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Venerable Dreadnoughts


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They are a whopping 60 points more expensive for WS+1, BS+1 and the reroll.


It seems fairly weak, considering the Ironclad has different weapon options, stronger armor and some automatic upgrades. For 30 (?) points...


So, does anyone use them anymore?

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I use them when I have some extra points. Always podded, and always with multimelta/DCCW, or twin-linked heavy flamer and DCCW with heavy flamer. The rux of these guys, I find, is to know when you should force the reroll. I typically only force a reroill when I take the 4+ damage effect. A Ven Dread without its "main" gun is still close combat threat. A Ven Dread without its DCCW is still a major tarpit for most units.

Others always say "no way" to Venerables. I like the options they give me, and the chance to make my opponent roll more dice.

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I usually go with normal dreadnoughts. I've tried Venerable a few times and it's usually worth the extra points if I have them to spare - unfortunately I rarely have them to spare! I run 2 dreads and the Venerable upgrade cost on the 2 of them is about the same number of points as a Vindicator.
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I just can't aford the extra points for a Venerable Dreadnought, which is a shame, considering how awesome they can be.


If anyone has any lists or tips to using them, just let us know as I want to convince myself the extra 60pts is worth it.


Incidently, Space Wolf Venerable Dreadnoughts are about 20pts cheaper, have an extra attack and gives the army a re-roll when rolling to see who goes first. So work that one out eh...

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I love venerable dreadnoughts. The main reason is if you drop pod a standard dread or even 2 of them in on you enemies line you can expect them to die before they get in hand to hand. Venerable dreads are much more likely to be able to take the hits, even from melta weapons. The 60 points is rough and so I rarely take more then 1, but the effect that has is more then you might think. If you drop pod 1 venerable and 1 standard dread you'd be shocked how many people try to shoot down the venerable first. It's a huge waste of fire because it's only slightly more likely to do damage, but much harder to kill, it makes all your dreads more survivable if your enemy tries to shoot it first.
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Yeah I thought a lone Venerable Dreadnought would be a waste of points but in an army of multiple armoured units it becomes better value for money.


I would gladly take a Venerable Dreadnought in a Master of the Forge Dreadnought army (that I am thinking of building, since I already have 2 Assault Cannon Dreadnoughts and a Venerable with twin linked Dreadnought - just want 2 Iron clads and I'm sorted!).


Nice tip their mate.


Oh, in 4th edition, my Venerable's always performed well and that was without the WS/BS increase, so maybe I should roll mine out again...

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I really like the ven. dread with multimelta and heavy flamer. BS 5 is not wasted on the multimelta like it is with TLLC, and with a drop pod you are good to go. While Ironclads are all the rage these days, the Ven. is better versus the things that kill ironclads (melta guns). Also, the extra range on the multimelta mean that you are not forced to get close to the enemy like you are with the ironclad, so against things like the eldar brightlance waveserpant spam lists, where the melta extra d6 is worthless, the venerables extra range comes into its own.
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I have never tried it, but on paper I like ven dreads when mixed evenly with ironclad dreads with MotF. Ideally 3 ven dreads and 3 ironclad. The reasoning behind it is, most things can't touch the 13 front armor of the dread, and those that can (lances, lascans, melta etc.) are not nearly as effective against the ven dread because there are generally only one or two shots and you can make them reroll the damage table. This lets you screen the ironclades with the vens against those things, and charge into everything else (anything except monsters, really) with the ironclad.


Also, I think plascan or melta is the best choice for primary weapon on ven dreads if you use them for this purpose. plascans are cheap when on a dread and don't get hot and they barely scatter with BS 5. meltas are good at busting armor and the BS5 can overcome half of the melta curse (rolling 2's when you really need to hit). Ironically, I think this makes hellfire dreadnoughts (two long range weapons) better aimed at ven dreads than normal dreads.

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Yeah I thought a lone Venerable Dreadnought would be a waste of points but in an army of multiple armoured units it becomes better value for money.


I would gladly take a Venerable Dreadnought in a Master of the Forge Dreadnought army (that I am thinking of building, since I already have 2 Assault Cannon Dreadnoughts and a Venerable with twin linked Dreadnought - just want 2 Iron clads and I'm sorted!).


Nice tip their mate.


Oh, in 4th edition, my Venerable's always performed well and that was without the WS/BS increase, so maybe I should roll mine out again...



That, sir, is one seriously awesome weapon.

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Just imagine a Venerable Dreadnought swinging 2 slightly smaller Dreads around as a weapon! :yes:


Of course, I meant twin linked Lascannon.


When he has the points to spare, my friend ups his Dread to Ven, and those games, I lose!


That is reassuring, I definitely have to have one.

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