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More Ka-tet Done


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and a rather simple objective marker... Black 13


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@cathar the great

Yeah, I've seen that model and those winged orbs definitely have some potentional. I'm going to do some research into the other 12 of the Rainbow and I might use those models to represent some of them.


@Emperor's Scourge

I've been a fan of the Dark Tower series since I've finished the final book. And I've been trying to find subtle ways to add references to the story into my 40k army. Since the beams of the Tower reach into all 'verses, its really not that hard to do. Even the full name of my Ordo Xenos crusade is another Dark Tower reference, mingled with 40k. Ka-tet of the Ebon Dawn. Ka-tet... well, thats an obvious reference. But Ebon Dawn is another really. Warriors of the White, the Dawn. Since Ordo Xenos wear black armor, Ebon works on that part... but also with the failing of the Throne and the passing of the age. Its the darkness before a new dawn.



Thanks, I've been refined this style of conversion since my first attempts at it after playing Starcraft and admiring the Vulture bikes.



Thanks :rolleyes:

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always love a lr helios


jetbikes i don't know.. the ordo xenos use alien tech, true. but deathwatch space marines do not, so cool yes, fluffy no


i think those heavy flamer dudes rock, they rock big time




and a rather simple objective marker... Black 13



and we go out with a... lollipop :whistling:


nice looking stuff there


uncle mel

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Love the Dark Tower series. Good theme!


As a random aside, since I started reading the series, I've always seen Cypher as a good parallel to Roland.



nah, Cypher is too much mystical. Roland is straightforward. He has a goal, he knows it, his enemies know it. Cypher is more this mystic warrior popping up in what seems like a random fashion, following his own secret plan.

OT off

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I dunno. They're both wandering dark heroes with legendary origins who are incredibly skilled with guns. According to some Cypher theories, they both have a goal that transcends this plane and conventional morality (Roland is willing to sacrifice pretty much anything to reach the Dark Tower, Cypher creates unrest that kills hundreds of thousands but still eventually wins the day, to whatever purpose he truly serves). Both Roland and, I believe, Cypher, see their respective ka-tets as means to an end, no matter what else they come to mean to them, and in relation to their journey, their time with those people is relatively short. Both live in incredibly dystopian universes that are falling apart in many ways. And Cypher's direction may not be specific (he is slowly circling in a tighter and tighter course towards Terra), but it could be that his 'Beam' requires him to complete many other tasks along the way.


Indeed, perhaps Cypher (do not read if you didn't read the last ending, please don't make me such a criminal as to ruin the end of such an incredible modern epic)

is as Roland is; when he reaches Terra and the foot of the Golden Throne and reforges the Lion Sword/kills the Emperor to release the Star Child/both/whatever else he's up to, perhaps it will not be enough and he will be thrown back to wherever he landed after Caliban, with one more sigil to signify the promise that one day, it will end.


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Actually I always got the impression that Cypher was following someone's plan. That he was a pawn in something bigger. But thats their connection in that Roland is also a pawn. Is his quest for the Dark Tower really his quest, or is it simply his place in the 'verse to follow the beams to their source?


The thing with Roland is you have to remember is that his journey will be different each time, no matter how similiar. He draws from the Prime Earth, but the Prime Earth continues regardless of the rest of the 'verses 'resetting'. I believe the horn he gets to 'keep' on the new path he walks is a symbol of so much more. But that has little to do with this thread :angry:


I'm planning on working on a tourney/army display and I really would like it to involve the tower as well. Probably just the entrance and first balcony. Then mostly a clearly of stone and near the front of it roses.

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I actually had a Ka-tet of the Crimson King Chaos force at one time. But my wife lost her job and we needed money, so I sold it. I still have the demon prince I was working on for it though and have been tempted to eventually restart that army.
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I've read the first series. But unfortunately thats it so far. Havn't had much spending money lately, and what I have had has went towards 40k projects.


Nothing was really completed, so no real pictures to speak of, sorry. Most of my energy was spent on my loyalist army. And until I know I can rely on getting out to play 40k on a regular basis (had plans for the last 3 weeks, but something keep coming up....) I'm not going to bother with a second army.

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