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Shaun Carlin

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Praise The Emperor these models are Finally done, because im sick to the teeth looking at them, but im happy now that they are done, also in the back ground of one of these pictures you will find a clue to whats coming next








As a bonus im going to show you guys aload of my character models collection,


This model is one that i have loved for a long time i always since i seen him in the Battle for Macragge booklet.

After improving my skills painting i fianlly got up to a level where i wanted to paint this guy to the best of my skill

painting time 8 hours stright start to finish. Im happy with how he turned out in a ''local'' painting compition which i arrived too late to enter he scored 28/30 the winner won and scored 19/30, the prize was a blister pack chaplain but i have them all anyway :D



This guy will also be going in the post your fav model topic i seen.



The man Himself he's been painted 3 times in all, but was striped before this current one.



The Master of the Watch "Stand ever vigilant"



The Master of Recruits "Forge the Heros of tomorrow"



The Master of Arsenal "Look to your Wargear"



The Master of The Fleet "His wrath Falls from the Heavens"



Master of Faith "Carry the Emperors light as your torch"



Master of Prayer "Live as you Die, fighting for the Emperor"



Master of Rites "Emperor give me strength to carry out the deed, and brother, grant me forgiveness for what I am about to .."



Master of Litany of hate "We unite brothers against those that are damned, we show no mercy for we have NONE!"

This is the one i use in games as my on foot standard chaplain the others sit on the shelf on the models that are noted as being acting in service you will notice arnt coverd in dust :P



My acting standard Librarian



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Any Character you havs not seen above i have undercoated, for some reason i just wanted them all and over time i endn'd up buying the blisters :D

Also i can't remember if i posted this guy before or not but just in case here he is


My invictus in power armour


C&C Welcome and uh vow complete i don't know what the whole vow complete thing is but i supposed i vow to paint a model if i buy it so the my vow to paint these guys is complete

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Praise The Emperor these models are Finally done, because im sick to the teeth looking at them, but im happy now that they are done, also in the back ground of one of these pictures you will find a clue to whats coming next


The man Himself he's been painted 3 times in all, but was striped before this current one.


Hmm, I think the clue is the Cod Liver Oil.

It's fish based, so your next project will be Tau Piranhas? :D


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hmmm thats a games da model... wow looks alot better then the storm bolter one i got *laughs* but i think the one with the thunder hammer pays off for me in that reguard :3 *holds up both* :3 my only games day models ... even though i never got to go *laughs*
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@battle captain corpus: thanks very much what compition do you mean?

@Race Bannon: its not exactly invictus its just a normal captain model from games day 1999, i just use him as invictus using Kantors rules

@Drudge Dreadnought: everyone does for some reason

@Capt. Tates: now its not land speeders, i forgot those were there

@Pig Of Sparta:you're right they arnt meant to be the clue they just kinda got left there

@LPetersson: that just holds tacs and i wouldn't post tau things here, so i asume you already worked it out welll done.

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These are really something.


From the flesh tones to the bases (which I have to tell a UM mate of mine about now!).


The only thing I'd fix if I were you:

The teeny tiny blue splash of paint which is on the Master of Litany of hate's shoulderpad stud. -_-


Other than that, Ah-mazing. ;)

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