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New Projects for the Crimson Fists

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Evening all.


Since I have been playing more than painting for a couple of months as work has been somewhat hectic, I thought I would get some more projects on the go to reinvigorate myself.


I already had a marine veteran with a pair of lightning claws which was fairly cool, from the 'Veterans 1' box set.



So I thought to myself 'if I get a Vanguard or assault marine who is fairly ornate and has his arms separate the way this model does, then I can make a cool vanguard sergeant or Counts as Shrike, using these lightning claws'. After a little study, I discovered that the vanguard model with the relic blade (which is a nice figure itself) has its arms separate in the same fashion. So I put in a mail order for one of each figure.


After machining away some lumps and bumps (the sockets on the shoulders of the minis mainly) I pinned the arms and went away to work on one of my motorbikes whilst they dried.



This one had the grenade machined off his belt too, to allow me to fit a bolt pistol later.



On returning from the garage, I assembled the models to get the posing and check the pinning was in the right areas. They are just lightly tacked together at teh moment, so I can remove the arms after undercoating them and paint them before final assembly.



What do you reckon fellas? Any input would be appreciated.

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Not a Bad Idea, really, I like it!


Using a Relic Blade on a footsie... hmmm... *stolen idea*


Problem is, i'd never see ANY of my regular Marine Vets with 2 Lightning Claws... 1 Maybe, but no way 2!


Alright, maybe for my Termie company, I might have a few with 2, but hey


Looking good, like to see them painted



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Not a Bad Idea, really, I like it!


Using a Relic Blade on a footsie... hmmm... *stolen idea*


Problem is, i'd never see ANY of my regular Marine Vets with 2 Lightning Claws... 1 Maybe, but no way 2!


Alright, maybe for my Termie company, I might have a few with 2, but hey


Looking good, like to see them painted



TBH the Relic blade guy may be getting a bolter slung on a strap somewhere to make another Honour Guard. If not, he should make a good Emperors Champion.


The guy on foot with the LC's was intended as part of a Command Squad, and the guy with the Jump pack will be a 'Counts as' Shrike or a Vanguard Sergeant. The benefit of a vanguard Sarge is that you can put a pair of LC's on him for 15 points.


It'd be rude not to really. :P

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  • 4 months later...

Evening all.


Been missing for a while, as work has been mental again, as well as the fact I have been getting hold of my motorcycle racing licence and preparing one of my bikes for racing. As such I have (apart from playing one evening a week at a club nearby) not been spending any time on the hobby.


The counts as Shrike now has base colours on him, but not properly painted. The marine with the Relic Blade has been co-opted (following seeing the pictures of the 'proper' model) to being a counts as Korsarro Khan - he's still bare metal though.


I fancied putting something together today having burned out a bit on the working on motorcycles, so grabbed a figure that I had started some time ago by rooting through some 'bits boxes'.


Sorry there's no stage by stage photo's here, but I was on a bit of a mission and didnt get the camera out till I had finished.


A chestplate, ornate shoulderpads, helmet and left powerfist from the commander's sprue, with the kneeling legs from the Devastator box and the right powerfist from the assault marine sprue had made a pretty cool guy for my command squad. Then I had an idea.


I need a counts as Marneus Calgar in power armour. So I got a couple of 'old school' RT/2nd ed bolt pistols and chopped them down and fitted them to the fists. Then I made the legs more ornate with the addition of a 'shield' and some purity seals from the dark angels veterans sprues. I needed a power sword for him, but couldnt see where I could cleanly mount one, so thought 'what the heck, it will have to go in his hand'. That came from the terminator sergeants hand from the dark angels veterans sprue too. I then just took a couple of strips of metal sprue, panelbeat them into the right shape and scored some segment lines into them as ammo feeds before topping it all off with a spare 'pedro kantor' backpack - the ammo hoppers on it go with the bolters very well.


Here's some pics of the finished article. I quite like it, though I suspect that some may find it a little too 'busy'. You never realise how many weapons ol' papa smurf has on him until you try and model him. ;)


What do you reckon guys?






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Evening all.


Been missing for a while, as work has been mental again, as well as the fact I have been getting hold of my motorcycle racing licence and preparing one of my bikes for racing. As such I have (apart from playing one evening a week at a club nearby) not been spending any time on the hobby.


The counts as Shrike now has base colours on him, but not properly painted. The marine with the Relic Blade has been co-opted (following seeing the pictures of the 'proper' model) to being a counts as Korsarro Khan - he's still bare metal though.


I fancied putting something together today having burned out a bit on the working on motorcycles, so grabbed a figure that I had started some time ago by rooting through some 'bits boxes'.


Sorry there's no stage by stage photo's here, but I was on a bit of a mission and didnt get the camera out till I had finished.


A chestplate, ornate shoulderpads, helmet and left powerfist from the commander's sprue, with the kneeling legs from the Devastator box and the right powerfist from the assault marine sprue had made a pretty cool guy for my command squad. Then I had an idea.


I need a counts as Marneus Calgar in power armour. So I got a couple of 'old school' RT/2nd ed bolt pistols and chopped them down and fitted them to the fists. Then I made the legs more ornate with the addition of a 'shield' and some purity seals from the dark angels veterans sprues. I needed a power sword for him, but couldnt see where I could cleanly mount one, so thought 'what the heck, it will have to go in his hand'. That came from the terminator sergeants hand from the dark angels veterans sprue too. I then just took a couple of strips of metal sprue, panelbeat them into the right shape and scored some segment lines into them as ammo feeds before topping it all off with a spare 'pedro kantor' backpack - the ammo hoppers on it go with the bolters very well.


Here's some pics of the finished article. I quite like it, though I suspect that some may find it a little too 'busy'. You never realise how many weapons ol' papa smurf has on him until you try and model him. :cuss


What do you reckon guys?







This is awesome! At some point I plan on doing a counts as Calgar and running him as "Cortez and the lost" which is basically him and a broken company with no ship stufk in random places. working on the story, but you have defeinitely made me want to actually do it!

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This is awesome! At some point I plan on doing a counts as Calgar and running him as "Cortez and the lost" which is basically him and a broken company with no ship stufk in random places. working on the story, but you have defeinitely made me want to actually do it!


Actually, this guy's name as I worked it out was 'Chapter Master Cortez'. Since the CF's end up fighting Dark Eldar at the end of Ben Counter's 'Crimson Tears' there is a good chance they will find clues to his location, and get him back. Then should PK get killed, Cortez would be the natural successor, and his unkillable nature seems to fit well with the Calgar Stats. :lol:


Nice Calgar conversion. Mind if I pilfer that idea for my own count as? I went the same direction with the fists, but the old bolt pistols look aces...


Help yourself. I was really fishing for what I could do about the guns, at one point I almost slung a storm bolter over his back but then I found a few old sprues with those pistols on them and they seemed like the perfect solution.

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Actually, this guy's name as I worked it out was 'Chapter Master Cortez'. Since the CF's end up fighting Dark Eldar at the end of Ben Counter's 'Crimson Tears' there is a good chance they will find clues to his location, and get him back. Then should PK get killed, Cortez would be the natural successor, and his unkillable nature seems to fit well with the Calgar Stats. :D


Crimson Tears? When be that? I must know my friend! And yeah, I definitely figured that the only way to run "Cortez" would be to use calgar, of course just not in terminator armor. he's just a lot angrier these days (Considering space marines), won't fall down, and has one crazy storm bolter. oh, and he just rips apart everything with those oversized hands of his. makes perfect sense to me. :D

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Those conversions are awesome!! Here's one of mine which is nowhere near as good :D. Ah well, here goes, (it is half way through painting).





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Well, inspired as I was by your kind comments guys, I actually picked up a paintbrush this evenign for the first time in about 4 or 5 months! :P


The 'Counts as' Shrike/Vanguard Sergeant is pretty much done now. Just a little more detail work and the basing to go.


Here he be.










Whats the verdict lads?

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