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Black Templar Army Refit


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Since I've gotten back into 40K the last few months, I've decided to pull out my old 2000 point Black Templar Crusade and upgrade it. This was the first Army I ever put together, and while it was a decent effort, it has problems that I want to fix. Also, I put this army together around the time of the 3rd War for Armageddon, so I need to update the army list so it's codex legal, as well as take advantage of the new Templar parts and my increased level of skill.

Here's an example of some of my original work. Like I said, it was OK at the time, but I can do a lot better now:





My goals with this effort:

I like the color scheme, and want to try to keep the Chaos Black primary color and the Shadow Grey secondary color, but not sure how to highlight a two tone paint job.

I want to update the poses, some are just plain silly; I overcoated everything with a high gloss overspray, and while it did protect the finish, it mades everything toy-like.

In addition, I want to add in pieces from the new Templar kits as well as make the army codex legal and combat effective.

Comments and helpful hints always welcome

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I decided that the first item up for refit is my Standard Bearer. I saw an WHFB Empire General figure that had a really cool banner that I wanted to use with my new Army. I put together my Standard Bearer using the BT Upgrades and the new banner and got the following:

Old and New for comparison:


In addition, the banner is removable and can be replaced with a normal Space Marine banner. That way, I can pick and choose which one to use, maybe one for the regular command squad and one for the chaplains command squad.

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That banner is sick, I'm intending to buy both the venerable BT dread and Venerable Chappy dread off Forgeworld. The BT one has a huge skeleton banner like that, and i felt the chappy one would feel left out. Now, If you don't mind me stealing, they will both have one. great idea, and good luck on the upgrade. :huh:
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Whoops. I meant to convey your new banner bearer is exactly what I like to see when it comes to conversions and the like. Hopefully I didn't imply I want you abandoning the old banner bearer. Anything but, because that banner has a lot of panacia.
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For the new banner, I was in the process of pinning it together using a paperclip and drilling holes in both ends of the banner (I finally figured out how to do it with one of my metal models, and everything I did that day got pinned together, whether it needed it or not). I was test fitting together and figured out that if I only glued the paperclip into one end, I can swap it out.


I drilled out and pinned the normal banner from the Command Squad set, and plan on transferring the old banner design to it somehow. My daughter is really good at drawing, so I might have to commission her to do the artwork. I like the tapestry design of the old one, and I want to make sure that's included in the new one. I have to remember where the heck I got that picture from.


I was never happy with the old command squad, but at the time the only robed figures I could find were the Dark Angel ones. I still plan to do something with them, just not sure where they'll fit in.

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Saadeath - For those marines that had unattached shoulder pads, I sprayed them with white primer separately, painted the trim and added the decal before I glued it to the figure. For those with attached shoulder pads, it took a lot of light coats of white paint progressively watered down until I got the look I wanted. Also remember, all my old Templars have been coated with a gloss poly-acrylic spray, so everything is going to look a little smooth and glossy.


Kreig - I haven't weighted the base yet. He does have a tendency to fall over, especially if you hit towards the top of the banner. When he has the standard standard...um the one from the command squad box, he's a little bit more stable, but yeah, I'm going to have to do something about it.



Thanks for all the comments! I've got him primed right now, but I'm holding off on painting him until I finish up my Crimson Fist Terminators from the AoBR box set.

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