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Chaos Undivided Army Blog.

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Well guys, I started a Chaos Undivided army. It's gonna be a DIY warband, with a Huron Blackheart "counts as". Pretty much the entire army is flamers/flamer like weapons. The original idea was a chemical warfare chaos army, but since we don't have that I opted to use flamers as an alternative for those rules. Gameplay-wise I'll probably play them as a combination of Nurgle and Slaanesh.


Now for the paint scheme. It's gonna be difficult. I am doing pearl armor with black to highlight. Red for any cloth and brass for the metals/jewellery. If you have any tips on that I would be glad to hear them. In particular, if you know how to paint pearl, tell me how please.


Well here's the first guy to start it off:






^My counts as Huron. He's gonna have that Inquisition sign taken off eventually. I felt that the ork power klaw would be an appropriate tyrants claw. The axe was just lengthened because I hate short ones.



I'll probably post a bit more later today. But other then that, this is gonna be a slow thread. Fluff for the army may be posted as well eventually, but probably after I get a few more models up. And start painting.

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Not bad, not bad at all


I love the idea, you could do the cloak, like, skin, thad's be rather cool, and the fluffy thing at the top the hair of his victims, to blonde, black, brown and a lil' bitt'a red-head in there'd be rather cool


Great work so far =D

Chosen Aspiring Champion:








He has a Combi-flamer and Powersword. I just had extra tyranid heads, so I kinda just thought they'd look nice on the backpack.

Plague Marine Champion 1:








Sorry if he ain't Nurglesque enough, but I HATE Nurgle marines. Especially the Aspiring champion, so I chose to do my 2 Plague champions out of some extra bits. This guy got a Powerfist and Combi-melta. Even used a Khorne shoulder pad to give him that nice skull shoulder.

Plague Marine Champion 2:








Plasma pistol and Powersword for this one. Once again, my bits box was raided to make this guy. This time he got a gasmask helm. XD. Notice both Plague marines have Roman styled tassets. I thought it suited them.


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