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Vanguard marine Veterans have landed...

Shaun Carlin

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Hello im not dead to those keep track of my ultramarine updates, ive been posting the new models ive been doing but theres a sheer back catalog of ones i havent posted yet which i will get around to doing to make up for me not posting in ages sorry all i got a little green fever if you know what i mean :woot:

Enough of my jabber lets get down to it










Heres a Bonus model my Jump pack Chaplain this is an old model that i added alittle bit of paint to make him not so out of date



Heres a group shot sheer jump pack death a lot of point though



And another bonus model and whats next to come.

This guy and his 4 friends have been sitting on the shelve for far to bloodly long they getting painted and they will be posted next, i got sick to the back teeth of looking at these half done models on my shelve and that killed any desire to paint them at all, but i manged to complete this one guy and now im inspired to see him with the 4 other terminators he leads. The squad was made during 4th edtion i got them with the dark angels army deal but wanted to use them for ultras as a result there is only 2 thunder hammers in the unit including the sergeant, i seriously want a unit of 5 thunderhammer terminators after reading the new rules so im going to have to pick up another box at some stage, but im not sure i would have the drive required to paint them after all that sicking.

Next though i want to focus on having half the 2nd company which means painting 5 more assualt marines and 5 devasators (with boltgun) i made a 1500 point list and i want to try it out so maybe that will be the last push i need.


C&C welcome im signing out

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Cheers brothers for all your replys that terminator head is found on the dark angel veteran sprue and a bald version is in the standard terminator box

I also thought that head is alot like the commander in DOW2 me and my friend call him "primery threat spotted" because of the cutscens that hes in as it never names in during the whole game.

@Greenkrieg: i did take them off a box then i painted em :) naw im kidding but thanks for your coment B)

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Beginners question then... starting some veterans soon and the one thing that worries me are their White helmets.

Probably do a gray coat first on the head, hoping i will need less white layers to cover it nicely.


Now what i do like and what i've seen more are the blue kind of shade (wash?) on the white helmet. Could you give me a tip how that's done perhaps? just carefully painted in the recesses with wathered down blue?


Very educational pictures by the way, gets me even more exited to start painting my veterans :cuss

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@Exanimo: How i paint my stuff is asked often and i don't mind sharing, the way I did these ones was i got space wolves grey and got it nice and watery like maybe milk consistancey and appalied it to the areas that are going to be white then give that time to dry i can't stress that enough, hold it up to a light and if its shiney at all then its not dry put it downa and leave it go read a codex or white dwarf or somthing, When its dry Blue wash i dunno its called Asurmen blue i think you know the one im talking about, put that on all over the space wolves grey areas and then let that dry, no wash takes even longer to dry so kill some time, when they are ready you water down some white and im serious thats the key to make smooth good looking white is to water it down until its just a little bit thicker than milk so it doesnt run into the receses. Appley the white carefully on the area and leave the deep parts looking blue and there you have it, if you make a mistake you can get away with re applying the wash to the mistake area or shadow grey. this method i would not reckamend painting a full army of White consuls as its time consuming,(although when you are done in 5 years they will look good) but if you are only doing a small amount of white areas then i use this method as the finish is good, remember you only paint your models once you may as well make them look the best you can while you are at it.
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