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Dabbles and attempts at PH, Sculpting and whatever


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First, thanks to Doghouse and Apologist for all their work - this wouldn't be happening without them.


Now, this tale begins with two friends of mine: Firenze and Skirax. Both are doing PH armies, Firenze the XXth Legion, Skirax the XIth. Now, I like the Heresy Era stuff a lot... but really can't be bothered to get yet another army going. I do however have the bits collection from hell:




So, using Doghouses' most excellent Gothic Marines guide, and wanting to test my GS-Fu a bit more, I've decided to do some character models. Namely, two unnamed (as of yet) Captains: An Alpha from any time up to the end of the Heresy:




And a World Eater from Istvaan III/V - Siege of Terra




And some arms / Heads. The left is for the Alpha, the right will be the Eater. At the moment they are very WiP and the GS looks a lot worse than it actually is. I hope to have the Alphas MkIII Chest Plate done by this evening. The rest will have to wait until Superglue.




So, thanks for looking, C&C appriciated and see you around!


COMING SOON: Khornate Prince (Scratch Sculpt) Tzeentch Prince (Be'lakor conversion) and (maybe) Ingo Pech... Truescaled!

Thanks for the kind words, 200Plus. The rest of you, stop staring and comment! *Waves a bag of interweb cookies*


Right, the Alpha torso was a fugly mess. I accept that, and so, Blue Tac'ed for your privlidge :






Now, looking at these a couple of details strike me about this. The Gun looks very, very heavy and unbalances the whole model. I can't decide whether to replace it with a PH Bolter or simply shave the blade off. I mocked up that too using Photobucket. Still looks off to me... what do you guys think?




Anyway, onto the WE:






I quite like the look of the trophy cloak, and the Axe has worked well to I feel. He too presents me with a dilemma - the left arm. Do I go for a gun, or another spikey weapon o'doom - This one I quite like the feel of.


So, anyone feel like helping me in my dilemma?

@ Dorns Padawan - the GS looks rougher than it is, because when it's smoothed it damages the GS's finish. Trust me, it's smooth!


Right, update time... this project is really motoring by my standards!


WE with both arms: thoughts? Brutal enough?






So far, no replies on the Alphas Boltgun - still unsure guys, give me a hand here!


Finally, a sneak peak at the next mini - Ingo Pech, 1st Captain of the Alpha Legion.




Ok, so it's a sword. It's going to be "Actual Scale", as opposed to "Gothic" for that extra bit of imposing. Here's the sword on a body mock up, where I've extended the Alphas groin guard. Needs a bit of work though.





I'm loving these guys but am not a big fan of the bolter. Maybe try your hand at some bolters like Synapse has in his thread, with the magazine and grip reversed?




Presumably you've already came across this fella aswell as Doghouse etc. You could also upscale a bolter with plasticard so it doesnt just look like a pistol in your big fellas hands!



Right, thanks for the replies guys - the Alpha is on hold until I get superglue to reinforce the chest which as started to fall off. Nothing serious, I just need to make sure it's solid before I go any further. In addition, the lack of superglue has set back the other project I was starting, one of which can be seen here: [the other is going to involve a lot of GS and some wire...]




However, I have had time to do some work on a third PH Marine: 1st Captain of the Alpha Legion, Ingo Pech.








I may have created a monster here...


Oh, and the WE is now ready for paint.



Right, update time. Those wanting PH Marines, look away now - the Warp is come!!!


First, the contents of the box - presently, one irate, upside down Daemon Prince of Tzeencth. Based on Be'lakor, so far I've just removed the star on his chest, and replaced it with an eye. During painting I'll make that into the Tzeentch symbol, but for now it's just some GS. He's also had his horns snipped off, and fire sculpted on instead, plus fire on the sword. But for now, he's upside down in a clamp, waiting to be glued to his base.




Also, here's the (nearly) finished Bluescribes, in a different thread in the Liber Malifactorum.




Finally, as I promised 2 princes, I suppose I ought to show the other one.




20 minutes, some Milliput and a Guitar Wire later, and we get this:






As you can see, this guy is going to be big...



Update time!


The Alpha Legionnaire is now finished, ready for Firenze to base and paint as he sees fit. As you can see, I went with Geordies idea of a PH Bolter, and I like it.




This is where I am at with the Tzeentch Prince:




And a mock with wings:




And finally, I've started the WE paintjob:




C&C still welcome!

  • 3 weeks later...

@ The_Chaplain - yes, but it'll be in my Call of Chaos Plog down in Liber Malefactorium. This one is going over to full PH soon... though a few extras may show up now and again... B)


As for these two - behold!








Just need to finish the arms off now.


And Pech, no awaiting another Firenze paint job...:






So there you go, nearly there with this bit... coming soon... well, the BL should be working on it for earlyish next year...


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