits in the mail). I was wondering on the build out you planned for the 10 man unit. Look at this thread, please and let me know if you have comments. Thanks.


Pedro and Sternguard


I'm in the process of painting some crimson fists for my son. I think this unit would work for you as well if you're willing to paint Pedro yellow....

Thanks for the comments guys.


Grimfoe@ Spookily enough I was debating this with myself last night. I think it looks sound but I'm no master tactician. I was thinking of using Pedro as well, I see where you're coming from with the combi-meltas too you could certainly do some damage with them. Not a bad idea all round.


Inkman@ The recipie is super simple, it's just thinned down Golden Yellow on a white undercoat and using Gryphonne Sepia and Devlan Mud for shading. Then what ever company trim you fancy really.

Right I have updates on the Heavy Flamer vet. (conjures up an image of a disturbing Vetinary Practice). I've finished most of him but i have a few more things to do. His base is in the works and I have to add decals to him. Also I need to try and touch up the chest eagle a bit. But otherwise I'm pretty pleased with him so far.




Hello again, I thought I'd post up some progress of my 500pt Imperial Fist force. After doing some yellow dudes I figured I'd try my hand at a small force. Here are the pics.

Here's an army shot.


This is my Pedro Kantor, I swapped the head for the Sarg head in the Tactical box and gave him a regular looking Storm Bolter because the arm in the blister was miscast. Plus it gives him a slightly more individual look and it means, should I for some reason want he could be played as a Sternguard if I wanted to.


And finally here is a pic of the unit I've undercoated and begun painting. I'm not too happy with the way the heads came out and blame my impatience for that. So I've now decided to take this as slowly as possible to ensure they actually look good.


Cheers Duncs

Thanks for the kind words guys. Over this weekend I've made a bit of progress with the squad and Pedro. I've filled in most of the details on the Tacticals and given a few more coats of yellow to Pedro. Still got a bit to do on the squad but hopefully should have them finished by midweek. Then I can start on squad two and finish off the Dreadnought I've had sitting around for a year or so. For the markings I've decided that first squad will have a white trim around the tactical arrow and second will have yellow sort of following the codex company markings but on a squad level.



Tactical Squad;



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