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The Fallen

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Hey people,


To Start off with, I am new to Bolter and Chainsword, and i have been in this wonderful hobby for a few years now (i think around 4) and i have jsut decided to start a Fallen Dark Angels Army.

Currently i have been playing Death Guard and Space Wolves as i both think they suit me well, atleast the fluff behind them ;)

And now i have decided to add another army onto the list. So as i mentioned i have started a Fallen army.

Bascially, the only reason i want to do this is because, the fallen are [re heresy and their armour is black, i therefore get to play around with paint and give weathering a go. I had ALOT OF BITS, bot loyalist and traitor, so therefore it would be logical to mix and match and add a few DA parts here and there.I think i am a fairly ok painter and the only thing is that i find that my models look to clean, and after a few thousand years in space i dont think anybody would be so clean that they actually look liek they have just been manufactured(this would be really unlgocal in the case of my deathguard :P) but anyway. i havnt acutally started to paint yet. so far i have only started to build and play around with the bits and basing and all that.


I will be psoting pictures of my models once i get the hang of how Bolter and Chainsword works, but for now, i was jsut thinking about what people think of the fallen, and if they have any ideas that they would like to pass on to me considering any conversions or something. And also, i dont like the cypher model, any ideas anybody??? :)


Thanks for now :P



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That is my rhino, its pretty average, but i havnt started to paint it yet ;)





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Looking good so far, but by advertising your true allegience the interrogator chaplains are coming my friend. The rock has a cell reserved for you now me thinks.


I just thought of something. Are you going to go with a full army of fallen? Or are you going to make the fallen the leaders in an otherwise chaos army. That is one of the cool things about the fluff of the fallen. They don't have to be chaos, they can just work with chaos. Are they true servents of the ruinous powers or just self serving? Hmmm, I may have said too much, I can see my chappy model looking at me suspiciously.

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yeah i think i will be making a whole battlecompany of fallen

Since in the dark angels codex, every battle company is compromised of 6 tactical squads, 2 devastator, and 2 assualt along with rhinos, razorbacks, dreads, and so on to compromise majority of the army, i think that would be a fairly sensible goal to have a whole battle company. It just seems to me that this fits in better with the fluff around them, but who knows, i might change my mind.


And mentioning the point if i will be using them as a chaos army, i think so in gaming terms. but im not sure yet, i dont even know if i will be playing with them. and i might use them as part of my daeth guard force and my other stuff i have. i really dont know, to early to say unfortuantly:P

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My vindicator








Here is my Razor back/rhino I havnt glued the top part on so then i can use it how i want depending on what i play :)









And here comes my three bikes i have for my raven wing so far :) 2 more will be coming up soon ;)














Will be posting some new pics of my first tactical squad later, and the beginnings of the next one :)


till then, c&c welcome :D

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You should be able to get the original model. I can remember way back when i started to compile White Dwarf issues when I played Lord of the Rings that there was an article about Cypher and the Fallen. But I'm unsure if the Cypher model is still available. I may have a go at looking for it for you, give you ideas on what you could use for him.


If you do decide to make your own model, you could use an open robe DA model with the head with the hood covering the eyes partly. And then equip him appropriatly and just hang a power sword on his back (there is a Black Templar accessory sword that is in its tabard still which could be used).


Cheers Messanger


Edit - a link to the Cypher model

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Yeah i know about the model, but i dont like it :) it seems to plain. I was thinking of something true-scale, perhaps. But i still fel slightly lost. I was also thinking of using a Necron C'tan as a bas model to work of and make Cypher into sort off semi-demon prince. What would you guys think of that???





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The night bringer, clad in power armour and robes? With a pair of pistols? Carrying a broken sword? Now that sounds like an excellent conversion oportunity, one i very much hope you can pull off!


I'm liking you models so far but think the spikey crescents on the vincator+siege shield look a bit out of place.



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yes i agree it would ook pretty sweet, but then again, i still have a ways to go before i can start convertinganything on him. I still have a whole battlecompany to complete :)


And as for the vindicator. i do agree that it seems slightly out of place. But irl it looks better, as it makes the vindicator bulkier and makes it look heavier and more brutal. and anyway, i am a fan of spikes, so i will put them wherever i can fidn a spot as long as it doesnt look to execessive





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  • 2 weeks later...

so hi ppl,

havnt psoted anything for a while, but as long as modelling goes, i have been building more squads.


i now have 2 complete squads and a 3rd 75% done in being built. Then also i have looked around at home and i have seen that i have enough pieces to make another few i think, and i cant remeber if i have mentioned this, and im too lazy to read :P but i also have to devastator squads now :lol:


C&C welcome ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi people, forgive my incolence and laziness, havnt been able to post latley, been very very busy, anyway, i now finally have the time, and i finally have started to paint some stuff. i have started to paint up the first devastator squad and my 1st tactical squad, neither of which, are completely done yet, so remeber, both squads are very WIP :)..........I have started to paint the bases for my ravenwing aswell, and well yeah, been doing things here and there. a bit of everything, so yes, anyway, here is just a small update of what i have done in the past few weeks since my last post :)

C&C welcome :)


This is the base for my terminator librarian which will be coming up soon, he is now under construction :P


my devastators, these 3 are now pretty much finished ...... just a few minor touchups here and there

(does anybody have any tips on painting the glow for the plasma?)


A close up of the plasma........


so here is the tactical squad.


here is a close up of my combi melta, although i think i will only use it as a normal bloter in games


tactical squad again


sorry for the picture quality, much of the stuff that is actually on the model is very hard to see on the pictures, for example, i have mentioned earleir that this army will focus my painting skills on the weathering of the model, and thats really difficult to show with my camera in such small detail. but i mean, hopefuly you guys get the idea


Till next time



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Nice work so far Danny, some very cool ideas there... I have a couple of questions for you

First off, what are you using for the paint scheme? it's very subtle right now, but I'm liking it a lot.

Second, what are you using for this guys shoulder pad?


I'm assuming the spikes are added after the fact, but how did you do it?

Keep up the good work



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hmm i thought that most fallen didn't actually serve chaos , they're just travellers and are mistaken for raiders. They defend themselves and kill the enemy word gets out and everyone thinks they're monsters.

Though of course there are some who are monsters :P .like the two who accompanied astelan before tarsis and him getting captured by chaplain boreas and tortured and eventuall getting put in a cell with luther.


(sorry i tend to ramble :P )

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Thanks guys for the kind words so far ;) gives me inspiration to continue :P




Actually those spikes on that guys shoulder pad are not added. his shoulder pad is from the csm possessed squad. Theere is a whole bunch of awesome stuff in there, especailly shoulder pads. I have used them here and there on some other mariens aswell, and they will be posted soon :)


also, paint scheme is very simple.


1. black undercoat

2. boltgun metal on metal areas

3. Wash with a few layers of Gryphonne Sepia(about 3 or 4), one layer of Devlan mud, and a very watered down layer of badab black

4. Then pick out the edges with boltgun metal again to make it look like scratches,

5. and for the armour, just pretty much basic highlighting over black. and try to add some scratches here and there on the armour :)





His weapon is from the new chaos warriors from the fantasy range :) There is a whole lot of awesome things that you can use in those boxes. They look really sweet and especially if you want your models to look sorta pre-heresyish ;) hahahaha






Dont you worry, i ramble aswell :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi people. sorry i havnt posted anything in a while. I have been really busy lately. No time to take pictures or paint really. Have made very little progress that doesnt seem to be of value to photograph at the moment......will post it later :P but i have a question, and honestly........almost all ideas are welcome to answering this. as long as they arnt to silly ;)


i was thinking of making a retinue, and this retinue wont be used in games..........it will just be more a dynamic piece that i will make into a bit of a more "showcase" thingy. and bascially i was wondering if anybody had any ideas of any models that i can use in the retinue???? i have been looking keenly through the witch hunters and deamon hunters stuff. they have a few interesting things. but i would like to know what other people think i should essentially include in the retinue and also......what models i could use??? If you have have any conversion ideas then please feel free to propose them as i am fairly comfortable with conversions so..........let your fantasies run wild and let me know what you people think :)





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