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White Dragons - Update!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree that it looks a bit thick, but it could be the camera, bleeding the white together a bit. I recommend using a dark background, to keep the model from overpowering the camera's color balance.


Taking pictures of white models is difficult.


I also recommend using a very very watered down wash. You can get some interesting effects using bold washes, such as orange, green, red or even purple, but make sure it is very watered down.


I've dropped a link here with a good example of a white model with a wash applied. Though this might not be the look you are going for.


There are some great tutorials online for ways to use the washes as well.


I do want to see the other side of this mini, It looks like you did some conversion work on the backpack, and I like the model overall actually, the painting does look a bit unfinished, but it doesn't look too far from it, with a few tweaks you can have a great looking He'Stan.

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Thx for all the C&C I presently am going back to changing up how my SGT's look. They are going to look something like this:


I'll post more when I get a chance. The paint itself is on alittle thick, I'm still trying to get my water to paint ratio correct. The flamer on Vulkans arm was done by taking the Tips off of lasguns from IG. and Green stuffing them on to a power fist. And I think the pics are bad cuz of the lighting, I did actually highlight the armor on vulkan, and soon to be 1 full tact. squad. Like i said... soon. very soon.

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Thx for all the C&C I presently am going back to changing up how my SGT's look. They are going to look something like this:


I'll post more when I get a chance. The paint itself is on alittle thick, I'm still trying to get my water to paint ratio correct. The flamer on Vulkans arm was done by taking the Tips off of lasguns from IG. and Green stuffing them on to a power fist. And I think the pics are bad cuz of the lighting, I did actually highlight the armor on vulkan, and soon to be 1 full tact. squad. Like i said... soon. very soon.

Doesn't really make a difference. Most chapters variate as in if you had a blue/red/black color scheme, you could apply different colors to different parts of the armour.

Don't try to do that too much in squads, it kind of messes up the cohesion.

EDIT: now that I look at it closely, i can see the highlight.

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  • 4 months later...
Looking good. The white looks a bit too clean to me. I would suggest hitting the armor with either a mud/brown or black wash, just to dull the white armor down. Of course, if your going for the clean look, you could just hit the cracks and recesses of the armor with watered down black ink or shade it by hand with gray.
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Looking good. The white looks a bit too clean to me. I would suggest hitting the armor with either a mud/brown or black wash, just to dull the white armor down. Of course, if your going for the clean look, you could just hit the cracks and recesses of the armor with watered down black ink or shade it by hand with gray.
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The flames, cloak and parchment are all awesome, however I definitely agree with the others who have said he needs his armor shaded. Dirty him up already! As a chapter master he'll obviously be in the thick of the fight during any battle, so he's going to get messy.



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I always worry about throwing down a wash or something on the armor in fear of messing up all the hard work I have done already... Hmmm would this work ya think for dirtying up the armor??


http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...72272&st=25 - Post #29


Also with that being said, ADMINS - Please move this thread to WIP if you can pls??

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The flames, cloak and parchment are all awesome, however I definitely agree with the others who have said he needs his armor shaded. Dirty him up already! As a chapter master he'll obviously be in the thick of the fight during any battle, so he's going to get messy.






It just might. Try it out on some spare bitz or sprue before you try it on a model.


Another technique I have experimented with my Ultramarines Vanguard with dheb stone (or some other dirt/earth/rubble color) and blend it in with the model's armor color, which was ultramarines blue in this case. I did this around the feet of the models to give them the illusion of walking through urban rubble. You can further highlight or shade this by mixing more or less of the dheb stone with the armor's color.


That technique probaly won't work with your white marines. perhabs the mud wash or a brown blended with skull white and then a successive highlight(s) of the said mixture with skull white.

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I'll prolly try going the Delvan Mud route... thing is the mud might looka bit off with walking on battle scared city type pavement... so I was thinking maybe to a lighter version of the color on the bases and try out the new stipling brush from GW...?
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  • 5 months later...
try and change your chapter's founding, as there were no recorded 2nd foundings from the sallies, they were too decimated to createe any.




And yet here they are. Its been 10,000 years, it doesn't strain the imagination to think that a captain may have left with a few squads if numbers swelled at some point, regardless of the Salamanders ability to split at the 2nd founding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... Since you guys went and necro-rezed my post (Which I appreciate) it reminded me to post some more of my work.

This is my version of the Vulkan He'stan Model for my army. His name is Dragon Lord Kai'thax


Here is a sample of my standard troops. The flamer port has been replaced by one of the lizardmen heads.


Yes I am aware of the blurry-ness around the SGT. I did that on purpose.

Now considering my chapter is a successor to the salamanders, obviously they too are from a forge world. This is my TFC.


I threw out the idea of playing by the fluff and having a 0-1 option in fast attack.


This one is still a WIP as for I'm trying to make it look more battle damaged and dirty.

And last but not least. I play my army as a siege army. Up in your face shooty shooty flamey flamey melta hammer death. This is my Vindicator, it's seen some action. I roll with 2 of these in my 2k army.


Ok so there is an update. More to come! Thanks for the inspiration and C&C. Please continue with the C&C, and as always you flame me, the mods will have their way with you!

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