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assault terminators


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Lightning claws trump hammer and sheild vs T5 and below (read just about all infantry). Hammer and sheild trump claws vs T6 and above and vs vehicles and vs multiwound models T8 and bellow without eternal warior (aka if the hammer can instant kill it). The hamers are twice as durable vs ap2 shooting attacks and power weapon attacks however, this means if you dont have a way to transport your termies to the target hammers are often better as they are less likely to get shot up on the way.


In a vacume if you had lightning claw termies fight hammer termies, the victor would be the one who gets the charge, however if neither get the charge lightning claws win, handedly. They also have a much larger margine of victory when they have the charge than the hammers do when hammers charge.


Personaly I like about a 3/2 mix of claws/hammers, the claws are better at killing things the hammers die slower and allow you to threaten vehicles. Simply alocate the ap2/1 wounds to the hammers so they can take there 3++.

I like to use full man squads of Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield Termies only because I use them for hunting annoying multi wound units like Nobs on bikes. I just think that even if I have lightning claws in the group I'd only take a few wounds of the Nobs tops due to thier annoying toughness and multiple wounds, so they will hit back regardless. I like to see that any wound I make will instant-death a Nob instead of letting the unit carry one wound each before modals are taken off. But if I was to take them with no particular targets in mind (like no multi-wound modals) I would mix them up abit with more hammers than claws.
For me, having to roll 5s on the wound roll generally means I won't get many wounds, if any at all. I like needing a flat 2+ on anything I attack (baring a few exceptions, of course). Plus, if you've got AP2/power-weapon hits coming your way, odds are there'll be more coming than you can allocate to your TH/SS termies if you're running a mixed squad. And, of course, if you've got Vulkan, that only further amps up their lethality.

I try to fit in as many charactors as possible to go with my terminator squad, so far I have only used Pedro for his extra attack special rule to go with them, but if I had enough points I would fit in a chaplain with Pfist/TH for re rolls on the charge.


I wonder what other combinations there are when mixing special charactors with special units (not just termies but other killy units like Grey Knights for example), some examples and brief explainations why they are so deadly would let us know what is the most popular.

I usually run 5 Thunder Hammer / Storm Shield Terminators with a pair of Lightning Claw Terminators. This still leaves me a spot in my Land Raider Crusader for a Chaplain or other support IC. The Lightning Claw Terminators are insurance against hordes of light infantry, as the best way to keep Terminators alive is to kill as many as possible before they get to swing at you. The other nice thing: against normal, non-power-weapon attacks, you can assign wounds to your Terminators wearing Lighting Claws (who, against most enemy infantry, will either be attacking at the same time as or before the enemy), allowing the heavy Thunder Hammer / Storm Shield Terminators to survive to strike, ensuring you get the maximum number of wounds against your enemy and making them pay dearly for each Terminator they kill.

Imagine this: 7 TH/SS - Termis in a Crusader. Along with Pedro and Vulkan (or a Chaplain, might be cheaper, really, and do pretty much the same). Carnage INC :-D


Also, that would be a giant pointsink, I know. I just thought it might be the most expensive and devastating assault any unit in the game could dish out ^^

I used a 5 TH/SS Termie squad with Vulkan and Lysander, all in a Crusader, in a pair of recent tournaments, and they pretty much annihilated anything they came into contact with. Yeah, that's a points-sink, but they earned 'em back and then some in virtually every game.


The nice part is, there's a bunch of different ways to enhance them even further with the addition of certain HQ choices. A Chaplain and some LC Termies for re-rolls on everything will certainly guarantee quite a few wounds. Vulkan makes all those TH's master-crafted, which definitely helps. Pedro gives the extra attack, and a Librarian's Null Zone will help ensure daemons die like Guardsmen.


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