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Pedro Kantor


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I recently took a break from converting and painting Noise marines to take a brush to this fine fellow.


I've collected Crimson Fists since Rogue Trader and even though I'm more inclined toward Slaanesh nowadays I couldn't not paint the model of Chapter Master Kantor.


I wanted to reflect the Fist's determination in the face of disaster on Rynn's world so I decided a suitably battle scared look would be appropriate. However I didn't want to cover the guy in paint chips as seems so popular at the moment, partly because he's got a lot of bling on the go and too much battle damage would interfere with the readability of the model.




Comments and crit much appreciated. There's a coolmini link if you feel like voting


Kantor on coolminiornot


Thanks for looking

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wish people would get it in their heads that drilling out barrels is a personal taste thing, and not doing it isn't a 'fault'. by the way, what is the material used for the bases foliage? it's get a really nice dense look to it that i don't get from the many materials scattered about my painting area.
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Thanks for the comments guys.


The gun barrels were already moulded with a recess. I guess I had assumed that would be enough. In the photos though it is rather obvious that they only have a limited depth.


Shiodome- the foliage is by woodland scenics- I think its just called summer foliage or something (I don't keep the packets). I applied it in 2 layers to get a nice thick uneven feel.


Shiny Rhino- I wanted to maintain the strong Crimson Fist colour scheme on this model. I sometimes think that marine characters look less affiliated that normal troopers because they have so much extra detail they lose the original colur scheme. Thus the fist symbol on his power fist and the laurels on the knee pads were kept in nrmal chapter colours.


Elduchen- the symbol atop the banner was kind of experimental using red paint and metallic medium. Reds don't always photograph well and it looks kind of flat (it does in real life too though). I was wary of highlighting it too much and losing the red colouration. In retrospect i was too cautious.

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Shiny Rhino- I wanted to maintain the strong Crimson Fist colour scheme on this model. I sometimes think that marine characters look less affiliated that normal troopers because they have so much extra detail they lose the original colur scheme. Thus the fist symbol on his power fist and the laurels on the knee pads were kept in nrmal chapter colours.


You know, that makes perfect sense. Commanders and ICs do thend to end up over-painted with a rainbow of colors and gubbins. I think you've converted me.

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Very cool paint job.



I love the laurels on the helmet and the wings on the right shoulder pad, making them white instead of the normal gold I've seen, really reinforces the Crimson Fists color scheme, and further differentiates them from the Ultramarines. Also, I perfer my Crimson Fists as a rich deep blue as you painted and not be so dark that the model starts to look purple/black.

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Congratulations on the excellent mini. This is without question the finest rendition of Kantor I have seen. You have really captured the look and feel of the old Rogue Trader cover, something that has always eluded me when painting my own fists.

This fig appears to be a departure from previous crimson fists you have posted with respect to the hues of blue and weathering, but definately a change for the better. Mind sharing the recipe you used for the blue, it doesn't look at all like the traditional GW pigments.



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Congratulations on the excellent mini. This is without question the finest rendition of Kantor I have seen. You have really captured the look and feel of the old Rogue Trader cover, something that has always eluded me when painting my own fists.

This fig appears to be a departure from previous crimson fists you have posted with respect to the hues of blue and weathering, but definately a change for the better. Mind sharing the recipe you used for the blue, it doesn't look at all like the traditional GW pigments.






I never used to put weathering on my old Crimson Fists because people just didn't do that kind of thing with marines back then. It took a master like Cyril to pioneer a good method for painting weathering on 28mm scale models. My method is quite different from his but still was of course heavily influenced by it. But in any event all my previous Fists were purely tabletop models. Even though Id like to go back and do it, I'm not sure i could put this type of battle damage on a whole army without needing some form of therapy afterwards. GW is expensive but you gotta draw the line somewhere.


The blue is not a GW blue. In fact my Fists were always painted with a mixed base colour anyway. The recipe is as follows


Vallejo Game colour Sick blue is mixed with black. About 80% black for the base coat. (Sick blue is the Vallejo equivalent of Nauseating blue which I used to use untill GW discontinued it)


I then add more blue to the mix for each layer, thinning the paint and working it into the previous coat. Each stage is applied in 2 or 3 layers before adding the next quantity of paint to the mix.


At about 80% Sick Blue I start to add Space Wolf Grey, continuing the process untill the mix is about 60% SW Grey for the final highlights.


The trick is knowing when you have added enough Sick blue before starting to add the Space Wolf grey. Too little blue ends up with a very grey looking model. Too much blue leaves the model looking too bright. This model is a little greyer than my tabletop models since I want my tabletop models to stand out a bit more at a distance

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How much do you want for it? :)

:D I'm flattered but its not for sale I'm afraid, although judging from the smilie you might well be joking (I'm too old to understand smilies).


Yeah, I'm joking. I'm very satisfied with my Kantor model. In fact, he's the background on my phone... I'm a loser aren't I? :)

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