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Alpha Level Psyker


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Every now and then, I get the urge to do a bad guy. I don't know why, but it usually comes down to an idea and then it's all downhill from there. I have been wanting to do something around this theme for quite awhile, but I needed to get my other commitments out of the way.


So, he's primarily for special scenarios and Apocalypse, though I could also end up using him as a radical Inquisitor. Anyway, I think that in a game, I'll run him using the Eldrad rules so that he can use Mind War and Doom to mess with his surrounding area.


He won't have a name, but we'll all know who he is.






Face close ups





I am planning on doing his robe in a purple, the armor in green. The face will be...well, you know. :D


C&C greatly appreciated! I know, get some paint on him.



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A fitting tribute to the late Heath Ledger. Some of the quotes and general style of the Joker in this particular film were the pure essence of Chaos, and it remains one of my favourite films, largely for his contribution.


As for the rules... I'm not convinced. To be honest, something like a Callidus or an Eversor Assassin would work better. He isn't a masterminding genius, he's a psychopathic lunatic. A clever one, but still a psycho.

Ohh, skulls...


In the name of the Emperor, I demand to know from what kit you got the skulls stuck in the pile of mud from!

Pretty, please?


I'm going to make this servo-skull... disappear.


Thanks for reminding me of Morte, the floating skull in Planescape: Torment!

The skulls look like they are from the old warhammer fantasy skeleton regiment. (which was discontinued some time ago)


That'd be my guess. Robe & body would be dark angels veteran bits, the head I'm not sure could be a standard bare marine head with GS hair, but given that the face is apropriately mangled it could be from most any mini.


The brown is obviously meant to be the most well sculpted poop pile ever ;) Looks like the start of a dirt hill to me. Very cool mini, love the face and smile.

Very good PG! Back in the day you could get a box of 24 skeletons for 8 bucks. Not having anything better to do with my money (i.e. no social life), I got something like 25 or so boxes. I've been carrying around these skeletons in my closet <ducks> for quite a while, traded a chunk away, and the rest are now adornments for things like bases.


That'd be my guess. Robe & body would be dark angels veteran bits, the head I'm not sure could be a standard bare marine head with GS hair, but given that the face is apropriately mangled it could be from most any mini.


Correcto. The head came from the terminator box. The gun arm is from either the command box or assault marines. I kept switching back and forth between two sets. The knife hand is from the command box standard bearer, cut down and a SM knife added to the end.


The brown stuff is just two part radiator fixer putty. That's not what it's going to look like when I'm done. I just wanted him to have a menacing pose, slowly walking over a slight rise.


Hang on guys, he has a long way to go. He is basecoated black at this point.

there's a new skeleton regiment, the skulls are a bit differant and some have helmets. The original skeletons only have two skulls one with an open mouth and one with a closed mouth. the new ones have 4 or 5 skulls if memory serves.


Also there's a pair of skull bits included the black reach set, might be able to find those on ebay or trade people for them.


Additionally there's a couple companies like armorcast, hirst molds etc that do custom bases that may have skull bits available, or molds to make them. Dragon forge maybe? I know I've seen them at a specific base maker but the name eludes me at the moment.


I know Mirco art studios has bases made of piles of skulls



Needs a Harle Quinn, and some cards..


He could model Harle Quinn on there and use her to represent some sort of slaved thrall that acts as an Enhancer. Cards could represent Gambit-style power weapons, though if you're using anything but Puppet Dance in assault- for shame! That power's awesome! Soul Shrive instead. :lol:

Special Rules 'Get you off of the bench, and into the game': When fighting Night Lords neither side wins. Arbites take double casualties for every Arbites model removed, and once per game the ALP controlling player may nominate one headquarters character in his opponents army to come under the ALP player's control for the remainder of the game.


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