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Rhino with two Lascannons?


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I was wondering about the following... is this ok?.


Two 10 men tactical squads each with 9 Bolter Marines and 1 Lascannon, both split into combat squads (1a/b & 2a/:D, both with Rhinos.


Deployment: Rhino 1 deployed with 1a (with lascannon marine). 1b deployed outside Rhino. Squad 2a (with Lascannon) deployed next to Rhino 1 and squad 2b deployed in Rhino 2.


1st turn: Squad 2a embarks on Rhino 1, Rhino then has two 5 men squads with lascannons within it, obviously 2a can't shoot as they've moved, but squad 1a can fire lascannon.


2nd turn: Rhino is stationary, both combat squads within Rhino can fire, as they're different squads both Lascannons can fire at different targers... essentially turning an objective holding Rhino into a dual Lascannon tank with the ability to shoot at different targets!?.


Is the above aloud?


Many thanks,



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Couple of points, as mentioned only one transport per initial squad.


Splitting into combat squads still means they where initially one squad.


two - only one squad at any time may ride a transport, unless specificly noted (such as with stompas)

  chromedog said:
No, once split, they become separate units (and double killpoints).


One unit per transport. One full strength squad or one combat squad makes no nevermind.


I know. I wasn't sure if Praeger was pointing out that you could only buy a Rhino for each "initial" squad (i.e. not a Rhino for each combat squad) or whether he was saying combat squads from the same initial squad were able to ride in the same transport.

Sorry, should have made that clearer.


1 - You pick a transport when building your list.


2 - You deploy squads (and split normal squads into combat squads) at deployment.


Since 1 comes before 2 it is impossible for 2 rhinos to be purchased, and as only one squad can ride in the same transport (unless specificly noted) then after point 2 you have 2 seperate squads, out of which one may ride in the rhino at a time.

  Praeger said:
Sorry, should have made that clearer.


1 - You pick a transport when building your list.


2 - You deploy squads (and split normal squads into combat squads) at deployment.


Since 1 comes before 2 it is impossible for 2 rhinos to be purchased, and as only one squad can ride in the same transport (unless specificly noted) then after point 2 you have 2 seperate squads, out of which one may ride in the rhino at a time.


Because it makes perfect sense for all the cool kids to stand at the door and not let the nerdy kids in, even though there is plenty of room on the bus.



  Culsandar said:
  Praeger said:
Sorry, should have made that clearer.


1 - You pick a transport when building your list.


2 - You deploy squads (and split normal squads into combat squads) at deployment.


Since 1 comes before 2 it is impossible for 2 rhinos to be purchased, and as only one squad can ride in the same transport (unless specificly noted) then after point 2 you have 2 seperate squads, out of which one may ride in the rhino at a time.


Because it makes perfect sense for all the cool kids to stand at the door and not let the nerdy kids in, even though there is plenty of room on the bus.




Yep, that's pretty much it.


Even in the GRIMDARKNESS of the far future... there is only REVENGE OF THE NERDS! :huh:


Your best bet is to stick the Rhino with the Choppy half of the Squad and zoom towards the enemy while the Blasty Half stays back and Blasts the enemy.

Just to throw out some ideas for you to have your Las-Rhino (because I thought of doing this before, too) -


You could use a Devestator squad. 5 or 10 men, two Lascannons, and they can buy a Dedicated Rhino. You can't split fire, but thanks to the Signum, one of them is BS 5.


Sterguard Squad - Yes, somehow, they can buy two Lascannons and a Rhino. Seems like such a waste of that special Ammo, though.


Other options -


Downgrade a bit - Try a tactical squad with a Lascannon and Plasmagun. There's two fire points, and this is a fairly complementary weapon selection. You could always go with the Lascannon/TL-PG Razorback, but that's a different tactic entirely.


Holy Spam Command Squad - Command Squads don't have to be deployed with the Captain they're taken for, and they too can take a dedicated Rhino. Try a cheap command squad with two meltas, flamers, or plasmaguns. No, it's not the long range punch of the lascannons, but you can travel 12" and double-melta a Land-Raider, or double plasmagun Terminators, or double Flamer Pathfinders in cover. If you want to go all out, get a CC Captain, and make the rest of the Command Squad CC oriented, but include your double-specials. Then you can roll up 12" and shoot but stay embarked, then disembark and charge on the same turn if you get out before the Rhino moves again.

  General Retreat said:
No, it's not the long range punch of the lascannons, but you can travel 12" and double-melta a Land-Raider, or double plasmagun Terminators, or double Flamer Pathfinders in cover. If you want to go all out, get a CC Captain, and make the rest of the Command Squad CC oriented, but include your double-specials. Then you can roll up 12" and shoot but stay embarked, then disembark and charge on the same turn if you get out before the Rhino moves again.

Except for the problem that if you move faster than combat speed your embarked units can't fire.

You are absolutely correct, sir, my apologies. If a vehicle moves at Cruising Speed, embarked passengers may not fire at all. pg 66 BRB 3rd para. under Fire Points


So you can still roll up 6" and do the same, it essentially gives you an extra round of AV 11/11/10 protection before the charge, and two protected special weapon attacks. To use the Lascannons from the original idea, you'd have to remain stationary and not use smoke launchers, of course.



Turn X Move 12" - Smoke

Turn X+1 Move 6" - Fire two meltas/flamers/plasmaguns, and the Storm Bolter from the Rhino (and the second if you bought it)

Turn X+2 Disembark Unit within 2" of door on the target-side, Move Normally 6", then move the Rhino to a wall position, Fire pistols/assault weapons again, and Charge



It's a tricky tactic, but very achievable. You need to move on Turn X to a position 17-18" from the target. You also have to arrange to be 12-14" away from the target unit at the end of Turn X+1. Remember that if a unit destroys the transport, it cannot then fire on the disembarked Marines unless it can split fire somehow. If you have open space enough, try getting the Rhino around behind the unit you're about to assault (1" behind). If they run, they'll have to go around it or be destroyed.


You can do this with Assault Squads w/o jump packs (they get a Rhino for free!), too.


Use this with 3+ Rhino's worth of Marines at once for White-Devil-Dinky-Dao-Crazy-Horse Bar-B-Q style.


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