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"The Pilgrim"

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So with my Inquistior just about complete I return with yet another project. Will it be completed? Only time will tell brothers. Once again looking through a box of old mini's I stumbled across my techmarine in full servo harness. The painting was mediocre to say the least so armed only with the idea that I could paint much better now I stripped the paint from him. Once he was cleaned up I started trying to work out what to do with him. This is the result. Bear in mind it's still very WIP and so the Green Stuff still needs tidying up. More will follow tomorrow.







The idea I've come up with is that this techmarine for some reason or another has become separated from his chapter. After an ephiphany only he is currently privy to (I haven't figured it out yet) he has modifed his armour. Perhaps he had no need for servo arms, or maybe he has succeeded in making the powercells for his armour more efficient. Either way, he now treads a meandering path across the galaxy, searching for any sign of his lost bretheren.


A bad idea, plain crazy? Think it might work, please let me know....



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A few photos of the assembled mini, and the cleaned up G/S work on the back. Painting will commence shortly. I'm going with red armour plates and helm, but I'm not sure what chapter yet... I wish he'd hurry up and tell me! ;)














Comments/Criticism welcome, I'll update when I've got more done.



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I suppose it would work, fluff wise i mean. I think a good way to get it across on the model would be to have weapons slung or holstered so he had nothing in his hand appart from a dataslate maybe as if he were following a map on the data slate. Ooh if you have a little GW drill thingy i find that putting a pin in that can get those tough hard to reach bits of paint that are left on the model!

Ooh and tidy that GS up!!! ;)


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Thanks for the tip John, I think I'll give that a try. The back vents actually came up bulkier than I'd originally planned, I might tyr and add some more detailing to the sides and/or top. As for weapons, what you see is what he's got. I wanted to keep the axe as it's his staff (every pilgrim should have a staff).



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I kinda like this idea.

He is a tech preist though, so i would of thought he would us his servo harness to create some sort of beacon to signal his brothers as to his location (On their secure channel).....or...and this has just occured to me...his chapter was wiped out in some devastating way and he survived. feeling survivers guilt he wonders the galaxy sure that some are still alive, following up rumours etc.

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Looks good so far mate!


I'd use the chaos codex for this guys and go for a Thousand Sons army. Have the rubric marines as automotons that he's created using the armour of his fallen brothers and wack loads of bionics on them showing through their busted up armour.

Go for the dark and scarey forbidden technology angle.

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Looks good so far mate!


I'd use the chaos codex for this guys and go for a Thousand Sons army. Have the rubric marines as automotons that he's created using the armour of his fallen brothers and wack loads of bionics on them showing through their busted up armour.

Go for the dark and scarey forbidden technology angle.


OR... he could be a renegade Adeptus Mechanicus Marine! Using the same angle as above, but his creations are corrupted by chaos/necrontyr powers. He could lead a force of Servitors and Automatons, soulessly marching into battle, by the controls of their mechanical master. Or maybe they are his former brothers and retinue, but their brains were plucked out and used as command processors for his droid fighters. They follow all his orders, without the use of free will...

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@ Nurglephill: His chapter is gone. There might be the a couple of kill teams somewhere in the galaxy, the odd marine on a solo mission or something like that, but that isn't gonna stop him. He's looking for something and he ain't stopping till he finds it/them.


@ Doghouse: Thanks mate. I like the idea of automaton marines.... hmm, if I can muster the resolve to do it I'll see what I can come up with :D


@ HVNSNTSOLDIER: Nice idea, but not for me I'm afraid. This guys still a loyalist. Infact it's pretty much only his faith in the Emperor that's keeping him going.

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If I may, might these designs give you any inspiration?





I planned on using the same designs for my Chaplain servitors in my BT Crusade. Lovely, structurally sound design overall, with a hint of knightly flare and a few crusader seals and artefacts. Hope these help!


Please keep in mind these are not mine. If anyone comes across this and it is your creation, please let me apollogise first-hand as I don't know your name. Mad props to you whoever you may be! (So I nicked a few pics, I use to be a Deathskull ork player... sue me! <_< :P )

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