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Crimson Guardians Chapter Command

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Hi guys my chapter command is done :D a long 5 month project is finally done! (the models existed before but some were renovated)

Left to Right: Banner Bearer Arman, Company Champion Armin, Chapter Master Ryoto, Ayame, and Apothecary Pallas.

Ryoto now has a sweet relic blade to replace his fragile messed up halberd!







Enjoy, the camera flash may be a bit harsh.... <_< ... just tell me if you want no flash pics.

cheers :P

Edited by Terminatorinhell
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He either uses a custom captain layout or Vulkan Rules. He Has termie legs that have been lengthened, A chaos Lord cape, the midsection is GS, the torso is a termie front and normal back w/ GS, the helmet is Iron Warriors, His sword is chaos fantasy bitz and a powersword and his stormbolter just one with a sight. oh and normal termie arms!


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That captain looks scary as hell! :D

Great work on making him look bulkier.


The company champion and the apothecary looks very good as well, I really like the champions weapon, the shield is impressive as well.


Overall, a great squad, but one question. Why did you include a Female?

I dont mean that in a "I detest all female marines" way, Im just curious. :)

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That sounds like a pretty cool idea, interesting way of avoiding the female marine issue. :)

That and she has a pretty nasty sword.


The standard bearer is impressive. The banner free-hand is of the captain I presume?

Edited by Brother Corvus
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These models are pretty awesome dude :)


You've taken time to work on the conversions, and painting, and it's well worth the blood sweat and tears you've put in.


Impressive Chapter command, one of the best I've seen

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First of all, it is great to see your force is already very original.


However there are a few pretty basic things you could be doing to make your models a lot better. What size brush are you using? from the looks of some of the details, like your commander's cape and the freehand on his chest that look like you used a thick brush. Try a smaller size for the finer details and do not be afraid to correct the design when it gets a bit broad.


Are you thinning your paints? Some areas look quite thick, but that could be the GS sculpting.


The highlights on the black armour are very large and messy. Practice keeping a steady hand as you trace the edges with a smaller brush for your highlights. I know it is difficult to give black depth, but it seems like you overcompensate. Let me offer this tutorial on painting black by someone much wiser than I.



Marine armour is a great way to practice highlights, remember to keep them crisp! It'll really make your minis 'pop'.


Finally, what colour red do you want the armour to be? do you want it to be blood red, like the Blood Angels? Or a deep maroon. I can see that you're probably using scab red and going up to blood red, but I can't really find an 'inbetween' colour. Either way, the red could definately use a few extra coats of thin paint. Blood red is a hard colour to really get consistent but go over it as many times as you can with watered down red, my current army has many red details and taking time to make a consistent red colour really pays off. Areas of note in regards to this are the back and front of the banner, the greaves of your apothecary and the freehand on the top of the champion's shield.


Your models are bristling with imagination, so take the time and the patience to make them really sharp. :woot: Hope to see more of your stuff.

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