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The Pyre - 2000pts ish


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Huzzah, I finally got this army done. "Finally" being the keyword - I started it about the same time I joined BnC. All I can say is I will not paint an army to this level of detail ever again. Well, technically it's not finished since I still have 10 daemons to paint up, but I finished the last marine last night and that's good enough for me. I'm setting the daemons aside while I work on a different project.


Sorry for the poor picture quality - my camera crapped out and I can't afford to repair it (actually it'd almost be cheaper to buy a complete new one) so I'm reduced to using my sister's point and shoot.


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Great job. I can see why it took over four years to finish. I like the winged champion(or is it a lord?) that's with the raptors and the marine with the spiky backpack(from the squad without a rhino, on the far left).
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You have a beautiful army there. Orange is a hard colour to paint, and you did a good job. I notice that you paint everything to look the same on the field so it's hard to differentiate, it's a great Idea, I do the same. I'll keep an eye out for more of your stuff.
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Wow, I never though that anyone would accutally do an Pyre army.
There is a surprising number of them, or maybe it's just I notice them more. In fact, there's even a guy who plays at my club who also has a Pyre army. But he paid someone to paint it for him, so at least I have that.


EDIT: what's your recipe for orange?
White undercoat.

Blood Red. (rough basecoat)

70:30 Blazing Orange: Blood Red. (smooth basecoat - avoid recesses if possible)

Blazing Orange.

50:50 Blazing:Fiery.


Final highlights of 60:30:10 Bad Moon Yellow: Fiery Orange: Skull White


I notice that you paint everything to look the same on the field so it's hard to differentiate, it's a great Idea, I do the same.
Are you referring to the fact there are no squad markings? If so you're right - I tell my squads apart by their weapons. One has scopes on their bolters, one doesn't, and the third squad have ccw. Special weapons and champions are an exception to this rule, so I can mix and match them between squads depending on what I feel like fielding.


Thats the color you have in the armor joins and reseses. I thinks its too bright. But that may be the pics or just personal preference.
It is blood red in most cases, which is significantly darker than the brightest parts of the armour which are fiery orange. As you say, could be the picture. Edited by juckto
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I like seeing Chaos armies that don't go completely over the top with being "evil" and "spiky"

Yours has the look of a recent renegade force with some daemons for good measure.

Love the orange! I can see why that took almost 5 years to paint... I'd go crazy if I had to paint an army like that!

Awesome work!

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You dont get enough orange armours me thinks, tis an awesome colour!

I've always wanted to do an orange and purple army...


What wings did you use??? they look awesome! i'm looking for wings for my lord and don't want to spend £15 for a possessed squad to get them! I always liked the idea of bird wings, but they dont look particularly evil, and often look a bit... odd...

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