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Heavy Armour list


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For a while now I've been thinking of running a list with 2 Land Raiders (one standard Godhammer and one Crusader) and also a Vindicator. This would be for a standard 1500 point tournament list.


However this will be almost 650 points which is about 40% which would leave very little in terms of other things.


What do you guys think? Do you think the lack of infantry would make it competative enough?

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Metagame aside, Railgun heavy Tau (or melta spamming Vulkan lists) would probably be a serious problem. That and I would figure people will completely ignore the LRs and focus on the Vindicator early, so you would have to really work to keep it alive. That's just my opinion though. YMMV
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I'm more concerned with the fact that they might focus on my troops and then I'll have no scoring units =]


And from my experience people always tend to fire on the LRs :drool: they're so much of a threat that people can't seem to ignore them

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If you pull out the Vindicator and put some solid units and your HQ inside your Land Raiders, you should be ok.


If you're really set on using the Vindicator, completely mask it with the immense bulk of the Land Raider until you get it within 30" of your target. Then unmask it, drive forward 6", and open fire... and remember to say a prayer to the dice gods, because odds are pretty good you'll miss.

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Thanks for the advice, I have used a single LR and a Vindicator in my games before. I find I'm pretty lucky with my rolls with the pie plate so yeah =]


However the main point of this article was the FEASABILITY of such a list in regards to model numbers (i.e infantry, scoring units).


Please discuss ;)

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However the main point of this article was the FEASABILITY of such a list in regards to model numbers (i.e infantry, scoring units).


Very feasible if you focus on your Scoring units.


With Combat Squadding you have access to alot of potential scoring units with the flexibility to remain as 10 man squads if need be.


I'd go with something like this (but remember I'm coming from a pink/black Chaos army mindset so beware ;) )


10 Tactical Marines, Multi-Melta, Plasma Gun, Power Fist, Rhino

10 Tactical Marines, Missile Launcher, Flamer, Razorback

10 Sniper Scouts, 1 Heavy Bolter


The first squad will hop in the Rhino and stay together as a 10 man unit. MM is there as backup for big targets only. Targets heavy units.

Second squad will probably combat squad with Missile Launcher in cover and Flamer in Razorback. A Power Weapons is optional here. Targets light units.

Third squad camps an objective and provides long range firesupport. I kept them cheap but the named Scout or Camo Cloaks are optional.


All combined these squads should only cost you about 600 points, leaving you with 200-300 points for HQs and extra. More if you don't need the Rhinos/Razorbacks because you're running those squads in the Land Raiders.

A cheap HQ would also allow for a 4th squad if need be, I'd wonder how a Chaplain would do with 10 BP/CCW scouts with a Power Fist from a LRC...

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Hmm pehaps a librarian (with that psychic flame power) or a chaplain in a unit of 10 Assault Marines (without jump packs) in the LR Crusader.


IMO a Land Speeder Storm with Shotgun scouts would be great also. Perhaps I could split the 10 man squad into two?


Personally I prefer a Drop Pod with a 10 man squad with a Plasmagun and Meltagun than the rhino.


I like the razorback idea. Perhaps the oen combat squad could compliment the assault squad whilst the other could compliment the sniper scouts.

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Personally I prefer a Drop Pod with a 10 man squad with a Plasmagun and Meltagun than the rhino.


Yeah yeah, I forgot about your Loyalists and your drop pods.

For all intents and purposes, a drop pod is equivalent to a Rhino.

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If you try a list focussing on having two Land Raiders, I really don't see why you shouldn't push that idea to the very end. I don't see much gain from having a Rhino in such a list - it will be the ONLY target for half of your opponents weaponry in most cases, given that he won't be able to even glance the LRs with anything smaller than a ML.


Really, use your Land Raiders to transport your scoring units, at least one of them. There is no safer place in the game than the inside of a LR. Additionally, having some bolters and counter-assaulting inside a LR might add some protection against Melta-heavy lists. The other raider (the Crusader, obviously) could be filled with something heavy to punch the guts out of your enemy (Assault-Termis with a Chaplain come to mind). The second scoring (I'm thinking 10 men tacticals mostly) could get a Transport, though I would probably go for a Razorback or a Drop Pod instead of a Rhino.


The rest of the points could go into something to round of the army. I don't see scouts really fitting into that list, except for being scoring. Maybe with camo-cloaks, a small unit to hold a home-objective. But still, its a list designed for shock-value, if you ask me, so go overboard on it and get a Dread in it, if you can. An ironclad might be fun, since its just another "look, you can see me, but you can't kill me!"-unit.


So, we have: Assault Terminators within a Crusader (+any HQ of your choice, I'd pick the Chaplain though), a Tac Squad within a standart LR, an Ironclad Dread, and your vindicator. And the option to take some more equipment, and another durable standart-unit (my go would be a 10-men-Tac in a Razorback, really). This is a REALLY straightforward list, if you ask me, and could be great fun. There are obvious weaknesses in it, since you will be devastated by Meltas, really, and you are still quite weak on the troop-department. But then again, you can advance VERY menacingly, are all but impenetrable by weak shots, and have some serious punch to your army when you unleash onto the enemy. Seems like a very nicely flavoured army, if you want to go for it :)



Edit: On a quick sidenote, since I don't have a rulebook on me - wouldn't it be possible to start a ten men squad within one of the Land Raiders, keep it safe until your army has delivered its immense power, and then split them up on disembarking to take multiple objectives? I think combat squading was done upon first deployment on the table, no? This could add some security and versatility to your objective-holding capacities.

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In regards to your sidenote:


Hmm I don't have a rulebook with me either but I'm pretty sure you can do that if you split them up into combat squads before they get in the LR (being an undedicated transport).


I am however against your assault terminators. As tempting as it may sound circa 200 points on 5 models is too muuch in this list.


Oh and I do love Librarians. They're quite versatile with psychic powers, and Null Zone is oh so very useful.


This could be another point for discussion! What do you guys think?

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I am however against your assault terminators. As tempting as it may sound circa 200 points on 5 models is too muuch in this list.


Oh and I do love Librarians. They're quite versatile with psychic powers, and Null Zone is oh so very useful.


This could be another point for discussion! What do you guys think?


The whole point of the assault terminators is to go totally crazy with this list :) I just thought that would be the single most heavy, devastating unit he could pack into that Land Raider, hence matching the theme he already has with the advancing Raiders and a single powerful Vindicator at the center of the attack formation. Then again, he should probably play Deathwing for that sort of army, true ;)


Librarians... I haven't used them so much, really. But Null Zone would only be necessary if you were to put any unit out in the open, and not within the cover of a transport, wouldn't it? So I guess it really depends on what sort of effect you want to reach. I guess the Librarian would be a nice option for him to add some more versatility to his army, but I don't see it fitting in with the theme of it. I don't think Librarians are really the most fearsome IC you could put on the table, and it wouldn't be adding anything to the striking power of it, really.

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But if you include 2 LRs, a Vindicator AND Termies that will leave you with 500 pts for everything else. I'm sorry, but that's just crazy... and definitely not suitable for a tournament army.


Besides Vindicators are best used in a defensive role imo


And null zone is the one that forces opponents to reroll psychic powers :D

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Null zone does not work that way. It forces your opponent to re-roll successful Invulnerable saves, useful against Thousand Sons and Demons but of limited use against most other things. Hey if you face Harlequins, Arch Flagelents and Assassins it is a good power as well.


Go for the non jump pack assault squad and get the free Razorback for some extra anti infantry power. Buying the landraiders as heavy support means that they can be deployed in them from the go so that is a bonus, put a Chaplain in there and you have a really decent counter charging unit.



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Yeah sorry I meant to say invulnearable saves but I said psyhic powers for some reason :S ... but since they're not dedicated transports you cannot deploy them inside from the go :( however yeah this is a good list.
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