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The Emperors Children and Angels of Genocide


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So I've taken a look at my collection and decided to show you all its present state. This is all stuff that's either been recently bought or assembled or stripped and awaiting repaint. I haven't finished anything here really. This is just incoming, as it were.


Suits the sub-forum, I gather.


Anyway ...


Emperors Children:


Daemon Prince (posted this before - now with new swords!TM):




Terminator Daemon Prince (3.5):





I was trying to replicate the very pale, almost white, shade given in the 4.0 codex. And also that this individual was on the very edge of ascension to daemonhood; his armour is becoming a part of his flesh, his face is his helmet etc.


And my possessed:









Liuetenant/sidekick with Lucius:



Noise Marines (Zealot of Chaos is responsible for the new arms):


These guys will be getting their new arms soon:



Champ + Icon Bearer of CSM squad:


Detail on crotch chainsaw (lol):



Rhino (needs more slaanesh):



Loyalists; these guys are only 6 models strong and exist solely as a result of some background I wrote.


Veteran Sergeant:














So what do you all think?

This is the start and I'm hoping this will motivate me a bit more than I currently am. There's also loads of other stuff not worth showing like daemonettes, my single Fiend and a horribly painted land raider that needs to be stripped and reassembled.


Long journey ahead ...

Thank you. Everyone seems to like him for some reason ...


A new conversion here, using parts from more than a half-dozen models. This is a sorceror, or possibly a Lord - I haven't decided yet; either way here he is with a staff:






Yeah, I cut up the WHFB slaanesh champ and fitted him around CSM parts - the GW clippers are very useful for cutting metal; I cannot stress how useful.


But I'm not sure what to do with his right arm - any suggestions?


The staff is one way to go, and it suits the pose, but something more slaaneshi would be better.


I can't think what.


Somebody bloody well better reply ...


(And soz about the pics - very dark where I am, even though it's morning.)

Nice work on the HQ mini, looks great ;)



I'm definitely quite fond of your EC stuff. You've definitely captured the the feel of an EC/Slaanesh army very well without going having to go overboard :cry:

I'm very flattered guys, thanks. The army would stand out more, however, were any of it finished. I'm very bad at painting models; I enjoy building them but when it comes to paint I get a little apathetic unfortunately ....


Sorceror (yes he's going to be a sorceror) finalised. Just need to glue it together, fill in gaps, maybe some small sculpting and he's finished.






Still dark - jesus. He also needs combat drug dispensers, now that I think about it. Dunno where I'm going to fit them in, though .... :rolleyes:


Do you think I altered the staff well enough to make it look distinct to this model?

That Sorc is perfect IMHO. The changes to the Staff are great and you've got a suitable Slaanesh feel to the mini with the more elegant feel about it instead of spurting out random claws, tails, hoofs and what-not.

awesome looking minis :P


especially love those possessed and those daemon princes :wacko: they fit the look perfectly

keep those pics coming


never been a fan of full gold models but you pull em off real well

Amazing stuff, Truly! I noticed you named your loyalist Chaplain Belial, Master of the Deathwing, DA isn't he?


I've had a chaplain named Belial since 2nd edition. Damn Andy Chambers!


The DP looks like the original epic Fulgrim was the basis for the idea.


I'd never even seen that model before you went and made me google it.


Odd coincidence of design ...


Thank you all for the replies; they keep me going.


Now, here we have the sorceror undercoated and with his skin done.

I'm quite happy with it.




The staff arm is still held on with blutac - I'm painting the pieces seperately because its very crowded around his head and hard to get at.


Still not 100% on the backpack from the previous pics, though; I might remove the banner/icon-plate thing ...

i really love your loyalists


I like the prince although the left sword arm seems a bit out of place as it is armoured - may look better in reality



He's not painted to the best of my ability, either.


I intend to add straps and clasps to the left side of his chest in order to illustrate how the armour is kept affixed to his body. He'll also be given piercings, leather, tattoos and what have you to break up the wide areas of bare skin which made me bored when I originally painted him and resulted in the -only- TT-standard he's at now.


All to come, once I get round to it ...

Although you've only started the paint work on the Sorceror, but from what i can see thus far, he will be a stunning piece indeed :D


I'd like to see your EC, Angelus.


Glad you like him ...


I've got the gold done today:




... you can tell I'm prevaricating, can't you.


Gah! This is always the stage in a mini where I lose my enthusiasm - colour choice.


I need advice; I need colours to liven up the model, namely on the cloth. I was thinking a deep red/pink as well as a blue/turquoise on the loincloth; some sort of design. The stocking thing will be magenta. Dunno about the hair. Maybe something like the boobprince.

The armour I think I'll leave black, because the pastel colours of slaanesh don't gel very well with gold; if anybody has any thoughts on this please contribute.

The cape will be a trial in itself. The outside will be scales and the inside will have to be hide. I'm thinking, again, an oceany blue green. The collar is another story.





My EC have been shelved for so long it isn't funny. Plus this was pre my crazy conversion days, so they are pretty much stock-standard marines.


One day i guess i will go back and re-do them.


As for your color issues, i like what you've already thought of, and it actually might be a 'relief' to see the pastel shades on items of clothing versus the armor itself. Plus there is still minimal amounts of armor, so leaving that as black i think is a wise choice.


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