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AoBR Lion Guard Dred

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I posted an earlier thread but yknow how fast those things go outta fashion ;) particularly when i was busy with the LPC.

So here's the updated version!


Extra bits as follows:

Bolter arm is made from predator sponsons,

Skull relic niche/shrines are just SM shoulderpads with skulls in em

Halo is a tank turret piece cut up

I also extended the exhausts with some plastic tubing and added some random details like a chain with termie honors, the wings from an Imperial eagle tank accessory and a predator targetter for the smoke launcher :P oh yeh, and that big empty spot where the powerfist opens i filled in with one of those bike wheel hubcab thingies!

Hope you like it, comments, crits etc always welcome - but even more so are ways to improve him!

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I like Brother :wallbash:


The HB arm looks great, it actually looks like it has sufficient bulk to be able to send out a few thousand rounds of bolts per second.


I like your idea with the halo/shrine (plus it really gets rid of the bare stackless look as well). The only thing i'm not feeling fully sold on is the shoulder pads. The Pads were indeed an excellent idea, but the actual groves of the pads i'm 50/50 on. They have a nice effect, but at the same time, they feel "odd".



Nit-pick aside, nice to see our Chapter getting even more re-inforcements :mellow:

Thanks for the kind words :P


The paint job is only a litle past undefcoat and will definitely be updated when i'm happy wth the base model, the AoBR shoulder logo does look dodgy, i might re-file it but it's a lot less noticable irl.


I deliberately used the notched shoulder pads because of the effect, solid just looked wrong.


The intention with the flamer was to drill out and add a little gas flame from the ignition at the front, and im considering adding some fuel tanks to it too.. generally i'm happy with the direction it's going but he still needs a name!


feel free to steal the bolter arm, ive had it there for almost 3 years lol, pretty sinple conversion using the AC arm.


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