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My Ultra's


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Painting/glueing since January and tried to better myself since then by practising and reading/watching the stuff on these forums.

Thus far i've painted a tactical squad, a Dreadnought (as posted here) and a Razorback. (as shown here).

In the same topic as my Dreadnought i showed off my first and second marine paintjob.


I've completed my first tactical squad, they were the non multipart types, which was mainly to better my skills.

I think i have improved quite a bit and just finished my second tactical squad which i will display below.

Even done the bases :)


The whole squad (9, nr. 10 is an earlier non-multipart one)



Slightly different angle



The Sarge



Sarge from different angle



My favs lined up



Must confess i'm a bit shocked how thick the highlights still look when photographed and seems i need to pay more attention to some of the mold lines, still some visible.

But all in all i'm pretty happy and they look great from a distance... good enough for table top imo

Now i'm off to retouche a few of them, pictures can be quite educational. ;)

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They look good, highlights are clean, bases are cool, and glad to see you're working on effects like lens reflections. Some of the white dots on the lens are way too big though, and mold lines on helmets are rather obvious. Other than that, well done.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally an update... going slow but steady (too many tvseries that need watching)


Wasn't too succesfull with taking pictures this time, might try again later with different positioning of the lights (which are fixed so i'm actually moving the marines ;))

Anyway, here are my Vanguard Veteran marines!





These were actually the very first multi-part marines i've put together... which explains the variety in weapons. I was actually lucky that it's all following the WYSIWYG rules ;)

Plan to ride them around in my Razorback (pics here).


Hmm.. really have to make better pictures, quite some detail is lost now :(

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What's with all the Black Templar parts? The painting is nice....it's the Black Templar bitz that make no sense...

Perhaps not but i liked to use some appealing parts to make my marines more indivudual, would i do it again now i know better how the chapters fit together? Probably not but i like how they look so no harm done right?

For those who want an explanation: imagen my marines being at war in the outer regions where supplies are limited and replacement gear ain't available so they are required to salvage parts from fallen brothers... even from other chapters if need be ;)


The tabard on the sergeant is a returning theme btw, just like how it makes them stand out. Maybe it's because of my World of Warcraft addiction aswell :)

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Amazingly clean painting, especially for how long you've been at it. I love them. As someone said earlier, an entire army painted like this would look stunning on the table.


Regarding the Templar business: Who cares? They look good!

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I agree with TEC. I would at least try to green stuff the cross symbol into a Crux Terminatus, or scrape off as necessary. The cross is close enough to the Crux, but not quite.


It's not that I don't like Maltese Crosses or Templar bits... I love the Templar iconography, but it's too Templar for me.

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Love your painting style, especially your blue which is nice and clean. The white on your vanguard veteran helmets seem a bit odd. Cant put my fingure on it, thought it is to do with your highlights (or what seems to be a lack of them). Could just be due to the lighting.


As for the Templar images overall it is totally fine and gives your UM a distinct look. The only two issues I have was on the robe (red helmet sarge) and on the power sword for your vet. with the banner. Just remove those for future uses and it will seem totally cool. Really think the cross on the shoulder pads looks cool the way u painted it. As for your explanation avoid the idea that they are salvaging from fallen brethern as that just doesnt fit into the UM way of fighting IMO. Also techmarines could easily remove Black Templar imagery off weapons and belts and the such.


Cheers Messanger


Edit - also remove templar imagery off bolters and bolter pistols in the future. Its like a Black Templar having the upside Omega on a bolter or power sword, just looks weird IMO. But it is your army so if you like Templar imagery on your UM then keep going the way you are (your gold looks great btw lolz).

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Love your painting style, especially your blue which is nice and clean. The white on your vanguard veteran helmets seem a bit odd. Cant put my fingure on it, thought it is to do with your highlights (or what seems to be a lack of them). Could just be due to the lighting.

Afraid it's the picture quality mostly, didn't manage to light it well this time. There is some blue shading in the recesses of the white helmets and the paint is a bit thicker then planned... will use foundation next time before starting with white.


For the critics... i did tone done on the use of Black Templar imagery alot already, these were the very first multipart marines i've put together and as you can imagen i went a bit over the top due to my enthousiasm :rolleyes:

Latest squad i think i only have the tabard on the sarge (which is sort of a thing i want to use throughout my army).

Might take a look at changing the crosses to crux, will need to look up what icon was exactly ment... not fully educated with the 40k universe yet. ;)


Thanks for the tips once again.

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  • 1 year later...

After a loooong 40k break (i blame last expansion of World of Warcraft) i finally picked up this hobby again and managed to get this Devastator squad painted.

Quality has improved only by a little compared to previous project but that makes sense as i haven't painted since April last year it seems. :whistling:

But still, i'm making progress!




Sorry the quality aint better, tried to light them out but seems it didn't work out perfectly so some detail seems to be lost.


Sadly enough i can't make the highlight much sharper, when i hover my hand over the figure it has a shake which i can't help.

It's basicly a matter of trying to land the brush just as i pass the correct spot when i swing over it... i aint 18 anymore i guess. ;)

Still, i'm pretty happy with the result.

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Nice work! You're definitely improving with every Marine.


As for the Templar icons and such...don't worry about it. I have a few Templar bitz on my Ultras as well, back from when I was bitz-poor. I explain away the few weapon chains and Templar seals by saying those Marines are veterans of the Nimbosa Crusade, where the Ultramarines fought alongside the Templars.

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