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[ArtWork] First Tablet Marine


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I was allowed to borrow a graphics tablet from college for the weekend, so I downloaded GIMP and decided to try it out.


This is one of the first images I've done with it, so im still getting used to all the tools and stuf, but I think it came out quite nicely.




C&C welcome




*edit* woo, 100 views and no replies :D

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Thanks for the replies.


The image was done completely on the tablet, no sketching.


Thanks for the advice, I know the legs are out of proportion, thats the problem with zooming in lol



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Very good start!

You should play around with the settings in GIMP to see if you could utilize the opacity-preassure a bit more.

Head over to Illuminatus like Molotov suggested and we could have a real crackling at helping you find your ways around digital artwork ^_^

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Keep practicing, with Space Marines you would be amazed out how easy it is to pick up the sizes and proportions. I just doodle them all over my school work.


Legs are always the hardest to keep proportion. Of course it is also how you want the Marine to look. Big and Bulky. Or slim and more agile.


Practice makes perfect. some quick notes would be


:Bolt pistol is well proportionate although the rear end needs to be extended down(I have problems with guns too)

:Kneecaps are too small

:IMO the pistol arm and shoulder should be smaller

:They have a small gorget like neck brace around their head (not as big as the Mk. 8)

:the backpack disappears away behind the head

:No (is reciever the name? the hole where the cartridges are ejected?) on the bolt pistol. There is actually one on either side of the bolter and bolt pistol

:Head isn't wide enough, extend it more to the left so you can see the whole face, it should look better.


Like I said, just keep trying. Plus you are using a computer so you can erase and such easier.

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thanks for the replies guys, Ill be sure to tell Brother Thunderthighs to lay of the Tyranid brains. Mmmmm Brains :lol:


Little bit of confusion, I thought Bolt gun rounds were caseless, so the gun wouldnt need a hole to egect cartrges?



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thanks for the replies guys, Ill be sure to tell Brother Thunderthighs to lay of the Tyranid brains. Mmmmm Brains :pinch:


Little bit of confusion, I thought Bolt gun rounds were caseless, so the gun wouldnt need a hole to egect cartrges?




The Bolter used to be caseless, however GW decided that bolt casings shooting out the sides of it and gathering around the great armored beasts of mankind was too cool to resist. So they do have cases

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