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Custodes Dreadnaught


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I'm almost ready to start painting this Mr Potato head of a dreadnaught. I still have loads of rivets to make though. If I don't kill my self before hand I'll keep posting up more pics as I go. Sorry the pictures so bad. I realy need a real camera. Needs a few more details on the gun and fist. Plus I might put an eagle on the right shoulder pad thingy.

One question on custodians- From the fluff book they seem to have only a single headed eagle is that to signify loyalty to the emperor and none to the union between mars and earth (the double headed eagle).

What do you think. WHat else does it need?

Should I fit a storm bolter on some where? may be on eaother side of his top?

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Cheers for the replies. This is the 3 bits of art work that it is inspired from.

Ferrus I think your right about the leg. I don't realy want to change it though as it will be a real pain. I may remake the legs if I get realy anoyed about it.

I've not done any more to it today as I've been busy doing other stuff.

  • 2 weeks later...

Painting has been a bit slow. I keep doing other bits of painting etc What do you think?

Painting large areas of gold is interesting to say the least. I painted it shining gold then Highlighted with bleached bone and shaded with some dark brown. Then several coast of burnished gold was applied and then washes of brown ink. I'm going to do this again to get a realy solid colour


I agree with the criticism that it looks like he is kneeling more than lunging forward.


But I think there may be an easy fix: terrain. In the art, the leg is bent to step UP on something while striding forward. If the whole model was tilted forward, perhaps by placing it on a slightly angled piece of broken stone or something, but only enough to create the feeling of motion, the problem might disappear. And in fact, in its current pose, the torso looks to be angled slightly BACK, not entirely straight. So it looks as though you could angle it forward and correct two issues.


You're the only one who can really see if this is possible. Hold the model forward and imagine it on a slightly angled piece of broken stone.


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