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My take on 'Dognought' - Dread with bite!


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this realy is outstanding. i honestly cant think of one thing to qritique on. only thing i can think of is possibly puting some armour plates on the front legs, but that is it.


im not usually a fan of conversions which completely alter the model, but this is unbelievable. only thing i can think of is make 2 more, so you can feild them as a pack. this deserves and apocalypse datasheet.

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It's looking great, I've seen a bunch of these done, and this one is coming together nicely, I would change the toes to reflect the paw like stance. Cut the two on the sides and bring them forward to be more akin to that of a warhound. I've done it before I can dig up a pic for reference, it completely changes the look.

+++ EDIT +++ Inseterted Pic... +++


I prefer the longer legs as well. If you do end up cutting it, why not shorten the joint instead of remove it.

It's still missing one thing the hackles that run down the center spine of every agitated Canine creature.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Hobbes for the pic, I might try this. At the moment I am trying to make the base, still using a rocky theme to tie it in with the rest of my army. Maybe if I was going for a display piece I would do something different but I want to be able to field it. On that note though, the base is quite steep and I will have to cut all the toes anyway just to get it to stand flat so I will most likely do something similar to what you have shown


As for the legs I have decided to stay with long ones, helps it look more agile. As for the hackles I'm not sure of the way forward on that, they would have to be flexible in design so that the torso could still move in the middle - more thinking time needed :)


Thanks to all for the comments - keep them coming



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Seems like ages since I got anything substantial done on the Wolfnought. Like some others on the forums most of my construction work is done at work. Forever thankful that there is the space and my colleagues are very understanding, but the last few shifts have been quite busy and 'work' keeps getting in the way - such is life, it pays the bills


Anyway, on the build. It has taken ages to get the legs to sit properly on the base. Partly because of the shape of the base and partly due to none of the leg parts being glued together. This basically means when I got one leg / foot in the right place another would move and so back to the begining I would go. I had to leave all the foot joints and sentinel leg joints free to move until the positioning was right so it was a lot harder than making a pre-built model.


After suggestions about getting the feet to sit on the ground properly I set about trying to make the toes fit the surface they were on. First try was to cut off all the toes flush with the foot and loose the bit in between, the plan was to use styrene rod to get the basic pose then gs the gaps to look like flexible joints. After doing three of the feet it was become obvious to me that to reproduce twelve joints that were all at different angles and all obscured each other was going to be very hard so there just had to be another way. Bit of thinking time and a rumage through the bits box later and I found some IG track links. I cut the end off the links (the end with two prongs) and glued them in place on the feet. Next I cut the rivet details of some more links and glued them in place to provide the hinge effect. Once these pieces had had enough time to fully harden I filed a slightly smooth edge on the ends at an appropriate angle for each toe and glued the toes in place making any adjustments while the glue was still soft - see below




I think it has worked quite well and certainly gave me a consistantcy for each toe that I could reproduce if needed



The rest of the main build is done now and it all sits well on the base. After the ordeal with the legs I can take a breath and start thinking about extra wolfy details. I have tried to get a kind of predatory look to the beast, slowy but purposely stalking down the rocks eying up the next target. The pose looks better in real life that it dose in the photos and now the legs are glued there aren't too many options to reposition it












Hope you like and as always, all C&Cs are more than welcome


Til next time - DGC

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oooooh so many dognaughts about atm :)


looks great, love the multi-meltas there they look ausome


i am currently working on a AoBR dognaught and should have that posted soon, but the feet are proving a pain because i have no sentinel parts!!

(any ideas)


your plasticard work is great how did you get the rivets so good?

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your plasticard work is great how did you get the rivets so good?


Thanks for the comments and I hope to see your 'Dognought' soon


Re your question about rivets. I have never had much success in cutting styrene rod perfectly straight and the same thickness for any large amount of rivets so I had a look around on the net. A french (?) company use to supply a rivet punch that did round and hex shaped rivets but cost nearly £80. I just couldn't justify that kind of money so I made one - of sorts.






It has been made from a small piece of alluminium, a piece of clear acrylic sheet the same size and four pop-rivets. For the punch holes I drilled through the clear sheet using a pin-vice (an electric drill goes too fast and will melt the plastic) with various sizes of drill bits, 0.3mm and upwards then used a electric hobby drill to drill coresponding holes in the aluminium. The drill bits this kind of size have flat bottoms so just turn them around in a pin-vice and use them as a punch. The pop-rivets go in each corner into the aluminium sheet. Corresponding holes in the acylic sheet allow the two peices to stay in place. Slide some styrene sheet of your chosen size inbetween the aluminium and acylic and punch away, just make sure you do it over some kind of recepticle or you will loose them (I use a metal pencil case / tin). You should be able to punch rivets upto 1.5mm with ease through styrene sheet upto 0.75mm but the bigger the rivet is the thinner the sheet will inevitably have to be.


I'm not sure if I have explained that very well but I hope you get the idea.



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Just a little update.


Started adding some details like Searchlight for what you see is what you get!! Some tubing on the front legs where the multimelta and stormbolter were cut off - the lower mountings were cut from the discarded AOBR Dread feet, and the chest eagle from a SW torso. Also added a couple of wolfy bits, charms under the front left weapon sponson and some wolf head emblems on the middle torso armour.


You will also notice a wolf in the pics. This idea was suggested by a fellow SW so I set about trying to get one to look o.k. Made this one from two wolves and some GS - what d'ya think??












As always, C&Cs more than welcome



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It is looking great! I love the real wolf, adds that much more to the model, as if the real wolf scouts out the enemy before the 'houndnought' barges through the wall to tear them apart!
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First of all, this is awesome, well executed, great idea.


Since you asked for some C&C, here is my bit...

Just as you added some armour to the lower back/spine, i think from some armor panel from a Land Raider side sponson or something, some armor should be added to the legs, and mostly the front i'd say since they will see the most combat. I am not suggesting overdoing it and completely wrap it, but if you were to cut the same thing you used on the spine through the middle, you have a left and a right side, that are not too clunky, but do add some armour, and keep it sleek.


The added wolf, AWESOME yet simple idea, too bad they don't have smaller ones, or i would say add 1 or 2 more, as if the Dread-Hound has it's own pack, of course being the pack leader, and the one in front might be a scout of sorts. However, as is, this might be used in game, at huge point cost, but still, and adding more would push it into the diorama section instead of playable section. I just liek the idea of a whole pack of wolves being there, including some young ones.

However, then you could just keep this as is, which is brilliant (unbelievers should be shot), and maybe create indeed a diorama, with a cave to it's back, and some more wolves and young ones, as if protecting them against a possible predator (who is about to :HQ: his pants as soon as he sees the dread-hound).

Or am i going off way too far here ?

That way you maintain your playable dread-hound and you can incorporate it into a diorama, and if you're good at painting, which i suspect, just drop it off at the next Golden Demon Awards in the open section :)


The only thing i can think of next is maybe add some Space Wolves insignia somewhere, so maybe it kinda belongs to that, or at least have it as a sort of connection/respect to them, and MAYBE some fur coat running down the back a bit, it's just an idea, and personally i think it might look too weird.


Keep up the good work !!!!!!!

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I have to say this is a fantastic conversion, my only comment would be to keep it as simple as possible, don't go too crazy on adding a million bits. You have slimmed the bad boy down considerably from the beginning, and it looks sleeker, better for it. The Flamer and Melta/AC mounts look fantastic as they are. I would magnetise those just so you can switch back and forth :). Looks like a very fluffly Space Wolf design to me :HQ:.


Keep it up!

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I would love to see a completed parts list for this project, as I would seriously love to make one! or 5!


Thanks to all for the interest and positive thoughts / C&Cs


As requested, here is a parts list for the wolfnought. If you were to buy all the parts new then this would be a serious drain on your wallet so I recommend ebay or similar to get the bits you need (anything you dont use you can always resell )


Grimtuff used a metal or plastic Dread as the main body but I used the A.O.B.R one as I don't really like it and would rather mess up with one of them instead of a metal one which I love, so that is your choice but you need a Dread of some sort for the body.


Ther rest runs like this


One set of Furioso dccw arms for the front legs

One IG Sentinel to provide the rear torso and one set of legs and the tail (although I may still change this)

A second set of I.G Sentinel legs

One set of plastic SM Typhoon Missile launchers (from the new addition Landspeeder) for the forward facing weapon pods and the torso side detail. The lenses were cut from Rhino searchlights

Some 2mm x 1mm magnets for keeping the weapons swapable

Pairs of any weapons you want to use. I've used predator heavy bolters and lascannons, SOB heavy flamers and multimeltas and now the ACs from the Ravenwing sprue

The head from the current range metal chaos juggernaut

A IG tank wheel for the neck and some guitar wire, styrene rod and or vinyl tubing for the neck details

Styrene sheet for the armour panels

The central armour on the torso is a Landraider sponson weapon cover. The supports are made from the remains of two SW banner poles - cut to fit. The lower end supports are made from two Rhino track teeth and the upper ones are the square mountings from the banner poles

At least six single I.G track links to provide the stubs to mount the toes onto the feet and a lenght of track links to provide the rivets for the other sides of the toe mounts. You could make these yourself but using the ones on the track links will make sure they are the same diameter


I'm sure that some of these bits could be substituted by others, it's all down to what's in your bits box, but some bits will help in keeping things easier to reproduce if they should break or you mess up the fit. I was going to gs the toe joints but making them from track stubs made it easier to build and replace if nessersary


Hope this helps. Anything I've missed - just ask


Altered_Soul, glad you like it. All of the pod mounted weapons are magnetised using 2mm X 1mm mags. This gives me the options of Acs, LCs, HFs, HBs, MMs at the moment, as long as I tell my opponant that the two MMS or ACs count as single weapons and are paired purely for good looks. The head counts as the DCCW and the underslung HF is fixed, unless I try to make that swappable as well.


One of the problems of building something from scratch is there aren't any instructions to follow so choices get made during the build that can't always be corrected. One advantage of doing a wip project like this is if someone else decides to build one they have something to refer to, not quite as good as instructions but better than nothing, they can then change things as they see fit or see where they can make improvements



ANARCHY, you mentioned pts cost. Games wise this is just a ''counts as' Dreadnought so no more exspensive than normal, just bigger and harder to hide


As mentioned above, thanks for your input. With the exception of a few more bits (I might see if leg armour looks o.k), shift work and five of my own pups to raise, I should be able to start painting in a week or so



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I think I can pretty much source the materials, other than the metal bits, may have to search on ebay for them, no worries, as soon as I start this project I'll start posting wip pictures
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Another quick update


I have been getting some sound advice from brothers over on the SW forum on wolfing this up plus some generall astectic suggestions, so here we are again. This time round I have added 'claws' to the feet using the strange little half-diamond tags you find on some of the GW sprues. They are used to get the plastic to flow into the finer parts of the molds and have a nice consistant size and shape. I filed the back of the suitably sized ones flat then removed them from the frame using a razorsaw - finally glued them in place.





Next I made some leg armour using a Landraider weapon sponson shield. I must be honest here, I spent roughly two hours trying to make some from my bits box but couldn't get things to look O.K with the parts I had available, so I finally decided to sacrifice one from my new unbuilt landraider kit - all in the name of Russ you understand :)

I cut one in half length wise and proceded to cut it to shape. Topped it with some styrene sheet, filed it flush once the glue had dried then added some punched rivets for detail







Following another suggestion from Max_Dammit I have sorted the wolf's teeth out and yes brother, you were right :huh:





Now I will start looking at getting some squished DAs on the base and then hopefully onto paint


As always, C&Cs are more than welcome


'Til next time

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I like the "hip" panels, fills out the overall look much better. The only thing I'm a little iffy on is the "tail". Can stay or go without much impact one way or the other for me. Communications antenna? Maybe if there was an attactive way to fill it in or "fur" it up without detracting from the rest of the "Beast". Yes the longer legs and the addition of the "claws" is the improved way to go with this, IMO.


Me personally, I'm on hiatis until the new Dex. I'm rereading the paperbacks of the Space Wolves and scheming with ideas until I KNOW what I can and can't have and how they may all be outfitted. Ideas, colors and customizations abound, but I'll keep them between my ears and on paper scraps until "the word" has come.


Great job on your "Beastly" construct.

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well, I've started pricing up the materials I need, and for all of the materials apart from the metal parts for one Dreadhound (My name for them) will cost me about £30, so I'm saving my money and doing a massive bits order, I will be making 6 of these, reclassing them and giving them their own stats and apoc data sheet (or two) since I want them to hunt with the Warhounds in packs.
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Wolfnaught seems fitting. It is a Dread but articulated like a wolf. Fluff could be made up to characterize traits of the warrior within as being: quick on his feet, relentless in pursuing his enemy, or just about anything that strikes ones fancy.
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