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Harbinger Heavy Bomber, background help please.


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Hi I've just finished plans for and started construction of a Habringer Heavy Bomber (Bigger (much) brother of the Hell Blade fighter and Hell Talon Fighter-bomber) and I was wondering if anyone could tell me background wise who do they belong to. I believe they are piloted by servitors (or just possessed by a daemonic entity) and used by Chaos Legions but do they belong to the specific legions and so could feasibly wear Legion colours (Like Thunder Hawks) or do they belong (or did belong at one point) to an organization affiliated to the Chaos marines such as renegade Imperial Army or Dark mechanicum or whatever.


Aeronautica Imperialis scale (So small) Harbringer



40K scale Hell Blade & Hell Talon






I'm asking to that when I finish and providing it doesn't look rubbish and is structurally sound I can paint it right:D I hope they use Legion Colours :D because I'm thinking I will paint it up Alpha Legion or Iron Warriors colours :D


If anyone is interested I've worked it out on 40k scale (compared to a Rhino) it should be just short of 1m in length and 1/2 a meter in width although pretty thin for the most part on the vertical plane. I'm most worried about structural strength but I will see how it goes its the second time I've tried anything on such a large scale (The 1st being a Warlord), and the 1st time I've done so on my own :D.


Also any ideas/suggestions regarding any of its construction/painting or anything else are also welcome.

There is very little background on it it's a rather new aircraft, if created on the same forgeworld Xana 2 as the helltalon and hellblade.

I am interested in the plans for it, in time I would certainly want something like that to bomb my foes into the ashes of history.

There is very little background on it it's a rather new aircraft, if created on the same forgeworld Xana 2 as the helltalon and hellblade.

I am interested in the plans for it, in time I would certainly want something like that to bomb my foes into the ashes of history.


Thanks a lot do you know if either of the other two craft are assigned to legions or not? If you want the plans I would be happy to post up a guide tutorial and see if I can put my plans into electronic format once I've built my Harbinger(Presuming I my plans are good enough to allow me to build one :)) Although its simpler in design I think to the Warlord I worked on, my main problem will be weight as I will need to keep it under a certain weight while keeping sufficient strength.

AS far as who they belong to, they would belong to anybody who could get one, so they don't have any general Legion connection, and they are actually piloted by Space Marines (From what I gathered in the novel Dark Adeptus)


Ahrr great thats what I wanted to know if they just belonged to the legions who had them in there service or some third party. Thanks alot :D

There is very little background on it it's a rather new aircraft, if created on the same forgeworld Xana 2 as the helltalon and hellblade.

I am interested in the plans for it, in time I would certainly want something like that to bomb my foes into the ashes of history.


Thanks a lot do you know if either of the other two craft are assigned to legions or not? If you want the plans I would be happy to post up a guide tutorial and see if I can put my plans into electronic format once I've built my Harbinger(Presuming I my plans are good enough to allow me to build one :down: ) Although its simpler in design I think to the Warlord I worked on, my main problem will be weight as I will need to keep it under a certain weight while keeping sufficient strength.


I have the Aeronautica book. They do show several plates of both the Hell Talon and Hell Blade in Legion colors.


I'd then assume Harbringers do come in Legion Colors also.(My own Hellblade and Hell Talon both wear EC colors.)


As for size, I'd think it's comparable in relation to the FW Tau Manta (which is freaking huge!)


Once you finish it, please post a tutorial of some kind as to how you did it. I'd be quite interested in reading that.


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