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Part One: Impure Souls ( Contains Story 1, Chapter 3 )

Lord Solcia

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(( Well, I've decided to end my hiatus on writing short stories. I've looked on at the many series I've started over the last two years and how I never continued on any of them. Well, that ends today. I'm pretty sure some of you remember my story Search and Destroy which was basically a 40K adaptation on the Hellsing series, which I will be using as a sort of 'pilot' for my new project. I have vowed to continue on the series, which will comprise of 4 collections, each with 3 different stories in 4 different opening posts, the first, this one, being Impure Souls. Anyway, I've rambled enough and I'd like you all to know it's good to be back and that I've missed contributing fiction to this great website! C&C welcome as always! -Solcia


Search and Destroy can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...=Search+Destroy ))









Order 01: New Blood


In the name of the Emperor, impure souls of the heretical shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen.

- Inscription on the family crest of Inquisitor Integras Van Hellsing.




Chapter One: The Smell of Mint


Damned woman thinks she's so much better then everyone else. Damn she-devil comes in here with her nose up at everyone, and now my lounge and office smells like one of her blasted cigars. - PDF Adviser Lukas Simms.




The data-slate's recording was slightly scrambled, unsteady and tinted a light red but it still showed what it had to show. It's focus zoomed in on a shape in the darkness, which was revealed to be a normal canine-type creature that picked up something in it's mouth, a hand. The dog then scurried off screen and the recording shifted to a taller creature shrouded by the dark. The recording enhanced and the dark figure was shown to be a man in priest garbs, his face frozen in a twisted sort of smile and stare, the type of a man happily possessed. There was the smear of blood along the side of his mouth, and his features were sharper then any man should have had. The recording halted as it was on the priest, and there was a sigh from the one viewing the data-slate.


"On the twelfth, this priest was assigned to a small church in the country-side village near the Khedas Fields, south of here. One month later, the first wave of missing person reports began to start flooding in. Local forces conducted the investigation, and just a week ago, local forces went to apprehend the suspect..." the plump, pale man with glasses and a messy comb over across the table said, giving a heavy sigh before finishing his statement. "All of them were reported killed." The man took a deep breath, over worked and tired from the stress he had been dealing with.


The one who had been watching the recording placed the data-slate upon the large, well-crafted and well-kept table. Then putting a gloved hand on the table, tapping it with a finger softly. The plump man across from her gave a quick glance to her hand, and gave a slight grimace, the tapping irritating him. He then began to speak again.


"Since then we've had the village blocked off by three platoons of PDF troops. I believe the good Captain here can shed some more light on what has gone on since then?" the plump man spoke, as if not sure himself. As he finished talking, he gestured to a gruff and tired looking man dressed in the monochrome blue fatigues of the Bikadus PDF, he wore an armored vest that was a slight darker blue that had a collection of medals on it's right side. He saluted as he was gestured to.


"Captain Izaks of the Bikadus Planetary Defense Forces, blessed Inquisitor Hellsing sir, er, mam, er-" the captain stammered, obviously nervous being so close to one of The Emperor's holy messengers of His work. He tried his best to regain his composure from his faulty and cleared his throat softly, changing the subject to his report. "Two days ago, I sent the 11th special forces task squad into the village near Khedas, Khedas Village as the citizens there call it. Fifty percent casualties were sustained, but what is more alarming is that it was reported that those that had been killed had been slain by the very soldiers that were killed when sent to apprehend the suspect."


While the captain had been talking, Integras Hellsing had taken out a small tin case from a waist pocket from her forest green overcoat, which was covering a white undershirt with gold lining. Her long golden hair, which rested on her shoulders contrasted with her bronzed skin. Simple eyeglasses rested on the bridge of her nose, magnifying the intensity of her emerald eyes. She took up a small cigar from the tin and lit it up, putting it in her mouth, then exhaling a smoke that smelled vaguely of mint. After the captain stopped talking, she studied the picture of the priest that still was halted on the data-slate, resting her cheek in her hand which took the cigar out of her mouth. "They're no longer human..." she said sternly, as if it should have been obvious to everyone in the room.


"What?" the plump man across the table and Captain Izaks asked in unison, as if unsure of what she had just said.


"These former servants of the Emperor have been transformed into the foulest of things...puppets of the Dark Gods. It is beyond me how you or your local forces were unable to catch the distinct touch of Chaos in time, Adviser Simms. It seems the outbreak of a cult is on your doorstep and you let it right in." she said, glaring at the plump man. She always spoke in High Gothic, as if talking down to everyone she met. Adviser Simms was starting to really dislike that His Holy Inquisition was intervening, and had come unannounced none the less.


"Well how was I supposed to know that the touch of Chaos had grasped Khedas, and maybe that I did have a hunch th-" Simms began to say, anger reaching his voice, trying all he could to seem undermined in front of the captain, but the Inquisitor had cut him off before he could even finish.


"Adviser Simms, it is not my duty or my intentions to dwell on your mistakes or incompetence..." she spoke in an annoyed fashion, adding emphasis on words that made Simms' blood boil. And that damned High Gothic she kept spouting out at him, he lifted himself from the table in rage.


"What are you implying!?" Adviser Simms yelled, letting his anger known to this blasted woman.


Integras didn't even look at him as he attempted to show his feeble authority. If it was attention to his authority he wanted, it's what he would receive. "What I am implying, Adviser Simms, is that you are the overseer of the entire Planetary Defense Forces on this planet, this would say that you have the skills and intelligence to correctly assess the situation of such a crisis and that you would know the correct response in such situations. But somehow you forgot that there is only one way to resolve these problems, I can only guess that you can accept such consequences for the inability to correctly act." she said, now lifting herself from the table as well , but not angrily or quickly, once up she walked over to the window and opened the blinds, looking out into the setting sun.


Simms was baffled, and recollected such tales he had heard of Inquisitors meeting with such officers that were below even their personal standards. All machismo he had a moment ago had crumpled and died. "I-I, it wasn't like that, I mean, I did not forget the proper protocol when Chaos becomes involved in such things! I know when to call the Inquisition and when not t-" he tried to say frantically, but he was yet again cut off by the woman before him. He was terrified, and was sweating heavily now, ready to run out of the door if his execution was to come up. Yet, his anxieties were replaced by confusion when the Inquisitor said what she did.


"It's getting dark..." Integras said plainly, not caring for what the pathetic pus-ball of a man behind her was saying. She closed the blinds, putting her gloved hands behind her back.


"E-Excuse me?" Adviser Simms asked, settling himself back down in his large chair, taking a sleeve and wiping the perspiration from his forehead.


Inquisitor Integras still did not turn to him, facing the closed window. "I have already dispatched reinforcement to Khedas." she said, ignoring the Adviser's question.


"How many troops?" Captain Izaks asked abruptly.


Integras smiled and took another breath from her cigar. "One." she answered simply after what Izaks could of sworn was a small chuckle.


Adviser Simms gave a begrudging sneer of distaste at this joke. "One indeed..." he snorted under his breath.






Chapter Two: A Perfect Night


"While I found Inquisitor Integras Van Hellsing's statement about sending one man to Khedas funny at first, I had to keep in mind the fact that Inquisitors often tend to acquire strange and talented individuals through their travels." - PDF Captain Skaans Izaks




Khedas Fields, an area of Bikadus that has the most fertile land of the whole planet. It is near the village of Khedas, which was named after the lush, green fields founded by the legendary settler, Khedas. Khedas is a small village that has surprised the rest of Bikadus, and nearby sectors from how large their harvests are. It had a criminal report record of zero, and the people there were said to be friendly and simple folk who did their work well, and praised The Emperor dearly at the large church that dwarfed most building of the town. Until recently, a tiny piece of paradise on a planet where other human habitations are urban juggernauts, with sprawling hives and large factories that come with monumental criminal activities that keep the local PDF regiments large and always at work. Now, the nauseating stench of the Warp seemed to radiate from the small village, and even as it was night, it was quiet, too quiet.


A tall figure emerged from the treeline that led to the fields, his large, charcoal colored boots stomped seemingly noiselessly across the vegetation-covered ground. The tall figure came across a clearing of simple grass on top of a hill which it stepped lankly into the middle of. As it looked up, the bright moon above shown down on this figure, illuminating it's appearance from the darkness of the night.


While it was shown in the moonlight that he wore a dark red trench coat, topped at the neck with in intricately tied bow, a charcoal suit under the trench coat with matching dress pants, and white gloves with nauseating symbols of the Dark Gods smeared onto them with a liquid that had turned brown since drying; his face was obscured in shadow by the very wide, floppy-brimmed, dark red fedora hat he wore. However, two illuminated orange circles shown from the darkness, reflecting the light of the moon they were a pair of large, wire-framed glasses. He was also a head taller then the average man, very intimidating even though he was quite average in terms of muscle.


The man smiled now, his very white teeth also reflecting light of the moon, making them visible. His canines were sharp, sharper then the usual person, but did not seem to be filed down as some Chaos cultists would do. No, they seemed too natural, yet completely unnatural at the same time.


He stared up at the moon, an ill sort of silence engulfing the area before he gave a small sigh, now breaking it with his dark, haunting voice, given an almost peaceful tone as it sounded so carefree from such a strange man. "What a perfect night..." he began to say, trailing off to take another small sigh. His grin grew a little bigger, and he began to walk towards the the small town of Khedas blow, which the hill overlooked.


"The kind of night that makes me want to have a drink..." he said at last, giving a small chuckle afterword.






Chapter Three: A Scared Little Girl


"I don't care how long of a veteran you've been or how good of a shot you are. Some things, you'll never expect to see as a person in this galaxy..." - Major Stephan Victoria of the PDF (Deceased)




It was pitch-black in the forest nearby the town of Khedas. No birds sang and there was only the frantic footsteps of a lost soul, trying to find it's way in the enveloping black. Trooper Seras Victoria gave a small praise to The Emperor and kissed the white-gold Aquila on her neck as she had finally found the Chimera transport that had housed her squad while they were stationed here, to her, it almost felt like coming home after being years away. She fumbled around the Chimera, looking for something, thinking about her stay here. The young, red-headed girl was panting, she was worried. Hell, she was terrified.


Seras has only recently graduated from basic training before she was assigned to a squad in one of the three platoons ordered to block off Khedas. It had been a short stay so far, but the things she had seen while being here, they were not the things a new trooper expected to see. From the looks of her commanding officer and fellow soldiers during their stay here, it seemed that they weren't expecting to see this stuff either. "A simple run, nothing too big, a stay of one, two, maybe three days tops!" That's what Adviser Lukas Simms at told her squad, that was the undeniable truth according to command. That ended up being a bunch of bollocks during their first day here.


Riots, she expected. Gangers, well, gangers were something she dealt with well before she joined armed forces. A Chaos Cult? As scared as she would be, she knew from stories that every now and then she'd have to fight one or another. But monsters? Monsters weren't in the PDF recruitment brochure. A Chaos Cultist will acknowledge the fact that their arse had just been blown off! These monsters, they shrugged it off and then made a nice lunch out of your innards, with a side helping of viscera for good measure.


Freaks. That's what Seras and her squad started calling the monsters after their first encounter with them. Freaks. The name just stuck, it's what they were. For the first few nights, Freaks found them, took a few of Victoria's friends, the survivors would fight them off, and the cycle would repeat. The last few nights, however, were what almost had broken Victoria. The Freaks that had come for them were those of her squad that had been dragged off into the nights before, screaming and dying then, and now groaning incoherently and feeding on past friends. Victoria had frozen every time these Freaks had attacked, she could not shoot at friends, even though they only looked like them, this whole time was unbearable. Because of her inability to act during these raids, it was only Seras and her commanding officer, Jakob left, and now, he was wounded, nearly carried off by the monsters before Seras had fired a flare at them, causing them to scurry and flee. Finally, she found what she was looking for, a medical kit. Seras put the small white box under her arm and ran off back to where she had left her dying sergeant, Jakob moments ago.


The blue PDF fatigues of Bikadus that Jakob wore; exactly like Seras', was almost a shade of purple from the amount of blood he had lost all over himself. Even now, at death's door, the sergeant cradled his autogun, his eyes peeled for any sign of Freaks. He heard a rustling in the bushes near him and tried his best to aim the gun at the noise, but he lowered it when he saw it was Trooper Seras, emerging from trees almost as green as her experience was. "S-Seras..." he was able to say softly, leaning his head back on the grassy floor as she leaned over him, starting to dress the deep gouges on his neck and belly.


"Come on Sarge, you're going to make it! You are! You have to!" she cried out to him, tears filling her eyes. This wasn't how this was supposed to happen, it simply wasn't, this was madness!


Jakob looked up at her, and smiled, normally, he'd be happy because such a fine looking girl was over him, but right now he was just happy that she was okay. He had looked back on her records and saw that he had known her father, the great, late Major Stephan Victoria. Once he heard that he had received his daughter in his unit, he had been happy and expected nothing but great things from her. She could be good...one day... he thought, closing his eyes as Seras began applying disinfectant.


Seras didn't even take notice, as she was so focused on mending the grievous wounds. She was crap as a medic, and her dainty fingers could not simply work as she told them to. It didn't help that she was crying and her body was now shaking. She then noticed Jakob had stopped breathing, she gasped in shock and began to beat on his chest, undoing the stitches she had been applying. "I-I wasn't ready for this!" she cried out, shaking Jakob now. "I, I don't want to be this scared little girl for the rest of my life!" she yelled out in anger, looking at Jakob's dead, peaceful face. She could swear he was smiling. It was at that moment that Jakob's blood-shot eyes opened wide and he began to groan like a beast, lunging up at her.


Seras cried out as Jakob gripped her left shoulder firmly, coming at her to bite her. She ripped away from her sergeant's grip and backed away slowly, raising her autopistol to Jakob, but not aiming down the sight, as if she tried to scare him away. "Please, Jakob, don't make me do this..." she said, scared out of her mind. Jakob lunged at her again with another growl. Years of living in the slums kicked in, and by reflex Seras hit her sergeant on the side of the head with the handle of the pistol. "Sorry Jak!" she cried out, running away.


She reached the Chimera once again, leaning against it's cold shell, giving herself the chance to catch her breath, before snapping back to the action, realizing she was not alone. She brought her pistol up and strafed around it, he gun trembled in her hand. Three Freaks were coming at her slowly, each in the blue fatigues of the PDF.


"W-What is happening...Euziel...Kallen...please guys...this can't be happening..." she said softly, knowing she was speaking to deaf ears. "It's me, Kitten..." Seras said, using her nickname the squad had given her, much to her annoyance. They kept coming, and more were emerging out of the trees. One near her let out a loud roar, she squeezed her eyes shut and heard a loud bang. Immediately she opened her eyes. She had accidentally shot the Freak that had let out the roar, a hole in the chest of his fatigues, though there was an absence of blood. At first, the Freak faltered back a bit, but then started walking slowly towards her again. Seras ran away again.




Meanwhile, a ways away from Khedas, an Imperial Valkyrie aircraft roared along the night sky, it's engines strong and alive. Inquisitor Integras adjusted a vox set near her, adjusting it to Adviser Simms. "This is Inquisitor Integras Van Hellsing, I am already on my way to Khedas Village. Do not worry, the assistance I have dispatched should be plenty suited to deal with the situation before I get there. Just leave everything to us."



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I've read the first two chapters, I'll read the third later. Overall, it is pretty good, although there are some areas which could be improved.


I dislike the first quote linking so heavily with the title, it kind of gives away the story straight of the bat. Then you go on for three paragraphs seemingly hiding the fact that she is a Inquisitor. Also, change her name. Using Hellsing is a terrible choice and, honestly, destroys this story.


The Plump Man, I know the idea here, you name a character from a feature until the reader is told their name. It works, and it's good, but as soon as their name is given, use it.


Khedas Fields, an area of Bikadus that has the most fertile land of the whole planet. It is near the village of Khedas, which was named after the lush, green fields founded by the legendary settler, Khedas. Khedas is a small village that has surprised the rest of Bikadus, and nearby sectors from how large their harvests are

Just showing some words which are repeated in close order which really break up the flow of the story.

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Thanks for the C&C Ferrata!


First of all, glad you liked it! ^^


Alright, now to the C&C:

1) Yeah, I was thinking that while writing it. But I've been lazy so......yeah...I'll go fix that right now. I'll make is less direct about her being an Inquisitor. Fixed.

2) Would you mind at all if her last name was a variation of the name Hellsing? It's a bit of a big thing in it and will be mentioned heavily, so I want to get the most agreeable name that I can put in there. Deal?

3)Hmmm, I thought I did start calling the Plump Man Adviser Simms by his name after I mentioned it. It could be that I went back to 'the plump man' or 'the pale man' because I felt his name was coming up too much. Which leads to:

4) Yeah, I was tired when I started writing. A cup of black coffee fixed that right up, but I guess I forgot to go back and edit that one part. I'll do say later today, hopefully getting Chapter 4 out as well.


Again, thanks Ferrata, and I would like if you answered these above concerns with suggestion. At least on the topic of Integras' last name. Thanks again!



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"These former servants of the Emperor have been transformed into the foulest of things...puppets of the Dark Gods. It is beyond me how you or your local forces were unable to catch the distinct touch of Chaos in time, Adviser Simms. It seems the outbreak of a cult is on your doorstep and you let it right in." she said, glaring at the plump excuse of a man. She always spoke in High Gothic, making sure everyone knew who was the authority in the conversation. Her current verbal opponent, Simms, was evidently taking a dislike to her and the Holy Inquisitions intervention, a fact none the less furthered by their unannounced arrival.

One suggestion on how to do (I also took the time to reword the end of this paragraph to be entirely from the Inquisitors PoV. I wont do each mention, it is your writing after all, but a nice balance should be fine.


As for her name, without knowing how it comes into play later (the only one I can guess of the top of my head is the term 'hell', ironically on a good character.) So you could always make something up like Inquisitor Gausinhossen (for some reason, most of my random Inquisitor names sound German...) and then have a character say:


“Gausinhossen” he chuckled, his mind quick to like the Inquisitor’s name to the local word for hell; gaussen.

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