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Imperial Fists Scout Veteran Sergeant

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A quick (hopefully) project, some of you may remeber him from a diorama idea I had a while ago. Well since that came to nothing, I decided to dust him off and give him a lick of paint anyway. I've never really succeded in painting a convincing yellow for IF before, so this is both an attempt to paint a cool mini and a test to see if I can nail the armour colour.












As you can see there's still a fair bit to do, this is only the basecoats so far, the fatigues will be getting lighter to more of a khaki colour and the armour will look yellower when I'm done. Please feel free to leave comments and or criticism, hopefully I'll have an update soon ;)



ok since no one else has asked why 3 arms for one scout? :D


Glad someone asked :) I can't decide which left arm to go with so I figured I'd paint both and see what looked best.


What colour have you used on the armour and fabric? It looks really cool... I feel like trying it on some IG....


The armour is Vomit Brown and the fatigues are Scorched Brown.



It's the head from one of the masters of the chapter mini's. The master of the recruits actually! ;) Hopefully I won't keep you waiting too long, should get some painting done over the weekend with a little luck.



Update Time! Unfortunately I got distracted by Gears of War 2 over the weekend but I have managed to get some more done on this fella.











I need to try and blend some bleached bone now as I don't have much left and the highlights on the armour plates invlove quite a bit of it mixed with vomit brown....


Hopefully I'll have more done tomorrow, but in the mean time c&c is welcomed. I just noticed a patch of overzealous highlighting on his leg, and I need to calm down the highlighting on the chest eagle, but I'll fix these tomorrow :(



@ ShinyRhino: Yeah, I think it kinda shows too, at some angles his neck looks a little funny I think ;)


@ Dragonkin Arenis: He's got bionics and a plate cause he's a veteran. In the same way that Telion has spent 400 odd years training Ultramarines this guys spent a few centuries kicking the Fists recruits into shape.


@ Midas: I don't know what WOOT means, but I'll assume it's good and say thanks :D.

Double Post I'm afraid, but I have achieved some more painting today :). As you'll see he's almost done now, just a few bits left to do, and the armour highlights to complete. I also need to tidy up the glaze on his scarring, it went a little too far...






With a little luck I'll get some more done over the weekend. Until then c&c will be greatly appreciated.



Double Double Post I'm afraid, (I'm begining to think I've offneded everyone somehow sice I'm getting no replies :lol:) but it does come with photos ;).







a few bits and pieces left to do, not least the insignia on his shoulder guards which I'm going to try freehanding, and the blade of the combat blade. C&C is welcomed, I'll be updating tomorrow hopefully.



First off, let me say that I quite like this one. Consider the pose lifted, as I've been curious what I was going to do with all those scout sword arms like the one you've used...

I like the inclusion of the masters of Chapter head, and it fits well with the scaling of the model, so I may 'borrow' that idea as well for an upcoming scout squad.

On the painting, I'd love to see some additional highlighting on the black bits, especially on the hard edges of the bolt pistol. The sword could also use a little more definition, especially in differentiating the hilt and handle from the color of the blade. Although its cliche, perhaps a swath of blood across the blade would help break up the monotony of the silver as well. This would also help to tie in the red aquilla detailing you have on the chest a little better.


Thanks for the comments guys, I was beginning to worry a little :)


@ikik: Glad the yellow's working. If you want to give it a try, this is the tut I based it on:


Chaos Bunny Studios Imperial Fists Tutorial


Instead of using Brown Ink I used the Devlan Mud wash and instead of Bleached Bone I just added Skull White to the Vomit Brown base colour in successivly larger amounts to do the highlights. I went for the head because it seemed to fit better than the grumpy steriod filled regular scout heads, but hey not everyone likes the same thing so it's cool ;).


@Badaab: feel free to 'borrow' as much as you like, I'd quite like to see your take on the ideas. As I said above the use MotC head came from my dislike of the regular scout heads and I think it succeeds in giving him more of a 'veteran' look. With regards to the painting, I'm going to do the final edge higlights on the black tomorrow, along with the blade of the sword. I was thinking of a couple of blue glazes on the combat blade to give it more of a toughened steel effect. I do like the idea of the blood across the blade though so I might give that a go.

Weeell, I'm not sure there are another 4 scouts with boltguns sitting upstairs waiting to be painted, so I guess he could have some company... but as tempted as I am to say they'll join him, with my record of starting and not finishing projects, I think he'll remain a one off. For now. As for the neck, you called it right, it looks a lot better than I thougt it might. Wait, I just relised, he has a neck unlike regular scouts! :D

I've finally got to the stage where I'm happy to say he's finished. All he needs now is a second coat of Purity Seal and to be based. I'm still not sure how to base him yet, but it'll have to wait till tomorrow.


Final Pics:









I did try and do the a smear of blood on the blade, but I couldn't quite get it to look right, so I ended up repainting it. Any tips or suggestions on how to base him will be much appreciated, along with any other comments or criticisms anyone has. I've just noticed that one of the transfers on his left shoulder guard is frosted slightly, I'll try and fix that tomorrow ;).




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