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WIP - Taking some Souvenirs!

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Hi all, I'm going to make my first or second post here with something i'm trying to make!

I have imagined a little diorama, probably after a battle, where some chaos space marines takes some souvenires from the dead space marines!

In this part of work (main scene is not yet completed and it's going to be enlarged asap) i have imagined two chaos guys taking the dead-dreadnought pilot skeleton for their banner!

First of all it's not completed. It's mainly to study poses and spaces.

All the green stuff you will see will be removed ofc, the arm of the chaos guy on the dread will be replaced as soon as i can find a new one or make a better looking one.....

....banner will be fixed with a green stuff one made....

....missing bodies fluids or dread cables which will make it more better.....

.....and they are a bounch of old painted/primed models i recovered from a dusty box!



Accepting suggestions ofc! Enjoy!





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Ty Guys i will work on it daily.

Atm i'm going to add an exploded/destroyed Rhino with some more dead bodies. Dioramas will be more larger. (Going to enlarge it this weekend!)

Plus i'm going to add some more chaos salvagers to the zone and i was converting a Daemon Prince with a body in the main hand.

I'll post some more pics next days!


For the army colours i'm not an experienced player and my chapter knowledges is very low.

I was thinking to make the dead guys from Black Templars (always loved them dead or alive) and for the chaos still thinking.

I'm not that good in paiting anyway! ;)

Like the look of this so far...


I think you should use either Black Legion, Word Bearers or Alpha Legion Chaos Merines, as they are the most iconic Chaos Marines


And Black templars is a good choice... I never liked those zealots myself...




In Vulkan's Name!!!


Hey i know you said this was only a plan ect, but make sure you make the dread pilot look like hes still alive :) like hes just barley alive, chaos magic could be keeping him in constant tourment. Also dont forget to add some skin to him as being a skeleton would suggest hes dead and been dead for a long time, dread pilots are just barley alive, but they are alive.


Templars would be a good scheme to use, black wont drawn the attention away from the real focus the chaos. I did a diorama once (huge 50" diameter) necrons vs marines, the focus was meant to be on the marines but the green rods in the necron weapons distracted and itsd a pile of rubbish sitting on my desk collecting dust.


Im loving it so far dude keep up the good work and dont be afraid to pile thouse bodys high :lol:

Hey i know you said this was only a plan ect, but make sure you make the dread pilot look like hes still alive :) like hes just barley alive, chaos magic could be keeping him in constant tourment. Also dont forget to add some skin to him as being a skeleton would suggest hes dead and been dead for a long time, dread pilots are just barley alive, but they are alive.


Eheh Ty!

I'll find a way to make some corporeal fluid and i'll put some cables around maybe to show they took it from inside! I used a zombie bodie beacuse that's how i imagine it should be without the full armor! I will probably make a mix of zombie/skeleton/cables from his legs/arms! :lol:



Yes i have some old Iron Warriors eheh going to use them or some parts of them for this diorama eheh.

Today i worked a bit on an old Daemon Prince and i camed out with this....




Photo isnt so good tbh. I will make better ones next days.


The completed project should see the Daemon Prince raising a dead Space Marines which is still carrying a chapter banner. The Space Marine is misisng a part of a leg (mine explosion?) and a arm. The real truth is that i dont have anymore arms left! :D

The Deamon Prince took lots of time and it's not completed. This is just a pose study and some tries. It barely stand cause the arm is too heavy and i will have to make some joints soon. At the end i will have too make it near something to pose his back or he will never stand! The arms has been modified. One has been raised and the other one has been cutted and repositioned. Anyway all that green stuff you see is only for positioning! I have to remove some when i'm going to glue and paint him! Head will be turned a bit i think.

The landspeeder you see his feet on is just to raise his leg atm. Dunno what i will use or probably i will make one downed like it's now, have a couple destroyed and salvaged for other things ehehe.

I will see as soon as i'm making the new diorama base and position everything.


Cya next time for some more stuff! :P


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