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Noise marines part 2


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I recently posted some pictures of some of the Slaanesh marines I've converted and painted for my EC force. A few people asked for some squad pics so here's a couple. Only a handful more marines to go and all the squads will be finished.



Noise marines. This time with even more groin related unpleasentness.





Chaos marines with icon Of Slaanesh. I don't actually have an icon carrier. I just don't like people holding banners in 40k. I'll probably just stick something onto the backpack of one of the marines.




Comments and crit much appreciated.

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i'm a huge fan of your slaanesh scheme, i'd go as far as to say they are the best i've seen tbh so a huge golf clap to you :huh:



i've been doing some converting lately for my black legion army and have come up with a great way to add studs to marines, might be of use to you as studs are very slaaneshi.......


Materials = superglue, sewing pins, black marker, small hand drill, strong wire cutters, small bit of cardboard.


1. draw small black dots om whichever armour piece your adding studs to and get your finest drill bit to drill a hole in these places.


2. pop a swing pin through your bit of cardboard then put the cardboard on a hard surface with the point of the pin facing up the way, then clip the close to the cardboard ( which is there to give you the correct length and stop the head of the pin flying across the room never to be seen again).


3. glue the pinheads in place with a small amount of glue.


hardest part is trolling the haberdasharies and sewing shops carefully inspecting pinheads looking for the ones that will make the best studs, all the time being looked at in a strange way by the sweet old lady that runs the shop! ;)

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After looking at these pictures for several minutes, I have decided that in addition to being without a shadow of a doubt the most successful realization of Slaaneshi marines I have ever seen, these could very well be the most beautifully customized and painted marines I have ever seen. And it's really not just the technical virtuosity you're displaying here; that's impressive in of itself, but beyond that, I think you've accomplished the very difficult task of managing to make the models capture the spirit that we find in the better 40k sourcebook illustrations. These guys manage to look so sinister, elegant and perverse all at once. Bravo, seriously. Please post any subsequent work. And forgive me for planning to borrow and expand on everything I've seen you do here in the near future, though doubtlessly with much less skill.
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What can I say, Thank you for all the comments guys.


Son of Dorn- the sorcerer has been updated- he has a head now for one thing. I'll be posting some more pictures of him later as yet again I need some words of wisdom to help with the next stage.


Deaths head- thank you. If there was one thing I really hoped to achieve with these models it was to take the detail and subtle variety that we find in the artwork and apply it to some models. Feel free to borrow anything you like. If you follow the link in my sig you'll find a log with a few tutorials that may help you too.


drudge dreadnought- One day they will be drilled. Honest...


Its just something I always forget. When everythings finished I'll just sit down and drill them all.

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