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By order of His most holy Inquistion...

Pig Of Sparta

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Brothers I present to you Inquisitor Terje Rhett in all his glory:







I know the basing could probably (read almost definately) be better, I think I might revisit him if/when I get a better flash of inspiration than this one. Or if I can ever get the motivation to paint the Scribe I talked about when I first started painting him. Before I forget, I'd like to thank Brother Captain for his timely advice on how to improve this mini.


Any ways, comments and criticisms are most welcome.



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Thanks Fated Fith. I went for a simple but bold(ish) design because I didn't want anything too ostentatious, this Inquisitor sees himself first and foremost as a soldier of the Emperor, so he doesn't have very much bling. The white is quite easy, but takes patience. It works over both black and white undercoats too ^_^ Start with a basecoat of Space Wolves Grey, then shade an recesess with watered down Shadow Grey (not too watery, just enough that it flows easily I'd say about 50/50 is ok, I always kinda judge it by eye) Then after tifying up any slips or mistakes with Space Wolves Grey, apply several thinned layers of Skull White, how many is up to you, but I usually have anywhere between 3 and 5 layers. Hope you found this helpful :)



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Yes! That is how i think an inquisitor should be...EXACTLY as you have portrayed.

He has the power but can go about it any way he wants

And your's just seems a lot less cocky than most inquisitors.. in a very good way! ^_^

I like the way he stands out well with the good contrast of colours aswell very effective

Thanks for the help with the white i'll give it a go


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Believe it or not the colour scheme came from a Warhammer Nurgle Lord that they ran a painting guide on in WD a couple of moths ago! When I dug the mini out though I just knew I had to give it a try on him, the armour had just the right amount of texture and detailing, and the cloak just complemented it perfectly.


Good luck with the white, let me know how you get on :).



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Thanks guys. It's really only been since I joined the B&C that I've started trying to push my painting skills more and more. It's a double edge sword though because I get frustrated when I get a really great idea and then either can't afford to get the mini's or bits I need/want or I try something and cause it's not as good as I thought or I have another 'great' idea and get bored of what I'm working on. I'm quite constrained in how much modelling and painting I can get done in a week too, which is why it can take me ages to progress the stuff I do get done.



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Maybe if I clarified that the left hand counts as a Power Fist in the same way that Inquisitor Lor's does (nods to Brother Captain) it might help. I know it's not as big and bulky as a Marine or even an Imperial Guard one, but that expensive augmetic could have some lovely miniturised components and actuators hidden inside it :)
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