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I'm playing the nids! help

ben rolls

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i was thinking of:


chapter master, artificer armour, power weapon, storm bolter.


4 tac squads, flamers and missile launchers.

10 man sternguard, 2 with combi flamers(combat squadded) + razorback with tl assault cannon.

ven dread, plasma cannon extra armour, heavy flamer,

dread, assault cannon, heavy flamer,

devastator squad, 3 plasmas, 1 h bolter.



whaddya think?


works out at 1998 points

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you've got the anti-horde (stealers/gaunts) covered with the flamers and plasma cannons.

what'll you do against multi-tyrant/fex lists - no fists/hammers for cc, no plasma guns or lascannons for shooting?


Cheers, paul.

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You would probably be better going for missile launchers and flamers in your squads. Load up your Dev squad with plasma cannons and lascannons to go MC hunting. That way your primary MC hunters can go after them and everyone else can go after the hordes, combat squad your marines if he takes a bunch of MCs so that your missile launchers can go after them too. Also throw an assault cannon on your venerable dread. Send the dreads to fight the MCs.
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I would reckonmend an Assault Terminator squad for MC and Warrior killing, a Land Raider Crusador to safely transport them and to keep your termies from being swamped from all angles when in assualt (Tank shock if you have to). The hurricane bolters are good at thinning down nids.


A Missile Devastator squad for MC and Warrior killing, just put them in good fire lanes, but if that doesn't work have a transport nearby so they can be re-deployed to better fire lanes.


2-3 Attack Bike Squadron armed all with multi-meltas makes for an exceptional MC/Warrior killing unit, or if you want more anti-horde then heavy bolter full squadrons will do that for you.


Anything fast that can shoot lots of shots is good so I will reckonmend full bike squadrons. TL boltguns for anti-horde killing and bikes to keep them from being charged is just tasty. They can always fire at full range (24") so don't get sucked into rapid fire range where they can be counter assualted, they are tough but if they're caught off guard they can be overwelmed so be carefull when selecting units to rapid fire on. If you can afford a Captain on a bike then get one for this unit, he can greatly increase the unit's overall close combat performance as well as make them scoring. I normally go with a Captain with relic blade and hellfire rounds so that the unit can take on MC's as well. An extra attack bike wouldn't hurt either since they bring 2 extra wounds to the unit. I like this unit since it can be kitted out for any additional roles; flamers for extra horde killing potential, melta weapons for MCs, Powerfist for close combat etc.


Land speeder typhoons are tasty for anti-horde since they can fire two frag templates and still fire their main weapon while moving, however it doesn't go for krak missiles but that doesn't mean you can't use them for some MC hunting.


I think I've covered most of the units that's good at killing nids, if anyone can add to this pls do.

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Just stay at least 18 inches away from the board edge to negate outflanking stealers, and make sure you take as many rhinos as you can, cause nids can crack armor anymore.


Basic genestealers can still rip up anything short of a land raider in an assault, unless the squad's reduced in numbers. The monstrous creatures (carnifex, hive tyrant) will crush vehicles like tin cans. Even fleshborer gaunts can glance vehicles on the rear armor.

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Tyranids suffer for range and armour.


There's only one weapon that can fire at more than 36" in the codex, and that's the Biovore.


There's ONE, I repeat ONE, unit that can penetrate AV14, and that's a non-shooting Carnifex.


I get the feeling that LRCs and LRRs will dominate versus 'Nids. ML Devastators can outrange justabout anything they'll field, and are flexible. The massed bolter fire of your Tacticals will seriously blunt any Genestealer or Gaunt threat that gets too close. TH/SS Termies can cripple anything big they field.

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Tyranids suffer for range and armour.


There's only one weapon that can fire at more than 36" in the codex, and that's the Biovore.


There's ONE, I repeat ONE, unit that can penetrate AV14, and that's a non-shooting Carnifex.


I get the feeling that LRCs and LRRs will dominate versus 'Nids. ML Devastators can outrange justabout anything they'll field, and are flexible. The massed bolter fire of your Tacticals will seriously blunt any Genestealer or Gaunt threat that gets too close. TH/SS Termies can cripple anything big they field.


Actualy there are six things that can pen av14, bio acid mines (3+2d6), Tyrants in CC (5/6+2d6), carnifex in CC (9/10+2d6), warp blast (10+1d6), lictors in CC (6+1d6+1d3) and broodloard with toxin sacs (6+1d6+1d3).

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Tyranids suffer for range and armour.


There's only one weapon that can fire at more than 36" in the codex, and that's the Biovore.


There's ONE, I repeat ONE, unit that can penetrate AV14, and that's a non-shooting Carnifex.


I get the feeling that LRCs and LRRs will dominate versus 'Nids. ML Devastators can outrange justabout anything they'll field, and are flexible. The massed bolter fire of your Tacticals will seriously blunt any Genestealer or Gaunt threat that gets too close. TH/SS Termies can cripple anything big they field.


Actualy there are six things that can pen av14, bio acid mines (3+2d6), Tyrants in CC (5/6+2d6), carnifex in CC (9/10+2d6), warp blast (10+1d6), lictors in CC (6+1d6+1d3) and broodloard with toxin sacs (6+1d6+1d3).


A LRC is probably the single most effective vehicle, for its points cost, against tyranids. The only thing you need to do to protect it is keep it away from carnifexes and hive tyrants (zoanthropes are not a consistent enough threat). You can keep it on the front lines just outside reach of the MCs. Carnifexes and hive tyrants are consistent at penetrating land raiders (obviously, carnifexes more so). Sure, tyranids have practically nothing that can take down a land raider in shooting, but then again not many armies actually do it successfully without melta, either.


The real trick is - one land raider is going to be decent. Two land raiders against a tyranid player will probably frustrate a non-nidzilla army. Three land raider crusaders are simply outrageous vs bugs.

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You dont need land raiders, rhinos work just fine. Sure, there are a couple more things that can destroy a rhino than a land raider, but we are talking about slim chances regardless of what the nids use. Also, 'stealers can pop rhinos, but stealers cant REACH rhinos without a few shooting phases.
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You dont need land raiders, rhinos work just fine. Sure, there are a couple more things that can destroy a rhino than a land raider, but we are talking about slim chances regardless of what the nids use. Also, 'stealers can pop rhinos, but stealers cant REACH rhinos without a few shooting phases.


The point isn't, strictly speaking, using the land raider for transport - it's a vehicle that is very durable against both shooting and assaults, and has a lot of anti-tyranid firepower to throw down. Tanks get shaken by carnifex venom cannons fairly easily, dreadnoughts are probably a mistake against bugs (although two heavy flamers is nothing to sneeze at - if you can pull it off. Dreadnoughts are fire magnets) Rhinos and razorbacks, if they become threatening or an annoyance, evaporate in an assault - and a transport vehicle wrecked with the doors blocked by assaulting models is not good for the models inside. As a filthy xeno tyranid player, I get amused when space marines hide in their thin metal shells.


A land raider crusader is viable at mid range, throws out a respectable amount of firepower within 12", and is a really tough nut for tyranids (or most anyone) to crack.

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hi guys,


just got my mission,

it's a rescue and recovery where i will be using my marines to pick up 4 survivors from a crash. so stand and shoot is out of the question, i think i'm going for captain on bike with 3 - 4 bike squads and tacticals in rhinos, basically race around the battle field trying to pick up the survivors. i'll be supporting these with an attack bike and 2 land speeders 1 a typhoon. do you guys think i could do with some firepower to back these guys up?

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Yes. Bike squads are a good idea. For land speeders, you HAVE to stand back and shoot at range or they are going down. You get within 12" of a squad of termagaunts and the massed fire will probably be enough to drop one or both speeders, never mind that squad of genestealers with nothing else to assault.


The problem you're going to run into, here, is nothing you have on the table is capable of dealing with a hive tyrant or a carnifex. The attack bike by itself is not a viable support - think of it like an HQ choice or a chaplain; valuable only by its addition to a bike squadron. Make sure all your bike squads have one. If you want The Solution to hive tyrants and/or carnifexes, you need TH/SS terminators and a LRC to transport them in. Seriously. Zoom straight up to the carnifex, disembark, and nail it before it can assault the land raider. Consolidate up next to your transport, then on your next turn, jump in and zoom off to the next big bug. Nothing's going to be stupid enough to try and lock your termies in assault, and few tyranid armies are able to bring enough shooting to bear to meaningfully affect terminators.


Your bikes are shock troops, but don't throw them in right away - use your range and mobility while your less expensive, less powerful troops soak up firepower and assaults, then when you need to, drive in, rapid fire, and finish off the squad in the assault. Repeat.

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i don't have to beat them, i have to be faster than them, with enough fodder to keep the troops away from the survivors. here, check this forum out, linky it's my local club site, my mission is the rescue and recover one. it's part of a larger apocalypse battle going on simultaneously, for every survivor i rescue my order side gets a bonus in the main game.
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cheers for the help guys, turns out it didn't help one jot as my opponent turned up 3 hours late, by which time i decided to play another guy who didn't have an opponent. then got thoroughly pasted by his space marines and in particular his grey knight terminator allies.


never mind though. a games a game after all.

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