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My take on 'Dognought' - Dread with bite!


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Well, not much to say at the moment. I have ordered a Necron Wraith to see if that will do as a tale, just waiting for that to arrive. Other than that I am waiting for some spare pennies to get some Chaos Marine bits for the base.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Got the Wraith tail and fitted it on but after some C&Cs from brothers on the Space Wolf forum I have added some armour plate and cables to bulk it out (also shortened it slightly). The plates are made from filed and trimmed Rhino track links with smoke launcher tubes and styrene rod providing the top detail. Styrene rod and half-round strip provide the cable detail whilst the mount to the body has been fashioned from the remains of one of the assault cannons with a lifting hook on top












Thanks again to those following the build - I hope you have got something from it. Once my WGBL is finished for 'The Next Great Hunt' I will get on with painting it


Later - DGC

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