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techmarine wip


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Its not bad persay, just not really that stand out. You just gotta accept that generally unless your stuff is Golden Deamon quality you're not gonna get that many responses. That doesn't mean you shouldn't post, because you will get some responses if you're patient. You just need to be patient and keep trying regardless of responses.


Now all that said....


I think it looks good except for one thing. The helmet. It leaves it looking to much like a terminator. If you would change it out with a PA helmet... maybe the Ravenwing mechanicus helmet, it would help it out alot I think.

From what I can see it looks good, the only problem is that with the lighting and everything being black it's very hard to actually see any of the models details. I like the arms added to the terminator armor, but I can't tell what the connections look like due to eveyrthing being so dark. I think it'll get more responses if you retake the pics with a bit better lighting.


Put the light in front of the model, cause right now the everything is backlit causing it to be in shadow and you can only see the detail on top of the model. Also it might be good to prop up a piece of paper behind it so there's not other models or desk items etc showing up behind it, especially with the landraider being the same colors it kind of all runs together. You wnat the focus of teh picture to be on the model not, and not having distractions in the background.


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