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Starting some Salamanders


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Recently got back into 40k and have decided to pick up Sallies. But I decided I want to do a few small tweaks to the overall paint scheme, mostly in the backpacks of marines, the legs of terminators, and the heads of 'veterans'. Basically a little extra green on the backpacks, nothing huge, a little more black on the terminators, again nothing huge. But I'm currently thinking of adopting the 'red helmeted sgts' and apply it to all 'veterans' (Anything with 2+ attacks base in the army). I've only done a few test models so far (I paint REALLY SLOW) but I'm pretty happy with the way things are going. The only problem is I'm not sure how I'm going to convey Sgts in Vet squads. A few ideas I'm working on is using something other than red for them (orange?), or altering their shoulders to also have red (Either the rim, or the core). Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated :)


Here's a link to my Picasa album that I'll be dumping WIP pics into, I'll do follow up posts if I make updates since I paint so slow. ;)


My Salamander Gallery


Keep in mind all I've really done is Foundation paints, and a few metallics. I'm base coating everything before I go back with the snot green to do my second green which will pull it further from the black. (At least, that's the current plan)

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Well Sternguard veterans and Vanguard veterans have no difference than the other members of the squad, do they really -need- to be designed diferently? I mean the only difference between a Vanguard sergeant and a regular vanguard with a powersword is Nothing.


Just my 2 imperial throne gelt.

... the only difference between a Vanguard sergeant and a regular vanguard with a powersword is Nothing.

That's true, but it's a mental/fluff thing, if I had served long enough to become part of an elite veteran squad I'd like to think I'd have something to show for it, if nothing else to quickly identify me from a new brother. And on that logic quickly being able to tell the sgt out of a squad of vets in the middle of combat could be useful too. So some 'practicality' and some 'honor'...


Well for my sally termies I paint the backs of their legs blag with the green trim so that the instets are black. I also (you may have seen this already) paint the rectangle on their backs black.

It's hard to see but that's very similar to the terminator I have on my picasa album :lol:


You could paint the face plate a light orange and have the flame design painted on the panel covering the forehead area. That would stand out.

Oooh, I love this idea, the only problem is I'm not a very skilled painter (yet at least) and flame patterns frighten me.


Gonna try to paint some more tonight, see if I can't finish the base coats on that flamer and see what I grab after that.

What I've done to differentiate my veteran sergeants from the normal rank and file is to paint flames along the helmet brow or on the lower leg armor.


Another option which I'm going to do after I finish painting my Salamanders for an upcoming tournament is to paint a flame pattern on all their gauntlets, from the hands to halfway towards their elbow joints, to distinguish veteran status.

Update: I did get some painting done on my flamer then got massively side-tracked with a conversion project. 6 new pictures on Picasa of a Tac Sgt with Nocturne Pattern Combi-Flamer.


As always CC is greatly appreciated! :)


My Salamanders Picasa Dumping Grounds

I did some more work, gave the sgt a coat of black on his new plastic, and then finished his base of green. 3 new pictures added to the picasa. Sgt with red head shown with a few other based models and 2 metallic'd models as well. (I have decided to base the rest of the squad as a batch before going back to metallics going forward.


My Salamanders Picasa Album



Another day another update to be ignored :P


It appears attempting to use img tags to my picasa pictures isn't working, so I'll continue to just leave the album link. You guys are able to get in right? I set it to public.


Anyways, today I worked on a Terminator Sgt, to test out the waters on what I've been talking about differentiating Vet Sgts from regular Vets. I think I'm gonna go with the shoulderpad method after testing it out. I'm fairly pleased with the way it pops from the squad, and from the army, while still maintaining a coherent feel. I really have no idea if power swords have any fluff description about colors so I just went with red... Another thing to draw him out I guess. ^_^


CC welcomed and appreciated as always. ^_^


Visit My Salamander Picasa Album

Liking your minis. Looking good so far.


I've just got back into the hobby after about a 15 year break. I had a Salamanders army back then, so I thought I'd stick with them this time. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the colour scheme had totally changed. Sallies used to be a dark green (Darker than Dark Angels), a yellow chapter badge (Again, changed) although still had fire and flame icons.


Anyway, the fluff back then for veterans was to the reverse the colours on the shoulder pads - Yellow pads with dark green chapter symbol. Did all my terminators like that and thought they looked pretty good. You could still do this - Balck shouder pad rims with green inset.


I have played about with the SM Painter, I found that yellow, orange or black seem to work best. Either used as the helmet colour or a helmet stripe. Not sure which I'm going to use, but I also like the idea of flames on the helmet.


I'll need to post some pics once I've actually finished painting something :P

  • 4 months later...

Wow, it's been a while! :(

There's been a LOT of work and various other 'real life' junk going on and I haven't had a whole lot of time to put into the ol' hobby, but I had made more progress since my last post before that happened even... :) In anycase, I see I got a few responses so lets see here...

By the way, how big are you going to build this army to, at the moment my Salies army is 1500 and building to Apoc.

I'm currently getting dangerously close to 3000 points. My goal is to both get to Apocalypse sized games (alllllmost there) AND to fill a entire Force Org chart. IIRC (I'm at work currently) I have 2 tac squads, 1 scout squad, a proxy Vulkan (Must buy the new one now that he's out ;)), a terminator assault squad, 3 razorbacks, a drop pod and dread (must also upgrade to IronClad now that that kits out too x.X), a land speeder, a land raider redeemer, a vindicator, and a lascannon pred. I also have two unbuilt tac squads. LOTS OF WORK TO DO.

Anyway, the fluff back then for veterans was to the reverse the colours on the shoulder pads - Yellow pads with dark green chapter symbol. Did all my terminators like that and thought they looked pretty good. You could still do this - Balck shouder pad rims with green inset.

Oooh, that's pretty cool too, however I've moved forward with the red-heads and I'm pretty firmly in love with it at this point.


Below's another link to my picasa album with has updated pictures and a pseudo-battle report inside. It's still a bit out of date, but I'm hoping I can update again soon. FIGHT ON BROTHERS!


My Salamander Picasa Album



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