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WIP Sabre Tank Hunter


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Many, many... many moons ago this thread inspired me to have a go at it myself. Had a Forge World Vindicator resin set collecting dust that fit the bill perfectly. Over the course of many more months, I tried a myriad of attachments, bits, and custom-made barrels... none of which ever satisfied me 100%


Until last week.











Obviously, this is a portion of the gun assembly from the Shadowsword plastic kit. It snapped in place almost like it was purpose built. Some minor filing and sanding, and viola! The piece has just the right amount of coolant vents and stubby aggression for my taste. Though admittedly it is a bit phallic.


Still much to do. Extending boom-sight, bits and bobbles. But its all downhill from here. I'm sharing because I worked very hard, for a long time, to make something much more complicated than it needed to be.


Rules refresher (from inspiration thread): Laser Destroyer: 72" S10 AP 2, counts as Ordinance for armor penetration - no blast template. Use BS to hit.


Paint scheme will match my previous Nephilim black/gunmetal low-key (e.g. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...amp;hl=nephilim ). My only issue at this point is fluffifying my CSM into possession of such a rare piece. A bit of a stretch justifying for a bunch of renegade na'er-do-wells. Perhaps they raised funds through the sale of some excess “Prime” from their mobile drug laboratories.


(If interested in the “drug” aspect, see here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...amp;hl=nephilim )


Input welcome.



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I thought the same as well, until I compared overall length to the Forge World Destroyer (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/destroyer.htm). The Destroyer's barrel remains longer, but not by much. It's the diameter that throws it off.


I always imagined more "under the hood" than visible anyhow. Shoe-horned a giant weapon into a chassis not originally designed to accommodate it. I tried longer, and it threw the balance of the whole model off, as the Rhino has more "bulk" to it as compared to the Russ' hull.


All my subjective aesthetic opinion, however.

Thank you for the input. After consideration, I agree. The model is still too front-heavy.


I believe the solution is a plasticard vented extension at the rear of the Rhino. Perhaps 1" x 1". This would imply additional recess of the weapon into the chassis, and act as a 'counter-weight' visually.

Yeah the gun is way too big for the rhino chassis.... how about mounting it on a Land Raider instead? would fit perfectly on there i think.


Though... then it would not be a Sabre.


I definitely appreciate all of your feedback. Must be my aging eyes, but unfortunately I just don’t see that large a discrepancy when doing a side-by-side comparison of the Forge World Destroyer and this ‘weapon’. The Destroyer’s weapon is massive as well. In fact, it appears the first 1/3rd of the Laser Destroyer on that model has an identical diameter to mine. Granted, the rest of the weapon is much slimmer. But I would think the added bulk on would compensate for barrel length (capacitors, cooling, whatever). It is a beam of coherent light after all. Not like additional rifling will help. :huh:


Certainly not saying you’re wrong, or that I ‘m right. I’m just curious why my perception is so far skewed for the respondents on this one. I’m usually fairly adept at eyeing up aesthetics.

Took a long, hard look at it and ultimately determined that the input was spot on. It was just too front-heavy.


Sabre Tank Hunter, Take Two:









Still very WIP.

I actually preferred the first version because of the pure agressiveness of the weapon.


The only problem with it was that the barrel wasn´t recessed in the tank - making it look very "tacked on" (and front heavy). If you recessed it a bit - maybe even angled it up a bit - I think it would look great.

I'm not sure if you have ever considered this:


Why don't you build it as a Vindicator (aquiring the new plastic barrel or drilling the FW one out) and then scratchbuild an "insert" to extend the barrel when employing it as a Sabre. That way, you get two tanks for the price of one. ^_^

I know it would lose the tank hunting purpose of your build but I have wanted to do a Vindicator conversion with the Vulcan Mega Bolter. It looks as if it would fit perfectly in the Demolisher housing. Serious anti-personell punch. Let a mob of greenskins or gaunts advance on one of those with a razorback or two in tow.


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