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Sorcerer WIP


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Sicarius is such a great model that as soon as I saw him I knew I wanted to do something with the model. After a while it dawned on me that the pose and general decorative nature of the model would make it perfect as the basis for a chaos lord. Since chaos lords aren't all that good in the codex I went for a sorcerer instead.


Luckily my EC army has been needing a good leader model for some time now (I've started 3 before but always end up unsatisfied with them)




Now i originally intended to use the daemonette standard (the one without the flag) for his right hand but having tested it it doesn't work very well. Does anyone have any suggestions for a nice ornate force weapon?


I'm also not sure what to put in his other hand. I was thinking about a daemonette claw, but that might look a bit obvious.



Comments and crit would be much appreciated.

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WOW, thats amazing!

I think Lucius whip, suitably bent or recreated would look amazing on this guy.

Failing that the weapons from the new sigvald the magnificent would also look good.

But hey I'm just a sucker for swords.

What ever you choose I cant wait to see how it looks when your done.



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Cheers guys.


I don't really want to use a sword for his weapon. I want something that looks more 'staff like' since he is a sorcerer after all. I think a sword might make him look like the pose from the Cadian colonel model. I think a hafted weapon will add to the models sense of height and imposition. I just can't think of a good one to use. The chaos knight lance might work though.

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first off fantastic greenwork that guy is starting out beautifully .

second ,for his other hand you could go with the slightly obvious open hand with some sorcerous power coming out.with your greenstuff skills i am sure you could do it justice.

as for the force weapon you could hash one together with parts from the imperial termy thunder hammer and chaos termy weapons

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First off, great stuff, your GS-Fu is strong :D


Few thoughts, for the right hand, you won't want anything too big, the position of the arm would make something larger than a dagger look awkward. I was thinking an orb might be quite cool, very classical Sorcerer image, and would be subtle enough to be obvious... if that makes sense.

Not quite sure for the left hand, a flag might look good, if it's leaning against the marine itself, and his arm/hand is just supporting it, without actually holding it.


Just my 2



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Oh wow - now you have the basis of an AMAZING Lord Commander of the Emperors Children there - with a bit of work Sicarius' head would fit it perfectly too - the smug grin and all. Give him hair like Jason Isaacs has in the Harry Potter films and I think it would look wonderful. Not what you are going for, I know, but still...
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Niiiiiiiccceeeeee... I like your GS work.. I wonder how the head will look like.


I'm kind of wondering that myself...


Its been started. The funny thing about greenstuff (or the way i use it anyway) is its really hard to see how well you've done the sculpting until you undercoat it.


Drudge Dreadnought- I'm entirely self taught when it comes to sculpting. I can't think of a tutorial I've ever read that told me how to do much more than sculpt hair. I've gone through a hell of a lot of trial and error. Check the link for a tutorial I wrote on sculpting EC heads. My top tip is to use small clay shapers rather than metal sculpting tools and to everything in lots of stages.


tutorial link

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Would you mind if we put that tutorial in the Librarium tortoise ?


EDIT: Excellent work BTW.



I'd be honoured.


Drudge Dreadnought- clay shapers can be picked up from pretty much any art and craft shop. They are flexible rubber sculpting tools that come in a variety of shapes. They also have size designations just like brushes do. In fact they look just like a paint brush with a shaped rubber tip instead of bristles. Because the rubber is flexible they give a much smoother finish than metal tools. In fact when I sculpt I use the shaper a bit like a brush, smoothing surfaces with many small strokes.

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I'd suggest maybe for his left hand the shield from the Sigvald(?) the magnificent fantasy mdel


also for his head why not the head from the fantasy khorne lords whth the horns


That head did almost get the vote. If the one I'm sculpting doesn't work out then I'm gonna see about sticking some greenstuff on that head.


For the staff I'm now considering the Tzeentch champions staff with a modified Slaanesh standard for the top part.


Still don't really know what to do for the other hand though.

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