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The Purge/Night Stalkers/Damned Company of Lord Caustos

Tzar Boris

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Here is some of my Chaos Space Marine Stuff I've got on the back burner just now. I sold my original army a couple of years ago - new codex came out - I wanted them again.

Rather than pure Slaanesh, I went for a mix of forces as I'd already started a Chaos Guard force (now onto it's 3rd Baneblade...), and didn't see me having time to paint or play with a whole army. Of course the collecting bug got me, and I was buying all kinds of stuff.

So, I went for The Purge (the colour scheme rocked IMHO) and the Night Stalkers (i liked them from their previous edition name of "Damned Company of Lord Caustos", purple to Grey just looks nice) with the purge bringing the foot-troops and the Night Stalkers bringing the Big Guns, for the time being. Hence the basic guys are nurgle-y and the Elites in the Slaanesh-i colours. I've sneaked in a couple of bits here and there - the possessed are on the road to being finished - just some bone and blood effect to go, and Fabius was used in Apocalypse games to beef up the Nurgle marines - terrifyingly hard if they get the roll you want.

The Night Haunters have got a Predator and Vindicator sitting about, and a converted Balrog/Dragon as a Greater Daemon in a box somewhere (how undignified) not to mention twenty or so marines in various forms of painting - as well as a CC Defiler in the workshop. The Purge have got perhaps a dozen plague marines to be done. However, due to other projects taking up my painting time, they're probably not gonna be looked at till the baby Boris' are old enough to ruin my paint jobs so I may as well stick this up as a force in its current form. I'll hopefully finish at least one Night Haunters "Tactical Squad" to make it Game Legal in normal 40k, cos otherwise it's just sitting there doing nothing.





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Nice models from what I can see, but taking some better pictures might be an idea. Get a bedside reading lamp or something similar, shine it on them (above and slightly in front) and zoom out a little.


Looking forward to seeing more.

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Thanks guys for the feedback. It's not a hugely converted force - I think the most you could count is heads form other models (Slaanesh Termies have Dark Angels, Space Wolf and normal SM heads, Sorcerer is just a spare Spawn head) and not even that careful - I'd of usually Green stuffed the Spawns joints, but I think I was just trying to get it out for Apocalypse. I'll hopefully get the tanks on here shortly.


The Sorcerer pic isn't colour changed in any way - it's just lit with a horrible Energy Efficient Room light and the backlight is the streetlamp out the window!


Unfortunately, I'm kinda stuck with Flash or no flash just now - my Tiffany style bedside lamp is just no good for the job, and there's no other lamps available. One of my next things "to do" is a 28mm photo booth, with diffused lighting for a cleaner photo. But for some atmospheric photos I'm experimenting with candlelights, torches and various other cool things.

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