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Heirs of Russ

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OK I have posted threads of my attempts at truescaling before and recieved biting critism.


But rather than despairing and giving up my true scale dreams I decided that though I will probably never try modeling again there is another route... The Kit-Bash!


So here they are two cobbled together Marines from my bits box:








They are not finished yet, still need to be tidied up and some bits filed, plus the cracks need filling but I think they look very wolf-ish!

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A very good take on the truescale idea. I really, really like the first one. Makes me want to build one of them myself. The comteplative look into the dead ork's eyes is very atmospheric. Kudos to you sir for making me want to give these a go (if that would be ok of course) :). Seriously though, I look forward to seeing how these progress.



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Thank You some positive comments at last. To be honest I should have thought of this earlier - I bought the chaos bitz to do truescaling doghouse's method but my modelin' skills didn't cut it and then I was playing a game with my SW and BAM!!! It just hit my how simple this would be.


Feel free to use this it would make me very happy!


But anyway... I have been thinking about the practicalities of this, I mean some of them will have to be grey hunters/blood claws for it to work as an army. So I have decided not to make it a playable army but to make it an all HQ Apocalypse force (wolf guard battle leaders!!!) plus WGBL can take heavy weapons so it might actually work...

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yo bro this mobel rocks!!!!


can you please tell me what head did you use for it??

and could you tell me how you made it in detail??


thx bro


Black Templar Mk 4 Maximus Helmet


Not a Bad pair of models, Scout!


I'd like to see a squad of these guys ^^




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looks very good so far, just remember to trim mold lines and get rid of the chaos arrows. And if possible use marine chest plates.


I think these would look alot better with Marine chest pieces, they do look pretty ace though! Just need to add a couple more Power Armour pieces ^_^


Listen not to these soft words. Space Wolves do whatever they want to! lol


They do look awesome though.

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Again thanks for the comments guys and I am going to post some pictures of how they were made soon as to the "Ork Head Guy" He has a Mk IV helmet off the BT upgrade sprue.


I was thinking again and decided to write some fluff on them as a lost company. This explains both the strange mix of weaponry (use whatever there is left or you can scrounge) and why they are all multi wound models (Veterans) does anyone know of any fluff on lost companies, 'cause I always prefer to use fluff that alredy exist rather than making it up.


BTW: Coming Soon: The Standard Bearer;

Some Guy with a Missile launcher;

Guy with Bolter #1

and tutorial test model guy thingy...

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Here is the first painted model. I have decided to make them a custom chapter rather than SW (try clicking the link on my signature)



I'm gonna re-paint the face black (Sallies Geneseed)

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