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Post your Favorite Black Templar

Brother Mord

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I was looking over in the hall of honor section at all of the cool models in a post your favorite model thread. I always admire others painting skills and work.

So I would like to create a "post your favorite Black Templar" thread with a few criteria.

Post one model (or two or three maybe) and Give an explanation why it's your favorite.

Is the Model/unit/vehicle your favorite based on ONE of three things:

1) You really love the paint job

2) The model/unit/vehicle really kicks butt during game play, and how so.

3)The model itself is your favorite because of the way it is designed, or a conversion you did, just looks cool, ect...

So here is my entry

Brother Chaplain Orros of the Argossa Crusade



I really love the pose of the model and how the skull helmet looks.

It was my first Chaplain model and has led my Templars to many a victory, I have an emotional attachment to him.

Sadly with the new prefered enemy vow I have had less reason to take chaplains so he has been shelved for a while.

Might be time for him to make an appearance again.

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Another Chaplain.

Chaplain Magnus of the Lustrum Crusade


He was my first HQ model and first conversion. Left arm comes from the missile launcher guy. I bent his last two fingers to give him a religious gesture and it turned out to be some sort of martial art gesture too.

Because I was too heavy on the varnish he turned out very shiny, hence the name of my crusade. Lustrum = shiny in latin.

For some reason my very recently finished TDA marshal received a good cover of varnish too... :blink:

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Well my favorite is not really a model, its a squad. ;)


Here you go. They are the first BT squad I have completed.


Sorry about the image quality, it doesn't really show some of the highlights on some models. Some have flash and some don't.

























Captain Kael :)

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This is my favorite model that I've painted so far, He still needs a little work though (script, highlightsand drilling out the stormbolter barrel to name a few things) but I think its just an awesome looking model overall.



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This model is my Marshal, and I have to say he is my favorite model because of the conversions I made on him. The body, right arm, and hammer are all part of the GamesDay 2008 miniature (chopped off the left hand from the hammer and put on a nice random skull and spike at the base). The shield was a chaos warrior shield I found in my bitz box so I just shaved off the chaos emblem and put the sword over it. The wings, which have to be my favorite part, I got in a bitz lot off ebay. Anyways sorry about the picture quality I know its not the greatest.




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My Favorite is my Chaplain Azzael of the black flame and his three cenobytes.










I knew how I wanted him to look when I first began this hobby, and although he changed slightly from then, I am very happy with the way he looks. He is still the only character I ever came up with a back story for. Actually the backstory just came to me without much effort on my part. When I saw him I simply knew who he was and what everything on his armor meant to him. And he rocks in games.


Although I still need to add text to the parchments.

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My favourite unit would be my assault squad, lead by a chaplain. There are 3 marines still in the works. I've converted and painted them to be an elite looking force (they are definitely Templars though), merciless and efficient killers. I like the idea of them charging into enemy lines recklessly before the main force and just wrecking everything up haha.



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My favorite would have to be my Chaplain. I have alot of character models that I really love, but this guy takes the cake. I put alot more effort into converting him than any other model in the force, and he's really unique.

Chaplain Marduk Eisengrim:


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