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Still with me? Ok good. Please some C&C if you will. Painting modeling Etc. All except the tan Chapter Master. I know I know his paint is chucky and terrible, but do you like pose? All these are WIP so don't be too harsh.

Thanks in advance. The more real advice I get from pros like you guys the better I hopefully will become.


If you don't like 'em say so. You will not hurt my feelings in anyway. I just want to see what people think of them :rolleyes:

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Ok the Sisters, Aiiieee drybrushing is the enemy! Drybrushing is good for metal, chainmail in particular and fur and often when there is a nice raised texture. I would be hard pressed ever suggesting it for anything else. A lot of people like to use it, heck even gw has a painting guide for marines with drybrushing but it is just wrong.


The grey and the red contrast nicely but there needs to be more contrast within the grey armour I think. Maybe a black (or other dark colour) wash. This could also tone down the armour a touch and leave room for a nice hard edge lining highlight on the armour.


If the paint is too chunky are you watering down your paints enough? As much of a pain it is to do multiple thin coats rather than one thick coat, that one trick will go a long way to making your painting better. Can not stress how easy it is to do that and how many people don't.


The lips on the sisters I would suggest mixing in a bit of scab red with your base flesh colour. This gives a much more naturalistic look as if they are not wearing lipstick, and anyway bright red lipstick? they look like tarts! I know if I was going to wear lipstick on the battlefield it would not be bright red!


The Inquisitor/Chapter Master? in termi armour, I really like. The paint scheme is nice and simple but it works. The paint certainly does need to be watered down on that one, a bit of edge highlighting in medium to light grey along the sword and cloak would be nice. Except for the rough paint I really like your job on this one, the pose is good.


The drybrushing of the metal on the chain swords is nice and smooth.


The sisters repentia is not bad though perhaps a little more shading on the cloth, and layering/blending highlights on the skin. Skin requires a soft highlight where the lightest colour actually covers about 80 - 90 percent of the area, unlike a hard highlight often used on armour where the final lightest highlight is often only on the edges covering maybe 5 percent at most.


The master of the ravenwing is looking good so far. You do seem to be watering down your paints in this one and I can see great potential in it, don't be afraid to do several thin coats to build up a nice smooth solid colour. Needs a few touch ups here and there but as you said, wip.

@ Shadey Just what I needed! Thanks that a load of Help. I myself hated the lipstick, but it seemed like I needed it. I may just get rid of it all together. Oh and guess what I was using to base my painting style. The SM drybrush Tut. :lol: Bah oh well


@ Lord D For reals?! Huh... Not sure. Seemed to be ok for me. Try again later and if still doesn't work then I'll see what I can do

Please just quicky will do

the more people that comment the more advice I hope to get.


Shadey covered alot, but if have common problem then I know what I need to work on.

I don't less relpys then... http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...28&hl=Spess


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