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Its all about the bitz


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Greetings brothers, I've been lurking and posting in the forum every now and then but apart from my Predator in the WIP section I haven't posted many pictures of my army (mainly because they recently came out of a relaxing brake fluid spa).


I thought of posting in the WIP section but as this is a templar crusade its seemed best to post the exclusive here.


So as the topic says here are some Templars mixed with some bitz I had around.


Converted AoBR terminators:


There's 2 shields there for the TH terminators, I still have to get/convert the Hammers (any suggestions for this?)


My old emperor's champion (removed the BP from his hand and added a shield):



Maybe a SB or a castellan (Just thought the pose looked cool):





Crusade Standard Bearer:
















If you're interested on the predator follow this LINK


As always comments and suggestions are welcome =]

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For the hammers...if you want to go with a basic and medieval style a lot of Lord & Hero units for Warhammer Fantasy have nice looking hammers that could be chopped off and converted fairly easily. I don't know how easy it would be to get them, but I could see some of them looking pretty cool as your Terminator TH's.


By this I meant the Lord & Hero Units of The Empire

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you should do a tutorial on how you did those terminators with the tabards


There's already a tutorial on the forum on how to add the tabards.

Its fairly easy to do, I didn't even have to follow the tutorial, I just used common sense and converted as it felt right. Something like:


As the AoBR terminators are clip-on you simply remove the chest part (the one attached to the head),

file down a little where the chest attaches to the terminator body until the chest with tabard squares up with the rest of the body,

to finish it up use some green stuff to fill any gaps.


It took me something like 5 minutes to convert each terminator.

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