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Blood Ravens captain -)redux(-


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Okays i Haven't posted in a while so...

I decided to do a few touch ups on my captain - repainting the cape changing the sword a few highlights here and there etc...

I didn't get an enormous amount of responses last time so please anything to say please say it... I wont bite!

Hope you like him



Any comments, criticisms/advice would be great!

And tips on getting a smoother white would also be brilliant.



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Yeh you do have a very good point

Personally i think the red is ok...But the white is terrible, especially on the helmet and cape...

It does look slightly better in person (clean wise)

I have only really been into the hobby for under 12 months

and only really started to paint and collect about 6 months ago so...

I really need to learn...ALOT!

Thanks very much for the point in the right direction. much appriciated


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That's a cool looking captain. That red is nice and rich which is a good thing for Blood Ravens. All in all good use of the Sicarius model.

With the white, one way of doing it is to work up from grey, I've used the lightest of the foundation paint greys and worked up from there and you'll get to white in no time. Just make sure you thin it with some water and build it up slowly. It takes a while but it'll be worth it.

Hope that helps in anyway.


Brother Duncs.

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I can spy 3 ;) well it's infront of me so...

Nahh i decided to keep the ones on the hips on i think they are quite cool

The U on his groing protector chain thingymabob... i had no g.s so i left it :)

Thanks for the comments so far!

In general i guess it's thinner layers, more layers, spend more time on the model.

Thanks for the C&C



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