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Blood Guard

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Hello! I've bought some Chaos Marines (soon to be more) and I need to do some conversions/assembling/painting/anything else I missed... I was hoping to do a Iron Warriors/Khorne theme I think....Maybe Slannesh....so many options......Anyway, start giving me some ideas!! And if you couldn't tell this is WIP in its most truest form. :verymad:



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And if you couldn't tell this is WIP in its most truest form. :verymad:

Not quite, you need to start for it to WIP :D Khorne and Slaanesh are a good combo, they let you make the cheesiest lists available ^_^ (nothing to do with the models I know but there really isn't a lot to say on them at this stage)

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hmm Khorne and Iron Warriors. . . . that works quite well as Berserkers are great for securing breaches :verymad:

This can be as simple as altering the colour scheme (f you dont want red minis) to mixing in bionic enhancments and other Iron Warrior visuals.

There are also the newer renegades to conciser, some of which are dedicated to Khorne others Slaanesh, some with no background.

One I fancey when the new Space Wolves come out are Skyrars Dark Wolves. So much as to say you could base you army around a Lord of a single Legion with other Warbands in support. This also helps alleviate the monotomey of painting the same colours over and over.

The Thriteenth Black crusade or even Medusa V *shudders* are examples of this.

Hope this helps and good luck. May the Gods smile on you Brother.



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Terminator Lord Complete! What do you think of the pose? I was hoping to make him look like he was getting ready to jump off the base....but didn't quite work out that well. Oh well, I still like the pose! I'm not going to paint him till I get some Chaos Marines going and painted. C&C appreciated!

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Sweet, every time I see that model I ask myself why I haven't brought one yet, need to keep reminding myself I don't play chaos :P

Same here!


blackblade68, i love the double row of trophy spikes. If you put a guardsman model in front of your lord it would definately look like he was about to take the pain. With his arms swept back like that he is remeniscent of a screaming daemon prince; a nice pose but i do think it looks better from the back than front.



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My very first Chaos Rhino!! Whaddya think of the front dozer?? Yeah, it's sweet. I'm thinkin of going Khorne. With some heavy trophies. C&C !

Dude it looks freakin sweet!

But you turret guy, well you're supposed to put the legs on first then the turret ring then attach the top half of his body.

Apart from that it looks freakin BRUTAL!

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I wanted him to look like he was standing up shooting down on an enemy that was really close...either that or he was burning off a body that was stuck on the spikes :D. That's what I thought Chaos should look like; lots of blood and lots of spikes. Blood for the Blood GOD!! Skulls for the Skull Throne!
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Well, I had a tribute to firestorm40k in the form of a Chaos Marine. Now a tribute to kikkala in the form of painting! The difference is that I wanted something a little darker, more....dirtier? Dirty Blood that is. So I looked at his tutorial and sort of followed his guide. I did 2 undercoats of black, then went to a burnt umber, then to a mix of red/black, then to a mix of red/brown. That's where i'm at right now. I think i'm going to do a lighter red then I'm done with the main portion. Next it's off to the detail work. More pics will follow. C&C appreciated.



Couldn't deceide which pic was better, for some reason my camera didn't want to cooperate...

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I'm loving the excessive amount of spikes!

Some of the blades ARE kinda random though...but it's a choas army, you don't need explantions.


One thing that bugs me though is that the havoc launcher on the rhino is mounted such that it cannot fire without hitting a trophey rack or the overenthusiastic gunner. It looks like it has a small path between gunner on the left and spikes on the right, but unless you are shooting at aircraft the havoc launcher would be useless.

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  • 2 weeks later...



So I've done the red highlights, and am now starting on the bronzy color (Khorne said so). But I'm not sure if I like it. I couldn't find a bronze so I mixed up some gold and raw sienna. (I don't use GW paints, they're too costly.) Let me know what you think. C&C as usual!

EDIT: I know I need to touch up a few things. I was just getting it ready to show.

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